• I just love how they push her around because she's different. How they think they can bully her for being who and what she is. People fear what they don't understand, and they hate what they fear, YET they refuse to try and understand. I love how they tease her and lie to her, leading her on. I've watched her cry time after time. Living on false hope, trying to find her superman, but getting lost in the crowd.
    She'll never be a princess, never have a crown or her own kingdom. She stares in the mirror every night, trying to figure out what's wrong with her, why she can't be pretty or popular. She'll ponder for nights on end. Always questioning why she's still living when she has no friends, no one to rely on when s**t hits the fan. She sits and watches all the pretty people, wondering what their lives are like. She tried to put herself in their place, to see what it's like to have people actually 'love' her.
    Her dreams were crushed that following day. The guy she'd always been in love with, since 6th grade, went to sit by her. She couldn't stop smiling and giggling, thinking she was on top of the world and that things couldn't get any better. They talked for that lunch period and the next day it was the same. She thought things were going so great. The third day came, and he didn't show up so she sloughed it off like it was nothing. A week passed and then he finally came back to sit with her. They started talking again and he started laughing, she asked what was so funny, and then he ripped her heart out.
    Boy: "Whoa, wait. You actually though I liked you?"
    Girl: "Well, yeah..It was all a lie?"
    Boy: "Well duh! Who would like you?"

    She stood and gathered her things, hearing the girls and boys laugh at her as she sulked away. Trying to bottle everything up, pretending to be ok. Walking home, she ran to her room and locked the door, Started to scream and dropped to the floor. Nothing could describe her feelings or regret. She never thought it could be worse until she had heard her computer bing, she had a new email.
    It was hate mail. She threw the monitor, hearing it shatter against the wall, her parents raced to her room, she barricaded her door to keep the outside world at bay. She sat at the end of her bed, crying in silence, thinking about all the hurtful things they said. The laughs echoed in her head

    --Will finish later--