• The moonlight dissipated as she came
    Her glorious robes shone like starlight
    As she danced along the way
    Glistening as she came into sight
    The mortals eyes were filled with awe
    As this treasure fell from the violet sky
    Eyes in disbelief of what they saw
    “These mortal organs must surely lie!”
    This thought rambled through their heads
    As she approached them with grace
    They thought surely they were dead
    Since this beauty would go to waste
    If she were only flesh & bone
    Her warm body would disintegrate
    Her amber eyes would turn to stone
    So the reality was to anticipate
    She danced to them with angelic steps
    Her radiant smile made them all choke
    And from her sweet lilac breath
    They heard these words beautifully spoke,
    “I am the maiden of the night
    To come and dazzle you all
    Though in the day I am a fright
    At this hour I may stand tall
    I walk along the shadow’s path
    Lit only by my own eyes
    But when I’m provoked by Nature’s path
    I’ll venture into your mortal side
    I have to come to take my life
    That once long ago I owned
    So prepare yourself for a beautiful fright
    This party is now mine alone!”
    The devious angel danced along
    She found what she was looking for
    And to the tune of some melancholy song
    She made her dress crimson and worn
    Yet the shadows called her back again
    So she took an ever-so graceful flight
    Which made her thirst worse than then
    As she faded into the jet black night.