Your there when it happens
not really a part
soon you are
girls notice the weird looks on your face
circle you, surround you,
beg you to tell,
it's not your secret, but now you have possesion of it
and when the owner of that secret won't break,
they hope you will
and slowly you crack, things leak out
a day later 12 people know
when yesterday it was only 3
your gossip loving friend
knows somethings up, is hungry to find out,
she pleads, calls you names, tells the world your no longer her friend,
but you know you can't trust her with it
she hates you now
at ten a night you get emails
emails spilling guilt and hate, fury, and sorrow, and questions
you don't have any answers
your friend acuses, stabs you with words you thought she'd never use
randomly throws your friendship in there
fills in things she doesn't know with lies
she has another source, someone whos shell is too easily cracked
and you are washed
washed away by the feroucious waves of emotion
you crumple under the weight of the secret
and how it all went wrong.

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