• you fell far below
    the standerds
    fell down to where everyone loses it all
    you thought it would never happin
    but you fell right where i live
    the place between
    somebody and nobody
    you fell far below

    people like you never fall
    they always trip
    but never fall
    but you fell far below
    and now its up to me?
    to help you get back?
    people like you
    alienate unless for
    selfish intentions
    so befor i help you escalate
    "why are you so far below?"

    " your so far below for someone?
    if theres one thing if learned
    no one will like you if they dont like you
    so never go changing becouse you want something
    if its over a boy dont camafloge yourself
    to hunt the pray
    becuse they always know something is there"

    your a somebody but you want a nobody
    so you want me to change you to a nobody?
    if been here befor
    we "nobodys" as you "somebodys" call us
    never get a true girl
    unless they start a "nobody"
    so no, im not changing you
    never chnage youself for someone
    if they dont like you for you never chase them
    even if you "love" them
    becouse they will never love YOU
    they will love what you have twisted and changed into
    witch you will lose what you had and gain nothing
    so dont change over ANYBODY
    even if your told its a change for the better
    live your life as you
    and not what they want you to be!
    dont fall far below yourself to find what you wish to be