• heart L-O-V-E A word of four letters and a single syllable, yet disregarding the dullness of its morphology, it has surged through time, moved nations, touched souls, broken hearts, goaded sorows and even taken lives. Some called it magical, for others CRUEL ;it might give clarity but at times ambiguity. For one it tastes sweet , for another i taste bitter, for one it brings laughter, for another it brings tears. A million more adjective later , LOVE remains unexplainable mystery, an enigma within an enigma a labyrinth you can never solve. Such power in a single syllable, such effect in a single emotion , such effort in a single expression emo , and such pain in a single MISTAKE . - Who would bow down in awe before the miraculous blessing and the merciless curse of love ?

    LOVE is the smallest and SIMPLEST things in life which come from the heart and make you and the people around you happy smile

    To be Continued ..... biggrin