Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- this is not ag ood thing by ie8testjan22
- this is not ag ood thing
- Don't Trust Anyone by PoisonousMoonlight
- Part 11 Okay I know it isn't as long as most of mine but I am afraid my computer will crash while I write it. So yeah I want to make sure it is out there. Anyway yeah...Oh and if you comment please tell me who your favorite cha...
- ( T_T ) <( *sigh* ) by Cabinet Lord Shini M Gami
- ........
- The Perfect Night by gppchick
- This is a totally true story! (Only I changed the names) It was when my first boyfriend asked me out! I love it! We are actually still dating! That was...... like almost a year ago! I hope you like it as much as I do!
- In the moment by Sherri-lya88
- This is about being in a beautiful moment with your true love
- Always 2 latee .... by pRettygUrlJ
- This happens 2mii with every boy and now I regret everyone of those moves i made and those words i saidd
- Nightmare by mafiagirl1468
- Its about my life of last year of what had happened to me and my family
- Kite Rider by Ninja Demon_Slayer 90
- THe adventures of Kite Runner vol 1
- Derived from a Quote by mudkip003
- "When Elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers" ---Kikuyu Proverb Just a writing for my English class. I think this is one of my best writings of this sort, but people seem to think it's lame...
- A solider at Heart by Ayla_Warrior_Of_Pain
- something that came from deep down and i just had to put it on paper ,lol
- What In The World is Love? by LonelyT3ddyBear
- Don't know what love is neither do I Let us share our experiences in Harmony
- What are we fighting for? by o-l--Star--l-o
- For thoes who don't understand the poem, It was based on a news paper article project for my 9th grade class. The article was : Sisters turn from rivals to pals. Please read before you judge. Tis long but I...
- The way we were by E p i c_P i k a
- This is about my first day on gaia & the person who helped me feel lik i was part of this world ty my friend hope u read this.....
- My Story by ju roku hana
- This is my story of how my life changed.Hope you enjoy it.
- Self-Hate by Demonic Psyko
- first of id like to say im not suicidal i just wanted you all to know i only rote this cuz i literally hate my self and yeah i could have not used suicide but its ok
- what people say by sexy_black_rose123
- what people do and how i feel
- Letter to New Jersey's Gov. by The Tainted Blac Rose
- This is a letter to New Jersey's Governor Christie that I typed for a punishment of walking out one day to protest against the budget cuts of New Jersey. If you have the time to read all of this, I thank you for reading it and ...