• Well...I Don't Quite Know How To Start This Out
    I Never Thought Anyone Would Care Enough To Read About Me..
    It Was The Summer Of 08
    I Just Turned 14
    Not To Long Ago.
    I Always Thought You Could Become More Mature
    From The Change In Your Age
    And Never Sheading An Emotion Of Sadness
    Or Being Happy Just An Old Boring Adult..
    And Pretending To Be Oh So Smart
    Using Long Words With Small Meanings To Them
    But Having No Clue With They Mean Half The Time
    Just Doing So To Impress Some One
    I've Always Wanted To Impress This One Guy
    Of Course I'm Not Sure Why I Was In Like With Him
    I Guess You Could Say Not In Love Quite Yet
    But Everytime I Spoke To Him Or Talked Or Thought About Him
    I Smelt...Pop Corn.....Don't Ask..
    He'll Never Think I Could Be Anymore Then A Child..
    Then Again I Happen In Suprise Myself Everyday
    Weather Its Opening A Door With My Left Hand Instead Of My Right
    Or Going Gaga Over A Guy Who Doesn't Give A Damn
    Every Young Girls Life I'm Sure
    Well Let's Carry On Shall We?
    My Sister My Mom And I
    Went To Ohio For The Week
    To Visit My Aunt Jean
    Shes A Very Out Going Woman I Guess
    It's Hard To Describ A Person Like Her
    Well She's One Of A Kind
    We Went To The Park For Some Beauitful Nature
    We Got Smog And Screaming Spoiled Childern Instead

    I Blasted ''Room Of Angel''
    Though My Head Phones From ''The Silent Hill Sound Track'' Didn't Seem To Help Much
    I Was Swining Ignoring Everything Eles Around Me
    Of Course A Guy Was Looking At Me Like I Was On Fire burning_eyes
    He Was Kinda Cute To
    I Keep Looking Then Looking Away Fliping My Hair All
    Preppy Like Asking Myself Repeatly ''What The Hell Are You Doing?!''
    gonk scream stressed sweatdrop

    I Looked Over And Saw My Aunt Pulling Up The Parking Lot I Was Gonna Show Off One More Time xd
    But I Showed Off Alright Big Time All Eyes Were On Me
    Of Course Liked I Wanted Them To
    I Got What I Was Asking For I Guess
    I Had Jumped High Off My Swing
    My Head Phones Got Rapped Around The Swing Pretty Much Broke My Neck Right There
    I Landed Hard On The Ground Couldn't Move For At Least 5 Mintues
    Everyone Was Laughing And Poniting

    I Looked Down At My Knee But I Felt Everyone Was Looking Down On Me
    I Opened My Eyed Barely Saw A Shadow Standing Beside Me I Looked Up It Was That Guy
    I Guess You All Saw That Coming
    I Blushed Girly Like
    He Held Out His Hand Like I Was His Queen Such A Handsome Well Behaved Man
    I'm Surprised Theres Still Some Of Thoes Left
    I Looked Into His Eyes..Most Amazing Shade Of Blue I've Ever Seen
    They Sparkled In The Sun Light
    I Couldn't Help But Stare I Took His Hand Felt Like An Amazing Bolt Of Energy
    Went Though Me I Wanted To Move In Closer
    So I Did..
    Looking At Each Detil Of His Face
    I Bet I looked Like A Moron But I Didn't Care We Just Looked At Each Other For
    Felt Like The Longest Time
    It Could've Gone On Forever As Far As I Cared
    But Figures Some One Had To Come And Ruin It....

    Thats All XD
    If You Wanna Know More Tell Me And I'll Get Part 2
    x] Thanks For Reading