• My life is fading. Its blending into one odscure mass of life.
    Every day is starting to blend into the next.
    Day after day getting lost in the mush.
    One second i'm waiting for the weekend, the next its the middle of the week.
    Time is no loger a factor in life. I'm actualy loosing time.
    In the present it seems so long but i know in a week it will feel like yesterday.
    Every day is the same. Boring. Droll.
    I'm afraid to look down and find my self years later.
    I the only way to mark time is holidays, but those are gone before I relise.
    Is this all a dream? When will i wake?
    Death is not the answer. Death is the enemy.
    So i will continue the blend. Dilute. Till I waste away.
    Unless i wake. If I wake.