• twisted The evil thing,
    Is a creature that lives in a book.
    A book filled with hate.
    Its cursed to live in eternal darkness.
    Buy the book but do not read it or else.
    The evil thing.
    A creature with two heads,
    It mait look like one but its not.
    One head drinks your blood,
    The other eats your flesh.
    Its babies chew your bones.
    It lives were you least expect.
    Dont look for it or it will look for you.
    Now you know were it goes.
    Down the silling lets go.
    If you find something bring it back.
    If you find it you might not come back.
    Dont run, dont hide or it will find you no matter what.
    If you run it wont hesitate.
    It will find you everywhere,
    Even in your thoughts.
    Dont dream about it or else.
    Dont talk about it, dont think about it,
    Or it will become real.
    Until next time. twisted

    Dont think, talk or dream about it.
    Dont read about it.
    Do it and the last thing youll see will be the red eyes of the evil thing.
    Now, Good Night, Hahahahahaha twisted rofl twisted rofl