A Living Undead Life
“Hey….. You're a Zombie aren’t you...?”
My name is Maria Adrisa, am a 16 year old high schooler who go to Burgley High New York and
am what you say um Un-normal I guess? Am a Zombie… No am not the “Walking Dead” and I
don’t eat brains, when I said Zombie I really don’t mean undead monster um it more like a
disease, It became known around 2003 a child was born with rotting skin everyone was scared
that it was the starting of the Zombie apocalypse, while some time pass they discover more about
the disease if the medicine was not taken few days their skin would start to rot and a disgusting
smell will start coming from the body, if any longer the body will start to fail user rotting to death
and no longer able to move. From birth to death…. The year is around 2019 it about to be the
new year, there isn’t any flying cars or contact with aliens, none super wars or discovery of a new
planet. There haven’t been anything really happening but new things, even if I was a Zombie I
want a normal life but… That was kinda hard too…. Haha I was actually scouted for a teen model
industry around my 6th day of highschool and even though I wasn’t that popular in the magazines
I was ask out by one of the school cuties he didn’t look bad and he was really cute I couldn't say
no, I wanted a normal life and god give me a lovable problem…. I wonder what would ever
happen if they found out that i'm a Zombie….?
It a bright morning around our neighborhood and I could smell the sweet food aroma all the way to
my bedroom, I could hear the sound of my mother humming her morning tunes even my father
seem like he was in a good mood.
Mama; “Maria!! Maria!!! Wake Up Nino!!!”
I get up from my bed lazily with my blankets still on me and started walking towards the bathroom.
Maria; “Aye am up mama!! Ahhh!! Mama why is the bathroom close?! The hallway is cold!!”
Mama; “Try opening the door Maria!”
Maria; I open the door “Ah thank Mama!”
Mama; “That girl I swear she gonna get herself lock in the bathroom one day”
She and my father chuckle, I washed my face with water and started getting undress. I then took
my medcixs, the only known medicine that can slow the effects of the Zombie… I closed my eye
while I put the needle in my arm it stings a bit, I try my very best to only use medcixs every 3 days
it cost a lot of money and I didn’t want my parents to worry much about me. I felt scared that I
might be a burden to them….
Maria; “Mama am done, what we eating?” I notices my father drinking coffee and reading the
news, “Good morning Papa.”
Papa; He smiled “Morning Maria, is your brother up yet?”
Maria; “No not yet he had a late job last night.”
Papa; “Ah I see.” He then fixed his glasses a bit
My mother placed our food on the table and we began to eat
Mama; “Maria slow down Nino, you're eating like a dog!”
Maria; I gobble down my food as fast as I can “I caan’t mamma I dah too go to school soon.” I
rushed upstairs into my room and grab my stuff then hurry downstairs still eating the last of my
breakfast, I kissed both my mama and papa goodbye “Bye bye Mama, Bye bye Papa love you!!” I
went out the door and shut it.
Mama; “Come straight home today!! We need get ready for the new year!!”
On my way to school I started to hiccup, I think I ate my food to fast…. I heard a familiar voice
behind me.“Hey Maria!!’
Maria; I was shocked a bit then turn around, it was Alex my boyfriend~ “Morning Alex~”
Alex; “Hey Maria, Oh did you watched the new Kat Drama that came out yesterday night?!”
Maria; I really like Alex he had lots of things in common with me and he isn’t like the other guys I
know “Yeah it was exciting wasn’t it? I wonder who was the killer during the ending of the story
though?” we kept talking about the late night drama show till we reached school.
Alex; Open the door for me “Well I got to go to class now cya Maria.” hey smiles and waves
“Oh and Maria!! The killer was probably his Sister!!” Hey laugh and ran away while I became
inraged. When I got into class after the bell ring I notices the teacher talking to one of the student,
he didn’t look familiar to me, then the teacher came up to me.
Teacher; “Ah Maria good timing this is our new student, Anderson” Teacher, say the full name
please…. I couldn’t really see his face he was covering his face with his hood all I could tell was
that he had black hair and large glasses.
Maria; “Hello there!” he nodded I guess he was a shy type….?
Anderson; “Hi….” he nodded again and went to take a seat. I guess he really was shy.
While all the periods went by I notices that he had all the same classes with me it kinda was
creepy but I try and not let it get to me. The fifth bell ringed and it was time for lunch the most
hated part of school It was always a total warzone I always rushed for my food I was kinda known
as the “Endless Void Eater” at school and home haha…. After I started eating I was attacked from
behind from my group of friends.
Friends; “Hey Maria!!!” I choked on my food a bit…
Maria; I gad, “Oh…. Hey guys…” I calm down and finish the rest of my food.
Annie; “Maria I saw you ran out for the lunch again haha your gonna get a new title soon ya
know?” I have a feeling that you're the one making them…..
Vi; “Hey don’t make too much fun of her Annie, although it doesn't make sense how a model like
you can eat so much. Are you throwing up all the food you eat? ” Don’t make rumors too!!
Elizabeth; “Hey guys that don’t matter much!” Wait so the problems in my life don't matter?!
“Tell us how your date with Alex went on Christmas!!” I started blushing.
Maria; “Umm well, ummm it went well…..?” I felt like I couldn’t tell them what happened that day...
Annie; “Something Happen That Day!!!” Ahh!!
Vi; “She Turning Red Something Must Had!!” Ekkk!!!
Elizabeth; “What Happen?! Did You Guys Did It?!?!” Did what???!!!
Maria; I tried to calm down my friends as fast as I could, “Well…. Um…. We k-kissed..”
Friends; “That it….?” they didn’t seem surprised...
Vi; “You guys been dating for almost a year now, isn’t kissing a normal thing to do now?” What?
Elizabeth; “What a let down.”
Annie; “Did you guys not have the stuff….?” What stuff?!
We talked about how are Christmas went, till Vi notices something strange….
Vi; “Hey…. I feel like we being watched…” Huh?
Elizabeth; “Yeah…. aren’t we the only people in the room though?” What are you guys talking
about? Their a guy right behind us….
Annie; “What are you guys talking about? I don’t see anyone?” He like right there right behind us,
I know he not a ghost cause I just talked to him today…..
Maria; “Um they're a guy like right sitting behind you guys….” They all looked.
All: “AHHH!!!!” I felt more sorry for him…… Oh it was Anderson!
Maria; “Hey Anderson.” He shook his head and left.
Annie; “Wow, who was that Maria?” I just said his name….
Maria; “Um he the new student, you guys shoulda saw him around the starting of class today he
was talking to Mr. Jackson…” Did they really not see him…?
Elizabeth; “Oh so then Mr. Jackson really didn’t went crazy?” I just shook my head…..
Vi; “But…. He was staring at us…. Well more like at you Maria…” Huh? I felt a little frighten.
Elizabeth; “Maybe he was a stalker? Maria is a model after all.”
Annie; “Oh I know, I know!! Maybe he was a Zombie!!” …..What…….?
Vi; “I highly doubt that Annie, But speaking of Zombies I heard they been an increase of them.”
Elizabeth; “That mean the medicine they use will cost more right? Ehh that be a problem the city
will start smelling like old dead bodies, how disgusting!” I… I felt to scared to say anything…..
Annie; “I heard that human blood can also be use as the medicine to help the Zombies, they
probably be coming for the young girls first Rahh~!!” I can’t laugh… it not something to laugh
about… I felt sick…. The lunch bell ringed I felt like it really was a save by the bell.
Annie; “Ah Maria please let me barrow your math homework please!!” Huh?!
Maria; “Oh it's in my bag” Then I remember I had a spare medcixs in my bag I panic and grab my
straight from her hands! I scratched her “Oh I get it sorry Annie!!”
Annie; “Ow… It ok Maria I already know….” You…. You already know….? “It ok Maria I know you
keep your emergency food in your bag it ok I won’t eat any.” Never mind…..
I give her my notes and left, at the end of the 7th period it was already sunset I remember my
mom said something about going home, as everyone left the classroom I felt like something
tugging my bag I give it a little push and some of my things fell out!!
Maria; “Ahh!! What a pain!!’ I checked for my stuff but it looked like my medcixs was missing I
panic and look all over the room, then I saw someone shoes…. I remember what Vi said earlier.
(Vi; “But…. He was staring at us…. Well more like at you Maria…”) I felt scared to look up…. I felt
liked if I looked up I might get killed…. I waited for a bit then looked up…. It was Anderson.
Anderson; He smiled at me that looks like that of a Killer, “Hey….. You're a Zombie aren’t you...?”

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