• In my high school we had to wear uniforms. This was not so much a problem in the balmy seasons or in having to compete against earrings or acceptable hair accessories.
    In the winter though...
    My second period class was on the second floor in a corner room. Which on top of being tiled and terrible for retaining warmth that early in the morning the teacher flat out refused to attempt to turn on a heater.
    One morning he announced that it was "unnecessary" for the girls in his class to have anything other than our required uniforms to class and we'd be therefore not allowed to wear PE sweat pants or jackets (even school approved ones) in his class, we'd "simply have to toughen up."
    He then took out a list of demerit slips and demanded we obey or he'd start to pass them out.
    Reluctantly we did so and noticing my turtleneck beneath the flimsy fabric - suggested we take it up a notch and opened a window!
    I then put my jacket back on.
    He told me if I did not take it off I'd get a detention slip.
    I replied that if it was his decision to keep the windows open I could ex cerise MY free right to comfort - especially if it kept from freezing and thus affecting my work.
    When I got sent to the principal (friend of my family) she asked why I had been sent there. I explained that in this weather I had refused to take off my jacket in class. Her response was that if it was warm enough - the teacher's request for its removal was not unreasonable. My response was that it was NOT WARM and that the windows WERE OPEN!
    She didn't believe me.
    Thought I was exaggerating.
    Still, she walked me back to class, she was stunned to note it was colder inside than out!
    Needless to say she chewed him out "for forcing his temperate theories" when he was paid to teach another subject. And furthermore - that "the school was amply funded to have the heaters on during that time of day!"
    I was the last to take my jacket off.
    But I think I'd earned the right that time.
    PS - I didn't have to serve the detention!