At last! I felt like I was at the top of my young life. Living the happiest of stages known to adolescence. I had it all... with struggle, but I had what I wanted. I assist an expensive and prestigious academy. I have the clothes I want. I have permission to go wherever I want whenever I want. I have friends whom I love with all my guts. I have a family whom I'd give an arm, a leg, or my very head just for their safety. I lived life to it's full extent, not caring about what might have lurked in the shadows. I feared nothing for nothing was wrong. And when I wanted something, I'd work hard and get it myself... and you know... I was happy.
My little brother... he uh... has weak body and he gets sick easily but... oh God. You should just see him. He's always so happy and playful and cheerful... it makes you think about how can there possibly be one bad thing in this world...
I fear... he might die.
He would always get sick... but never to the extent of hospital need... and when he did, he looked so... lifeless. That one-year-old... with tubes all around his body... in a hospital bed... crying for his mother... when she herself was sick too and couldn't be with him.
I'd look at him and fight against my tears. So pale... so weak... so... him.
He wouldn't eat. He would yank the tubes and would refuse to take his therapy. He'd cried for me to help him but I couldn't. It was for his own good.
And that's not the worst.
As time passed, my brother returned to normal (If you could call it that) thanks to God, I assume. And my life was barely getting reestablished once again to it's usual course and then, one day after school, the news hit. My mom lost her job and we were on the verge of bankruptcy.
List of things that had to be canceled because of the loss of job:
- Internet
- New clothes
- Graduation
- Birthday
- My brother's birthday
- Baby's arrival (My mom was pregnant)
- My school
(I'm not even going to finish the list)
My dad, he moved out when I was one and my mom got remarried (Both my brothers are half brothers) so the only thing my dad does is pass some money for me but... he's sort of an ignorant and according to the judge, besides that money that he passes (Which are $700) he has to pay half of my school registration fee which is... $150 or so (and that's just half. I'm not sure exactly how much it is and I don't want to know unless I want to end up with myself) but my dad thinks that it's all included in the 700 that he passes and it's not. Like I said... ignorant.
Just today (April 9 2010), I received a notice from the school reminding me that the spaces are almost full and if I don't register soon, I wont be able to get in. My dad and his self-righteousness refuse to pay more than that... and if I don't enroll by the next two week... bye bye academy.
You have no idea. I worked hard to get into that school. I cracked my ********, used up brain just to get their. And it's not only the fact that all my efforts will be in vain or that I wont be able to enroll in any other school that pains me... it's the fact that I've made friends and memories and I'm not ready to give them up.
So why the ******** am I the one stuck with this? I worked hard for what I have and it's not fair for it all to be ripped apart from me. I used to be the star, the MVP, but when life strikes back, there ain't no dodging it.
I pray to God to help me in every way. To help my brother. To help my dad.
When life strikes
Fantastic Nightmares
It hits you hard.
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its a long stony i know but...
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about a young teens misery
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