• Running in no direction
    I suddenly lose momentum
    For now I drift alone
    Lost in a darkling sky
    I turn and turn about
    But I find upon reflection
    Maybe I haven’t moved at all
    I lay down to rest
    Only to find the rising sun
    Moon and sun dance about
    And I fear I am dreaming
    You’re standing before me
    Arms opened wide
    Won’t you come and hold me?
    I begin to weep
    And my tears turn to stars
    Held high above
    While I watch below
    You lay wrapped in stars
    Smiling so serenely
    Your gentle eyes watch me
    Telling me to hold on
    Day is breaking soon
    But I want to stay forever
    Locked inside the embrace
    Of swiftly breaking night
    So please don’t make me leave
    I won’t go without you
    You’re lost to me once
    Twice will destroy me
    Stay with me through this night
    Morning is too cruel
    Showing where you were
    Reminding me you’re gone
    Half moon shine on me
    Light up the side the smiles
    And hide the half that weeps
    Dear moon, hide my grief tonight
    So that not even I can find it.