• Emptiness of the deepest abyss,
    nothing was here, nothing I would miss.
    I hold my dreams in my hands,
    crumbling them up like empty cans.
    Let's see how far we've come,
    after all the hours we're running from.

    Tell me after all we're running from,
    don't you wonder what we'll become.
    Nothing here to chain me down again,
    I'm afraid I'm gonna take off from this.

    And I'm not gonna look back from this,
    everything is falling into the same abyss.
    Nothing here I think I'm gonna miss,
    maybe the taste of your bitter sweet lips.

    Everything was just an awful dream to me,
    it just so happens I'm breaking free.

    Even if all the lights are blown out,
    even if the only sun goes down;
    I'll never be without you again.

    Sorry you can't understand me that way,
    too bad so sad there's no way I'll ever change.

    Bring the rain to wash my pain away,
    starving for the only one I can't save.

    There's no way I'll come to you today,
    I don't want you to see me fade away.

    What an unjust and wasted thing to say,
    so I'm just gonna take this all away.

    Goodbye so beautiful day,
    you've lost me along the way.
    So sorry I can't even stay,
    I don't deserve you anyway.