• You were no stranger to the rain
    Especially the rain in late spring
    Even though it seems all the same.

    Nonetheless, you walked through
    Taking in the falling scented tears
    That made the faint smirk smile.

    No roads were ahead or behind
    As your followed your own path
    Letting the music rewind in your head.

    You didn't care about the scent
    Of sun-kissed and nature twined rain
    You just knew where you had to be.

    It was without hesitation the heart raced
    Your found your voice within the pitter patter
    Despite the glowing flares of lightning overheard
    And the roaring blazes of thunder following suit.

    Your fear diminished as the scent stuck to you
    It seemed to fit you well like another identity
    As your heartbeat became piercing with feeling
    What was it, this- unrestrained emotion of unknown?

    You didn't know and neither did the falling rain
    You shrugged it off despite the subtle serious fact:
    That you bonded with something beyond your touch.