Love Interest
Protector(Truly in love w/ Willow)
(womanizer, silly, strong)
*Ceasura-aka Cea
Family (Situation)
*mother is in in-patient care- Winona Smith
*father is abusive- Rye Smith
*Older Brother who isn't known until later in series- Cian Rylie
Willow's mother has a mental sickness which has kept her in the hospital for most of Willow's life. Her brother was born in the mental health ward after the beginning stages of the sickness had taken over. He was taken to a substitute home, but was long forgotten. Her mother left the hospital after recovering and being put on prescription drugs. Two years later, Winona goes into her second pregnancy. She gives birth to a small girl, Willow. After giving birth to Willow, problems began to develop between Winona and her husband, Rye. Winona quit her medications and had a mental breakdown. Her episodes soon began again and she was shipped to the Brai Mental Health Center. Willow's father blamed her for his wife's problems, from whence the abuse began. Willow soon became the target for many of her father's drunken and angry outbursts. Willow began her first school. This is where she met Ceasura, or Cea. Cea was the only person who could break through Willow's hard shell. As they aged, Cea became aware of the situation with Willow's mother, but not about the abuse. Willow and Ceasura finally started junior high, but with a rocky start. Upperclassman, Dion Harris, met the girls at lunch one day and was self-proclaimed the protector of Mrs. Willow Smith. Dion followed the girls around school, making sure that noone would take advantage of Willow and Cea. As the girls became aquainted with their so-called hero, they soon learned about his womanizing habits. A new year rolls around and even though Dion has graduated, he is still able to spend time with them because the high school just happened to have been combined with the junior high over the last summer. The big flirt decided to get very close to Willow. He continued his promiscuous nature, but focused his true feelings on Willow. Willow sees him as no more than a friend, but she sees him as a very close one. Dion bought new wheels from some old junkyard. Despite the outside appearance of the old scrap pile, Dion is confident in his car's potential. He offered to give Willow a ride home one day. Willow happily accepted and jumped in. When they arrived at the house, Willow's father was drunk and verbally attacked both his daughter and Dion. He then tackled Willow and assaulted her. Upset, Dion threatened Mr. Smith. Dion is the now the only person to have learned of Willow's darkest secret. She swore him to secrecy. Dion reluctantly kept it to himself, and from then on, he has tried to protect her, comfort her, and offer her a place to stay. It is now Dion's Senior year of highschool, and is also his last chance to express his inner feelings for Willow. Unfortunately, the competition steps up when Ceasura's family takes in an exchange student from Japan. His name is Sai and he is absolutely beautiful. He and Willow automatically hit it off. His tall stature and mysterious past accent his quiet, and most serious personality. Now it is the class clown versus the mysterious new kid. Who will win the heart of our lovely bachelorette? Who will save Willow from her Hell-on-Earth? Is the chance of recovery for Willow's mom, Winona, good? Well, You will simply have to see for yourselves. Go ahead, take a look into...
The Oxymoronic World Of Willow Smith
Chapter 1 : Willow , Eighth World Wonder
Dear Winona,
It's me, your daughter, Willow. I am real, so please don't confuse me with the "others". I'm sitting at home in my room. It's dark in here, just how I like it. I will be starting my sophmore year at Groves Academy. I'm sorry I havn't been to see you lately. Dad promised he would drop me off last monday, but, well, something came up. I got hurt doing some senseless stunt. That's not important. I did end up with a few stitches near my left eye. Nothing awful, but it will leave a scar. Cea says I should be more careful. Now, If she could only understand. She and Dion stayed with me at the hospital. It was fun because I got to sleep alot with all the drugs they pushed on me.
It's so funny to me, I was barely young enough to remember how you were before your breakdown. Yet, I can't help but feel that I miss the old you. I bet you were happy then. I sometimes sit and daydream about how things could have been. You know, Winona, like I would have probably called you Mom. Dad would have been much kinder, instead he seems a bit bitter. You would have been there to see me walk, talk, make friends, and even witness my eighth grade graduation. Even now, I could come to you about this strange confusion that sits deep within my stomach. No offense, but you can't even figure out the difference between imagination and reality. You're more confused than I am, and I don't remember how old I am half the time. I am so alone, my only joy is knowing that Dion is here for me. Guess what, Winona!... He graduates this year. That leaves just me and Cea. I love Cea, but she barely knows me!
...I'm so sorry, Winona. I didn't mean for that to come out as harsh as it did. I know you can't help your condition. Well, on a lighter note, Ceasura's mother has accepted an exchange student into her home. He arrives sometime next week. He is with some prestigious national organization. Who knows, maybe he will be my type. Listen, Winona, don't quit trying to get out of there. There is still time to renew your life, and our relationship. I want to be able to call you my mom. You have got to stop refusing your medication, and quit fighting the doctors. The more you cooperate, the less you have to endure. I hate visiting you when they've got you all drugged up. I want you to get better. I love you.
Your Daughter,
Willow N. Smith
Willow Niveah Smith: A fifteen-year old student at Groves Academy. Beautiful, long, black locks of thick and wavy hair. About five feet and four inches of slender, yet curvy build. A quiet girl with a creative mind filled with ideas that are blocked with years of family turmoil. A psychotic mother who is being hospitalized, and an abusive father who takes his guilt out on his daughter.
Yes, this is the life of Willow. Her only friends are two unlikely comrades, Ceasura and Dion. Ceasura's parents died when she was five. She is currently staying with her aunt and uncle. Dion is a lone wolf, destined to fail, but determined to succeed. Both friends make-up the only good in Willow's world. At home, Willow feels trapped between two standards.
She feels she must push her mother to show some signs of effort toward getting better. Her mother refuses her medication, and is frequented with episodes of schizophrenia. She is slowly losing her grip on reality. Willow is certain that she can save her mother, Winona. Despite her own well-being, Willow will not give up on her mother.
Her father, Rye, hates anything having to do with her mother, including Willow. Rye has this overwhelming guilt over Winona's breakdown. Although he never admits it, he feels like he drove her off the edge in the first place. Because of this, Rye refuses to take a chance at building a relationship with his daughter. He does not want to dissapoint Willow. As if it is any better, he resorts to beating on her. Rye cannot look into Willow's eyes, they are her mother's eyes. Soft, brown and full of judgment.
Willow accepts his hits as punishment for causing her mother to go away. Willow's will to help her mother is a desperate attempt to undo her so-called wrong, and is an attempt to gain her father's love.
Ceasura, sixteen years, was Willow's first friend. She is the exact opposite of Willow. She has short, razor-cut, strawberry-blonde hair. Her eyes are hazel, but usually stays at a dry-grass greenish color. Ceasura is very outgoing and spontaneous. Despite the death of her parents, Cea keeps a pretty great outlook on life. Her Aunt Parisea is the drama coach at Groves Academy. Her Uncle Patrick owns his own tattoo parlor, The Ink Drip. Cea does not know about Willow's situation with her father, but is very aware of Winona's breakdown.
Dion is a seventeen-year old, he is in the graduating senior class. Dion is a quarky, dark-haired boy with four piercings. He is the class-clown, but is very intelligent. He is always trying to please his female counterparts, but his true feelings have been trapped inside for about five years. He spends every day trying to find a way to tell Willow how much he cares about her. He has always tried to protect her from the hurt and pain that teenagers have to offer. The truth is that he can't protect her from the pain she must endure from her family. Ever since that day he drove her home, the day that Mr. Smith showed his true colors, Dion has vowed that he will ask her hand in marriage. Then he can surely wisk her away from her pain.
I guess you could say that Willow does have a third friend. Maram is Willow's refugee. He was rescued from a dog hunt when she went on a trip with her father at age seven. Maram is a small fox with an injured foot. Surprisingly, the poor creature is chock full of personality. He follows Willow everywhere, even to school. Maram is sweet and lovable, but has an unhidden dislike for Rye, who is constantly threatening to get Maram put down.
Chapter 2: Preparation Time
Dear Winona,
Hello again, Winona. Dad won't let me visit you right now. I've had my stitches taken out. I sort of like the scars, a reminder of my pain. If I forget about it, how will I ever learn my lesson? I hope you read my last letter, and I also hope you don't hate me for some of the things I said. Well, the exchange student arrives tomorrow. I'm hoping to make a new friend, you know, since he doesn't really know me... or my social status. Were you popular back in your school days? I know Dad was, since he was the captain of the football team. I have had no such luck, not even once since the beginning of my social career. I guess I'm just not meant to be accepted. Maybe I should just be some lone ranger. I do not think I would be able to handle the responsibility that comes with popularity. I am not a follower, nor am I a leader. I am just me, and you are just you mom. You don't have to be anyone else, why can't it just be you in there? Why do you have to sit around like a zombie, stuck in the same routine , following the same people? Take control of your own mind, Momma! Be Winona L. Smith, mother and wife, conquerer of all obstacles. Please, let go of the "others"!!! Just come home and take care of me. Make Daddy happy for once.
I Love You...
Willow N. Smith
"Yeah, the scar is wicked. I guess my dad really did a number on me this time, huh? I mean, he usually avoids cutting my face. I really just expected the usual fist when he came toward my face. That knife really hurt..." Willow sat, discussing her batlle wound with, long-time friend, Dion. Willow sat crunched up with her eyes on her feet, the same old posture she saw her mom with when she visited her. I guess that must be where she picked it up from. She'd lay her hands in her lap and pick under her nails until they bled.
"Yeah, that wasn't too bright. If I would have been there, I would have threwn him into next week. You don't deserve the s**t you put up with, ya know? It's not like you told your mom to snap, you were too young to even be much stress." Dion tried reasoning with Willow. He wrapped his arm around her and caressed her hair. Dion never could understand what Willow saw in her father. To Dion, all that there was to him was a small ego, a load of guilt, and some serious mental issues. If anything, Mr. Smith needed to trade places with his wife.
" Well, Obviously, I must have done something wrong. He didn't say this time, but I think he found out about my letters to my mom. He despises me having contact with Winona. He has even gotten to where he won't take me to my visits. So, I was hoping you would take me by the hospital today... I feel awful for not having seen her this last month. Besides, I could use a little more alone time. Just the two of us, you can meet Winona, and... I'll buy you some lunch. My dad won't be home for another three hours. That should give us just enough time. How about it?" The offer sounded tempting. Guess what. It was!
" I don't know why you always assume that it's your fault. You can't be held responsible your entire life for your father's mistake of driving your mother away. I promise you, you did nothing to deserve this. Oh, and sure. Why not go when I've wheels, and I've also been dying to meet the famous Winona. Let's eat lunch at the cyber cafe, I've got some bands I want you to hear." Both of them looked back at Dion's beatup, old pickup truck. The weathered paintjob and broken window seemed like nothing compared to the freedom it offered them. Willow finally had a way to leave her hell-house, and Dion felt like a knight, rescuing his fair maiden from her dungeon captivity.
They pulled up in front of the Brai Mental Health Facility. Dion buzzed in. While waiting for a response at the gate, he begab to rummage through his backpack.
"Oh, yeah! I brought you a copy of my latest cut. The band just finished cutting the last track on Saturday. I really wish you would give me your honest opinion on-"
"Excuse me. Could you please state your name, name of patient, and your I.D. number?"
"Willow Smith, with a friend. I am visiting Winona Lynn Smith, my I.D. number is two, one, four, eight, eight, nine."
"Thank you, we will open the gates now. Please be prepared to have a picture I.D. on you at all times. It's for safety precautions, you know?"
"Thank You, Sir. Oh, and sure, I will always be honest with you, Di Di! I love you, man. You have one of the greatest bands ever started in a basement. Your sound is so different, and your lyrics are open and honest. Oh, and pull up." Dion drove through the opened gates and parked. The two walked toward the building. Willow, seeming a little nervous, began to bite her fingernails.
The room door was buzzed open. Dion walked in ahead of Willow and noticed the small, bony lady in her bed.
"Winona, are you surprised I made it... I've missed our visits." Willow's face seemed to light up. Her skin lost its paleness, it seemed to glow with the radiance of the sun. Her eyes equally luminous. Dion had never seen such joy in Willow. It made him feel great inside. Still, Dion had to wonder how seeing her mother in such a poor condition could make Willow so contempt.
"Oh...my goodness, Willow, I...uh, I almost thought you'd given up on me." The lady strained to make herself heard. The session remained a quiet one. Not much conversation was made between the two females. In fact, if one wouldn't know better, they would have thought the visit was between Dion and Winona.
"Well, it was very nice to meet you. I promise to bring Willow back at anytime. Goodbye, Mrs. Smith." The two left the building and the parking lot.
"Wake up, silly! It's time, today is the day!" Ceasura shouted as she jumped on top of Willow. "Seriously, you should think about how you are going to present yourself. I mean, this could be the day that you meet your soulmate. I'm not very interested in Asians, myself. I'll let you have him."
"W..What? OH! I almost forgot about him! What is his name, anyway? Sai?" Willow blinked her sleepy eyes. The day had finally come. The new exchange student was to arrive at the airport in an hour. Dion had promised to drive Cea to the airport to pick him up. Willow had forgotten her promise to tag along. Willow got up and pulled out a faded denim mini-skirt. Cea held up a baby blue polo. Willow slipped them on, then she pulled out a pair of size six, columbian blue heels. Both girls rushed out the door and hopped into Dion's pickup.
The airport was crowded with last-minute, summer travelers. They looked allover the airport for a match to the description they were given. Mild lengthed, black hair, soft brown eyes, a collared shirt, and a pair of nice dresspants. Noone seemed to fit the requirements. The group was just about to give up when they noticed their guy.
"Hi! Sai?" Dion called out in a deep, masculine voice. The boy turned around almost immediately. He smiled and made his way toward the three amigos.
"Hello, I am Sai Nakatani. I am very well with both English and Japanese. Though, you will have to excuse my Kanji. Is that required here?" The boy had a calm voice, very strong, yet very kind.
"Uhm, no is isn't. I don't even think I know what that is, to be very honest. I'm Dion, but you won't be living with me. This is Ceasura, she will be your host. This other beautiful, young lady is Willow. Willow is off limits, got it?" Dion jokingly introduced his counterparts.
"Please, excuse my friend. He can be somewhat of an idiot at times. I'm Ceasura, but you can call me Cea. This young lady is Willow, and she is unbelievably single and looking." Cea seemed quite pleased with herself. Willow, on the other hand, became extremely red.
"Well, I am also unbelievably single and would like to get to know you. In fact, I'm quite eager to get to know all of you. If you havn't eaten, I'd like to treat you all to lunch. In order to thank you for your hospitality, that is." Sai continued to smile, he was overwhelmed by their kindness and their comedic personalities. He was intrigued by how well they each seemed to work off each other. He followed behind them with his bags in hand.
The four of them were a tight fit in Dion's little truck. They were relieved once they arrived at the cafe and unloaded. Willow and Cea ordered small, while Dion ordered the most expensive thing he could get down his throat. Sai skimmed through his wallet and pulled out a twenty. His family would send him as much money as he needed, anyway.
"So, how is the American life? I mean, I know the culture is diverse, but I don't think the routine should be much of a difference. I can not wait for school, especially if all the girls are as beautiful as you, Willow." Sai gazed into her eyes for a moment. Willow looked away at first, but soon became trapped in his stare. Her insides seemed to had melted away. She became unattatched to the world around her, only a slave to the brown in his eyes.
"Excuse me, but what time do you need to have loverboy home, Cea?" Dion sounded annoyed. He was disgusted by the way Sai looked at Willow. A jealousy came over him like never before.
"We've got the entire day to ourselves actually. So, what do you guys want to do. We simply must make our guest feel welcome. Gotta show him how we party in the states." Cea covered for Dion, sensing his sudden attack of jealousy. Willow took this chance to look away, slurping her Pepsi through a bendy straw. The tip was left on the table and the four teenagers went back to the old truck.
"Excuse me for sounding rude, but shouldn't you have opened the door for your girl?" Sai felt for a specific answer.
"She...She's not my girl!" Dion jumped much too quickly.
"Oh, then she really is fair game! Now, if only a guy like me could stand a chance with such grace." He teased Dion.
To be continued.
- by daniel_enchanted |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/30/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Willows Oxymoronic World pt1
- Artist: daniel_enchanted
- Description: I was bored and decided to write something familiar.
- Date: 12/30/2008
- Tags: willows oxymoronic world
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Comments (1 Comments)
- RRsynchro signRR - 12/30/2008
dude it took meh about 25 min 2 finish but very kewl
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