• ok so i was too late for it all.

    i had a fall

    can i get up?

    i can.

    i dont want to.

    oh well.

    it just wasnt meant to be.

    so i have to move on up.

    i have to see it personally but i know i have to move on.

    but i just wont admit the truth when it is hitting me on the face.

    how lame.

    i feel lame

    everybody is lame

    i am lame. no im not im just late


    that hurt

    it really did.

    i hope it will heal

    nah i dont really mean it

    oh well too bad so sad

    i fell and i cant get up

    and she wont help

    she wont help at all

    she is like a splinter

    making any movement hurts worse

    so ill just stay in the shape im in to see

    see what?

    i dont know

    and i dont care

    and i want to care

    but the blew from the fall

    it really hurt