• What I think of You
    This life may not be fruitful
    Yet you are still here breathing

    As I am here thinking
    I want to talk to you
    In any situation; good or bad

    I will let you push me away as I do to others
    Because I am not strong in my core
    We both are unstable, our mirrors are cracked
    Yet our mirrors have not yet shattered because you are still here
    But in my mind I still want to reach you somehow
    We push each other away to be independent

    We look fine on the surface because of our mirrors
    I search for those people, but I have no real heart to speak
    All I want is you to hear; open your ears
    Open your eyes; a light will show
    Even if there is darkness, darkness doesn't exist without light

    Your words stay with you as you read this
    A part of your mind says it's not worth getting involved
    Because you say you are fine with it

    She is talking about other people, not Me...

    My true self is this...
    On the surface is my false self
    I will admit that at least

    May my mirror shatter
    May my life disappear
    I will not be able to find you
    Nor will you find me

    Unless we connect with one another
    Upon that mirror beyond that door
    If I reach, I won't be able to do it alone
    If you reach as well, we will be able to

    But right now...we are apart
    The other doesn't choose to participate

    Whatever the decision
    Whatever the choice
    It is yours

    It's bad that I accept this...
    But a start that I have turned the knob
    And I'm ready to listen
    Even if I don't understand everything it's fine
    It's better than not knowing anything at all

    If you don't want to talk
    Then all I need is to know that you are there

    No matter what you look like
    No matter what differences we have
    There has to be at least one commonality between us
    For our scars are not always hidden
    Even if they’re not visible

    I don’t mind if I hold you in my dreams
    But in reality I won’t unless you are my loved one