• A genius, your creator
    She has managed to create perfection
    In you.
    Volumptuous, curvatious
    Decorated with sparkles and colours
    And carved with deep lines of
    Wisdom, focus, and strength of heart.
    So perfect you seem outside
    As flawed as you indeed may be
    In ways which I cannot see;
    Proud lip
    Long thin neck
    Confident, full, decorated body
    And the sweetest foot
    Slender, careful, in small pointed heels
    Like a little princess
    Yet heavy and strong
    And you can tell
    But only when you explore by touch.
    It's then that you feel the
    And textures
    That give life to you.
    It's when you explore by hand that you are
    Uncontrollably drawn inside
    In your heart
    In your belly
    Where the light doesn't easily reach
    Where the real character hides.
    Spirals, waves
    Marks where careful fingers turned you from
    A part of the foundation of life,
    The earth,
    Into a means for inspiration
    So we can live with that little electricity,
    That little fire,
    That keeps everything spinning.