• If just one more time
    Just one more day
    That I could spend by your side
    Knowing that you back again with me

    Me just wishing that
    The pain would be gone
    So I won’t feel
    The scars in my heart

    Digging my whole
    I was in this game called love
    That when you lose
    You lose more than a chance

    You lose a
    Piece of your heart
    And there is a pain
    That will remain

    For sometime
    Just itching you
    In the heart
    And scratching you scars

    Making you remember the past,
    But then you see there is a light
    Which are memories and friends
    Making your pain and your loneliness

    To be gone,
    And making your day happy
    For they are the smile,
    The smile that you will need for ever