Word is such a strong stalker. It's a letter
    four remark like life love s**t ********.
    It's the difference between being correctly
    political and politically correct. It's using the wrong
    word at the right time, and always watching you language
    thereafter. The dyslexic disturbance keeping document
    in word, spelling in check, semantics in syntax.
    It's vulnerable, volatile, diseased, dangerous, dying,
    living, lying, laughing, crying, cursing, serving, saving,
    slaving, ruling, rebelling, revolutionizing religion,
    blessing backward forward upside downside inside
    outside six feet under and ten feet up. Confusing
    highs for lows, stresses for syllables, drums for beats.
    It can be deleted, whited out, and burned
    away. Polluting the world and choking the air
    with intangible force. Turning peace
    into unrest, unrest into action, action into war,
    and war into a fairy tale, where one side
    is always right and the other immoral,
    where each death is justified and the unnamed
    remain nameless, immortalized in the collective
    unconscious where heroes and villains, goods and evils,
    soldiers and terrorists are one and the same, their lives,
    deaths and everything in between are reduced down
    to letters, numbers, characters, and symbols.
    Word lies in a grave somewhere marked