Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Have you ever by xXCamiCupcakeXx
- A rant ish thing I would like you to comment on please. You don't have to rate it. Have you ever wondered how many have you ever questions there really are?
- the 2 princes by c u b i c_m i m i
- ._. first time. somethin i wrote when i was 12
- Kissing- the good kind by That Girl is Odd
- ummm... i'm a teenage girl. what else do you expect me to think about?
- Letter to My Beloved... R.I.P by Fck Yeah Avina
- Hi everyone, this is a letter that I wanted to give to someone after an accident involving him. The first version of this letter was a letter I was supposed to give to him before he flew to another country far, far away, but it...
- The first day of school by Jprincessrock99
- You get choked up on the first day of school
- Dead Writers Hand Part 2 by Spandex Pudding
- I know its not as long as the first one I entered but hey I hope you enjoy it. If you have not read part 1 please do! I know its not very long, but my mind seems to be on other things right now. Hope you like part 2!
- Changing by Jamie Kurosawa
- A dear friend turned for the worse and for a moment, a brief stop of time, a weight fell on my shoulders, a weight I couldn't carry.
- My Only Friend by Yanisticly
- This is my heart warmig story hope you like it.......
- My UgLy StOrY 2 by twilight_earth
- just read it...
- kisses by soooooooloooooooo
- true for love
- Innocent by PuNkRoCkPrInCeSs30
- A paper i wrote for my literature class. Based on a true story of myself. Mostly like the story i wrote called DARKNESS but altered and a lil longer.
- Seasonal Ballet by black_butterfly_maiden
- I don't know why but after watching an anime that has ballet in it I suddenly want to write about ballet The anime I watched is Princess Tutu
- ~*~ Lost In My Thoughts ~*~ by twinkle caramel candy
- it came in my mind while i was in holidays ... hope you like it!!!!
- 5 Type Of Gaian's you see by Kauzo Kiriyama
- If you want too see more of my articles just look around the arena or just go to my profile. Also if you want to pick tommarows topic just Pm me it. Example:"I want to know more about COOKIES!" And we'll see where that goes.
- The Mourning of an Addict by DinoshaurNikki
- This story is about a group of close friends, One of them is killed in a car accident, which leads another character to devolp an addiction to herion.
- Happiness by Killer Queen Antoinette
- This is a mini story I wrote for an old love of mine and .. It still make's me cry to read.
- My Life In Silent Words by Bloody Biography
- really personal story so don't say stuff like "haha stupid" or whatever..i get that enough