You walk along an empty street. A mixture of dirt, ice, and old snow cover the sidewalk. It is a cold December night. You look up and see thick, gray clouds above you, waiting for the perfect moment to let it rain on you. You don't care. The only light you have are the mixture of bright colored Christmas lights aglow on the nearby houses. You see through the windows people laughing, decorating, and fulling their homes with warmth and compassion.
How can they be happy on such an ugly night where the weather is in control and mischief is on its mind? Can they not feel the uneasiness in the air? Of course they can't. They think they are so safe in their cozy little houses and with friends and family near. But nothing can stop it. Not a single element or being on Earth can stop this danger. Just because the holidays are coming, doesn't mean that horrible things will wait. It comes when it wants and doesn't leave until all damage possible is done.
Over the horizon, just past the snow-caped mountains, you can see it coming. Every minute the clouds are getting darker. Soon they will be black. You hear cries and screams as the naive people find out what is soon to come. People run outside to look. There is nothing that they can do now. It's to late.
Smoke soon fills the air. People drive away with their families as if they can get away. Suddenly you feel the Earth move fast and hard. Houses cave in. Phone lines topple over crashing whatever is in its path. You just stand there, watching and panic starts to overcome. Then it stops. Everyone freezes.
A short while later a loud crash and boom fill the atmosphere. A bright red and yellow liquid shoots into the air from the distance. It has begun. Screams fill the air as people run away to save their lives. It is now every man for himself. Survival is the most important thing on everyone's mind. But there is nothing to do but wait. Death Volcano has erupted, and the end of life as we know it has arrived.
The End
Revenging Mistress
We're learning about volcanoes in my Earth science class and I thought that this would be kinda fun,
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