• My inner subconscious argues with my mind and soul its telling me this is pointless and your going to get yourself killed. The inner demon within me also tells me to get vengeance and to get vengeance you need to kill and let others suffer and feel your pain...which one is truly right?, who can i believe?, How can i trust myself if i am not myself?. The images that plague my mind are so repetitive and oh so monotonous it feels like I want to die not knowing the true answer . But a face of the past has return yet again I have entered a parallel world as if I am really there again. I panic and yet I dont I cry but i dont shed a tear. What do all of this mean? I stand before a figure which seems to be myself and this person who is suppose to be me looks enlightened and calm. Does this mean I am suppose to be like this? or is this a vision of the outcome if I continue to go on. Now I'm sure of what to do Final rush was the name of the enlightened me and if destiny says thats what I am I have to follow and from that the path continues.