anon: Hey babe
cerebralassasin34: hello.
anon: well darlin i was just wonderin
anon: why B U T T E R
anon: is censored
anon: and asser isn't
anon: Doesnt that seem abit...
anon: redundant
anon: ?
cerebralassasin34: eh the censor is a bit sketchy,
cerebralassasin34: they are looking into it.
anon: Ah i see
anon: well babe
cerebralassasin34: smile
anon: i'd bring that up at the next staff meeting.
anon: that i can't say b u t t e r
cerebralassasin34: indeed.
cerebralassasin34: lolz
anon: but
anon: i can say asser
anon: >.<
cerebralassasin34: lame indeed.
cerebralassasin34: never knew butter was bad.
anon: How do i sign up deary?
anon: oh it's the worst apperntly
cerebralassasin34: sign up darling.
anon: worse than asser
anon: V.V
cerebralassasin34: ive heard asser is ok.
cerebralassasin34: haha.
anon: o.O
anon: Well whatever trips your trigger darlin.
cerebralassasin34: stirs my kool aid.
anon: what ever rubs your buddah so they say
cerebralassasin34: razz
anon: do you have a girlfriend or a life?
anon: oops
anon: wife*
cerebralassasin34: haha nope.
anon: to all three?
cerebralassasin34: a life though.
anon: was gonna say xD
cerebralassasin34: razz
cerebralassasin34: many have asked me out >.<
cerebralassasin34: i had real pics displayed.
cerebralassasin34: not anymre razz
cerebralassasin34: too mant stalkers.
anon: Hopefully in person you never know what hot 40yr old homosexuals are out there.
anon: and by hot i mean
anon: Roundy.
anon: xD
cerebralassasin34: im athletic bodied.
anon: sounds hot.
cerebralassasin34: smile
anon: well that tends to happen in the millitary darlin
cerebralassasin34: not in military wink
anon: Alpha Company 2nd Platoon Leader
cerebralassasin34: lolz
anon: copy and pasted
anon: in what COD MW?
anon: xD
cerebralassasin34: thats a brigade on chatango dear.
cerebralassasin34: mw2 is awesome razz
anon: Thats the lamest most terrible thing i've ever heard.
cerebralassasin34: lolz
cerebralassasin34: ill show you a pic of me.
anon: Oh will you now?
cerebralassasin34: wait your a girl right?
anon: Come now
cerebralassasin34: ive been hit on by guys >.<
anon: would i be speaking to a male calling him darlin?
anon: come come come
anon: Hit on by HOT guys?
anon: or don't you know the differnce
cerebralassasin34: lolz
anon: =]
cerebralassasin34: razz
anon: Those are your stalkers eh?
anon: the men?
anon: xD
cerebralassasin34: oh no.
cerebralassasin34: fangirls.
anon: o.O
cerebralassasin34: they think im the twilight movie or something.
cerebralassasin34: pic is on now btw.
anon: It's all that brigade fame.
anon: xD
cerebralassasin34: lolz
cerebralassasin34: true,
anon: so wait
anon: just refresh the page?
cerebralassasin34: yes,
anon: your headless darlin
cerebralassasin34: lol hang on a sec i have another pic
cerebralassasin34: there
anon: Thats better
cerebralassasin34: lolz
cerebralassasin34: razz
cerebralassasin34: ^^
cerebralassasin34 has logged out
cerebralassasin34 is now online
anon: so is this like html based or
anon: so is this html based web profiles or what?
anon: o.O
anon: keyboard malfunction.
cerebralassasin34: lolz
cerebralassasin34: you can have html yes.
cerebralassasin34: or plain profile.
anon: What weight class are you in?
anon: you look whats the word im looking for
anon: Gorgeous.
anon: xD
cerebralassasin34: im 165
cerebralassasin34: ^^
cerebralassasin34: i have more pics but yeah lol
cerebralassasin34: ill show you one other.
anon: I'll have to get some pics on a profile to pay you back then
cerebralassasin34: indeed smile
anon: im only 19 turning 20 though so i can't go into bars it's stinkin with
anon: -.-
cerebralassasin34: lolz
cerebralassasin34: im 21.
cerebralassasin34: smile
anon: Saw that.
cerebralassasin34: new pic.
anon: =]
anon: o.O
anon: your nakie!
cerebralassasin34: haha close to it.
anon: how tall are you?
anon: you look skinny for 165
anon: should be gettin fed right for being in the south
cerebralassasin34: 6 1
anon: explains it.
cerebralassasin34: muscles weighs a lot you know smile
anon: more then fat.
cerebralassasin34: indeed.
anon: unless you have alot of it
anon: like
anon: DAYUM
anon: alot.
cerebralassasin34: haha
anon: then it's questionable
cerebralassasin34: make an account dear
anon: were it says get your own?
cerebralassasin34: set name.
cerebralassasin34: brb dear,
cerebralassasin34: >.<
- by ilovedinosuars |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/09/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Brother pranks chatango mod
- Artist: ilovedinosuars
My big brother (19yrs) pranks a mod that didn't help him because he was anon, the previous day on one of my anime chats, responded to the female anon the next day pretty well you'd say eh everyone?
He got restricted for 10 mins after the last line lolz. - Date: 07/09/2010
- Tags: brother pranks chatango
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