High School Flashback Arena SpotLight
- The go-kart by Kashloggi Jones
- yeah, we always got bored at lunch.... teehee. The girls usually go off somewhere else so I hang around with the guys (the band)
- ok by O_OconfuzzledO_O
- hey
- First Days by Disturbed Person Found
- The first days of high school, year eight.
- Ms.LOSER by x-iiiNikkiT
- Ever since the acident... >.<
- FRIENDSHIP by lonely_geh_dean0919493423
- ........it's a short story but i hope u like it............
- cant belive this happend...... by chyeahh the great
- you are so gunna laugh
- i was really thinking about somethings. and i felt like acting like an idiot, so this thing just popped up in my head. enjoy! plz dont take it personaly. XD
- High School Memories by Darkfox Soldier
- This is just an acrostic I did for my poetry class. Not anything special really.
- Girls back then by Robotic basty
- Loser Loser
- Lovely by XoXMandy101
- This was written the first day my boyfriend and I kissed.... In fact shortly after it happened to =D
- My High School by audacieux08
- It was fun and I really had fun. Read everything. Plzzzzzzzz.
- anime storys by KyuuketsukiKawaii
- this is open....
- OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by kcbrat01
- short story about love gone bad
- sup by devon55177
- sup
- High School Year by Psychotic_Ares93
- Something I found interesting throughout my time in High school.
- Lunch or Launch? by Dreamsinner
- What happened during that food fight....
- go carts by planet-lover4er
- a small kinda funny story
- The day the school broke down by PyschoticGoldfish
- Most of this was infact true of a day I once spent at school, it was totally awesome!! And slightly scarey xD Although, some of the things didn't actually happen on the day I'm thinking of, but they did happen, so I figured I s...
- lol panties by t0pey
- so when i was 1st year highschool panty shots were great blackmail stuff