• Im laying on this cold floor...
    Dry tears are on my face and theres blood everywhere on the floor... As, i turn around, i see your face cold hearted. I run to grab you in my arms, As i cried i looked at my hands. They were full of evidence! It was I who murdered your sweet innocent life. I was the one who took away your life, because of my madness! Because of my madness, your gone.... Why could of i done this!
    A day later, i burn your body and buried your ashes.
    Because of what i did, i will never see your sweet lovely smile, and i will never feel your smooth kiss. I've heard on news that they were searching for you... I knew i did something horrible, so i had to fix this madness... I would have to turn myself in. I promise to you my darling, that i will never hurt a soul in my life again... "i'm sorry...."