• Much like the tree that's dying,
    our own world will fade away.
    Try to find solice in the darkness.
    Or in the light of another day.

    And with white swirling, the crying masses,
    whom cannot see through the smoke.
    Their cities burn, oh how so tragic,
    And they are losing all their hope.

    So stand with me and which the buildings fall,
    much like the trees that die in cold.
    Then break.
    And Say.
    "This never happens not at all"
    But we are standing still and watching.
    With bloodshot eyes that sting from cold.
    Suffer the children, and the hungry.
    Let starve the parents and the old.

    And so I watched that dead tree's final regret.
    And I never shed a tear,
    For there is a ray of hope on the sunset.
    There is hope for us here.

    So stand with me and watch the people smile,
    much like the flowers grown in spring.
    Are one.
    When the day.
    Is done.
    Stay with me now and sit a while
    The snow will fall but we are warm.
    And be thankful for the flame.
    For we hold the hope for the furture.
    Or we are we ont all to blame?

    Much like the dead trees fall in winter,
    breathe a heavy sigh.
    All you can really do is say goodnight, and wonder.
    If that tree rises again in the spring.