Happy Birthday: His Remnants
Happy Birthday. You’re sixteen now; we both are. Don’t think that means I’m gonna forget. You sure as hell won’t, isn’t that right? Isn’t that why you hated me so?
That’s why we haven’t talked in nearly six months. You and your lies, your illusions. The never ending slander that burst from your mouth like Old Faithful. It was about me, it was always about me. You. Us.
When you left me, you condemned me to be what you hoped I wasn’t. A whore. That’s what you told them.
You turned your own girlfriend into a slut. The girl you pretended to love. The girl you gave roses and teddy bears. The girl you swore was special. You made her a slut. She sure as hell wasn’t one before.
Parce que j'aime tu. Remember, novio?
I loved you, I ******** loved you. I gave you everything I had to offer. You were special; you were different.
But now I know you’re not. You’re just another liar. Happy Birthday, by the way.
Stop giving me that dumbfounded expression, of course I know. As your ex its my responsibility to know. What kind of girl doesn’t know her own boyfriend’s birthday?
Does she know? The girl you’re with now? Oh, right. You left her yesterday, didn’t you? b*****d. I bet she’s crying her heart out right now, drowning her pain in a bucket of ice cream. Do you even care what you do to people?
I think she loved you nearly as much as I did. I saw it in her eyes. Mirror. That’s what you are. You just contort your face to reflect whatever your girl is feeling, not even feeling it yourself.
Happy Birthday. What? You want a gift? Have a dime, selfish. (sighs) At least you’re still the way I remember.
What happened between us. That one day. I was the one who persuaded you into that room, into our downfall. I apologize. That guilt is mine. I still defend you, you know. When they try to blame that day on you.
I don’t hate you anymore. I see you for what you are, the good and the bad. I was just as bad as you are, for a time. So low, I sunk. Sunk like a rock in the ocean. Desperate and alone.
She rescued me. You know who she is; my closest friend. You tried to date her but she refused you, remember? Her loyalty to me trumped all your charm.
I was the lucky one, I got help. You stayed the same, unlucky. Jon says you’re falling, spiraling. I would offer my help but you don’t want it.
Happy Birthday.
-A Monologue.
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