• Polemical View
    Its just a polemical view
    Feel him folding into himself
    A division of splitting of cards
    Used to living within ourselves

    What the point of a question?
    When you only receive
    Half-baked apocalyptic answers
    Given a choice, it grows like cancer
    Its just a polemical view
    I don't know how to reach you.

    Painful music of so many dreams
    Begins to play, carries a sting
    Supporting creative Offspring
    Struggling with force to see
    Things that struck a chill in me
    Disappearing of light
    Element of darkness
    Grave weakness
    Running through me
    I wished I could see
    as others see.

    As currents get connected
    Matters at which to be arranged
    More I search
    More questions I have.
    Headaches to paranoia
    Acting on my liver by virtue of this
    Lives in seclusion in this vicinity
    The science of fortifying
    Others recall a dimensional identity
    Words to describe this personal
    Yet common perception.

    What the point of the question?
    When you only receive
    Half-baked apocalyptic answers
    Given a choice it grows like cancer.
    Its just a polemical view
    I don't know how to reach you.

    By the passage of breath
    Biting my bottom lip
    An important subtext of a statement
    You have really enhanced my life
    Thus the cliche
    Upon acts, upon acts of creation
    A simple life saving medication.