Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Paca NOTA 1 by EdwardAlquimista
- sometimes the people needs to leaves them self for continuing living a new level in their lifes
- What is Love? by BellaXEdward_forever
- I wrote this for Creative Writing class. The asignment was to write a paragraph or more defining cool, sick, trouble, love, or hate. I chose love because I wanted to show a different perspective on love. I tried to make the fir...
- An Odd One at That by -menTal worDs-
- this is how it really is for me
- the christmas miricle by xX_ii RaWr YeW ii_xx
- =] read to find out
- last moments of happiness by GAlA_Jen
- A girl loves a boy and a boy loves a girl. The boy has to moves and they spent their last moments with a dance in the snow
- Which one will you choose? by Yori Ishikawa
- I guess it's sorta non-fiction.. anyways. basically i was just thinking about how futures would turn out if someone just chose to be a lazy bum or do the work. and yea.. so it's like im your high school counselor talking about ...
- Reborn by xxdeadlyangelusagi-chanxx
- About a family of 7 that have been rebirthed into the human world. Trying to figure out their past and why ppl resent them, their lives become dangerous! As they start to kill everyone, two of their sisters were kidnapped?! So ...
- Rant 2 sleep by zima24
- i have a problem with sleep thats right sleep
- “A Lady”: Jane Austen by Heart Pandemic
- Sooo, this is a reasearch paper I'm currently working on for an English class. I need some feedback, please! It's not finished, obviously.
- Cleverbot by Virginia Sands
- Enjoy! If you wanna do the same, go to
- Lost from Losing by NostalgicPanda
- I don't really know which category this belongs in, but this is something I wrote when my last relationship was starting to fall apart.
- Soap and Berries by karinazavalaa
- This is a memoir about a visit to my grandmother's senior care center when I was a child and my ever changing feelings towards the visit. Enjoy.
- Four Months by KitTeaDeLight
- December 29th 2018 my mom died of melanoma cancer. She didn't tell us how bad it was, until one week before she was gone. I write her a letter every month. Because it is hard to say goodbye to your mom.
- PART II - because the content was too big.
- Enemies of the Constitution by [ Rose ]
- This was an article for an end of the school year journalism activity I wrote recently on Bush totalitarianism. The topics I focused on were the Patriot Act, Extraordinary Rendition, the use of torture, and a comparison of past...