• Silver Tongue

    By: Brianna Clarkson

    His voice filled with song

    Throat heavy with words

    Tongue light with spell

    7777He sings a happy mournful song

    a happy lie.

    7777what is from his lips casts a spell on the moonlit sky.

    When he casts his loving song the stars above look down and whisper in his ear,

    ''Oh, how lovely is your deep sweet voice floating in the morning air,''

    He sings a spell into the air

    and all who hear him think and say,

    ''Oh, perfect gentleman sing, more sing, sing more.''

    Though voice beautiful,yes, but what no one hears is inside of his soul is the


    Fear of


    that all how look to him thinking he can fly

    May one day find that he is just fallen broken fallen angel wishing he could soar.

    But still he casts a spell into the moonlit breeze, hypnotizes anyone who's near,

    All who hear him are spellbound from his song of pain and cry.

    An Entrancer

    A Magician

    A Fraud

    7777For his musical poem does not please him

    But makes him filled with deep dark sorrow,

    but he will keep on saying his spell to please another's hearing, site and cry.

    7777When he wakes from his sleepless slumber

    he hums his way out outside

    were he entrances the lilies and the willows to bow before his song.

    7777''Oh, how lovely is the singing bird when his singing his tune.''

    Words obey the fibber.

    His voice filled with song

    Throat heavy with words

    Tongue light with spell