High School Flashback Arena SpotLight
- All These Memories by Splinter_Katana
- "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" This is a story about a close friend of mine that committed suicide and how one of my best experiences in high school helped me work through the pain. The picture is a of ...
- A new school by KatsFaerie
- A new school is difficult for everyone. Now throw in a bunch of bogy rules and see how you do.
- My boyfriend and a**l by KatsFaerie
- This happened to be a conversation between me and my boyfriend one night when we were discussing random topics. How this one came about Im not exactly sure but its so hilarious because he walked right into it!
- opps by Toushi-San
- My 1st job
- the Band fest by AlainOfJay
- this is about me and my friends on a band fest before our graduation day in highschool.
- My First Kiss by Shade_of_Lia
- This is a story about how miserable I was after my first kiss... I know that doesn't make any sense but just read it and hopefully you'll understand better than I do.
- hallways by Teisei_ikatsui
- lockers....are bad for small Japanese guy.
- memories by coaster_vn2
- memories
- New Teachers,New School by peanutluvsu
- I really dont know why i wrote this.
- worst day ever XD by Holy Wisdom
- my day that rly happend it was kinnda the worst to happen
- First Day of High School by Sensasian-x
- On my very first day of high school, I got to learn about the school rules, YAY!
- Stuck in the Wrestling Mats by Lona Eriko
- Madolyn gets stuck in the wrestling mats!! XD
- messed up story by TsunaXLegacy
- I made a mistake and deleted this so im gonna repost it.....
- HMT..? by reincarnationz
- A funny story that happened only a few days ago in Psychology 11. :3
- General Lee's thanks to God by MiyutheAssassin
- This is one of the few memories of my favorite history teacher. This is one of them. There is, in fact, a girl named Kirbe Munden.
- FRESHMAN YEAR SUCKS! by marine-scientest
- This describes how awful my freshman year at Lakewood High School has been amazingly terrible and I hope that it gets better by the time I pack my bags to go to college.