High School Flashback Arena SpotLight
- ask and it's given by loving_holy_kiss
- The secret
- Great Penitration by TacticalChocolate
- My welding teach Frances said the most innocent thing to me and I took it oh so wrong!
- What A Highschool Love Is. by Helper_280
- I wanted to let everyone know what I had experienced in highschool three years ago in freshman year. I kind of went with the 'go with the flow' types, but also outgoing. However, I never expected to have someone say something s...
- High School by Nyx Avalon
- The Truth of my high school.....
- toooo much drama by kiyomi uchiha
- school is really lame now..
- today by charyluv1234
- my terrible day
- Sing as if Nobody can Hear You by Takeda Keita
- Has anybody ever noticed that there is are always people looking at you? Judging or being judged whenever we walk outside of the comfort of our own homes. Ever noticed those who care about being judged?
- Memories of an Arts School by MegaNutsNun
- I went to a famous high school for the arts and it was a BLAST. I also had a bunch of wacky adventures on the way
- A lonely girl by brandonh7
- a poem of a lonlely girl
- Smelling Mishap by me_almighty
- crack up moment with me and my friends
- totally embarasing by LimyDee
- they thought i was hitting on my ENG. teacher..!! IT ALMOST KILLED ME ..!! from laughing...!!
- Nightmare! by In8Ghost
- i hated that day
- Crush by xXI shouldnt love youXx
- My friend writes something on my arm to embarrass me.
- First day of a new school. by X iiShino X
- intmadation.
- dance ops!! by McKiya
- i fell on my face...
- I kissed her, she liked it. by pepper minthe
- Aaaah... Math class. Such fun times.
- Worst moments in high school by Sakura0Angel01
- the group splitting up
- The Randoms by Mariel Stormblade
- My friends and I are graduating Seniors. I wrote this as a reflection on our four years together, enduring high school. It's not completely "accurate" in that I changed names and, in some cases, situations a bit, but the fe...
- Blood Drive Stupidity by animewolf16
- This is actually an edited email I sent to a friend the day it happened. (02/06/09) I’m so glad that I saved it. ^^ It’s about the day I donated my first pint of blood and how when the nurse tells you to drink plenty of wat...
- worst day ever by ellie567
- Got weggied and put in bin