• If Only

    I wish I could have you back. I wish I could have told you how I felt. I just wish I could regain your trust. If only I could. Oh if only.

    I tried everything but you wouldn't budge. We were really over. Talking to a best friend one night he said you really missed me. He said you had been miserable without the person you claimed to be like a sister to but you couldn't forgive this not this time.

    I wish I could have you back. I wish I could have told you how I felt. I just wish I could regain your trust. If only I could. Oh if only.

    Now sitting in my room hoping that phone will ring and your voice will say, "I've missed you." then we'd talk for hours like we use to but I know it won't happen not this time.

    I wish I could have you back. I wish I could have told you how I felt. I just wish I could regain your trust. If only I could. Oh if only.