• A room filled with blood painted walls, dinged and dirty with old age. Chains clinking and rustling, holding me back, a beast that snarls and rips things to pieces. I've gone made with power.
    “Oh, what has happened to my daughter!” Screamed a woman to a police officer with wired gray hair.
    “We don't know, ma'am. We can try talking to.. Um... What did he call herself again?
    “She's been calling herself, Snow”
    “Alright. Well, let's try talking to, Snow.” The officer replied as he shuffled for the keys in his pocket. I could hear them and stared at the metal door intensely, hearing the bolts unlatch. They looked at me, the pale girl, my scraggly white hair and cyan blue streaks, hiding my crimson eyes.
    “Snow, we want to know how you became like this.” The officer's rough voice spoke out demandingly.
    “You cannot handle my story...” I replied with a gentle voice, my voice.
    “You must tell us, Terra.” My mother pleaded.
    I screeched at the top of my lungs, the name stinging my ears like needles and the voice that now emanated did not belong to me or at least not to who I once was,” My name isn't Terra!”
    The rusty chains kept me from mauling my mother and the officer, who pushed me back down into the wooden chair that was behind me. He calmly spoke and looked into my eyes as if looking into those of an animal.
    “Alright. Snow, please tell us what happened.”
    I snickered and growled a cackling laugh, "Very well, but you won't like it.”

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    A warm Autumn day, leaves drifted to the ground. My natural hazel eyes glanced around the empty park that I use to play in as a child. I looked over to the hill I rolled down when I was five, I couldn't believe I was already fifteen and how great my life was. Everything was quiet and calm, I saw nothing, but then I saw something. Something I couldn't believe, a giant fox seemed to be standing at the top; walking closer towards me, stopping half way down the hill. I stood frightened by its large size. The fox looked over at me and smiled. It's eyes were a beautiful crimson red and its coat an Autumn orange. It beckoned for me to come closer, but I stood motionless as if my own body was just a limp figure.
    “Terra....” It called in a hurt voice, one like a mother. I began to move closer to it, stumbling over my own feet.
    “H...How do you know my name?” I asked the fox with curiosity and fear,” And how can you speak?”
    “You are my child....Only you can hear me... Only your eyes can see me.”
    “Impossible! I am human and you are fox!”
    “No, I am a caipora.”
    “A demon fox. We live as normal humans until the age of sixteen, then our demon nature emerges and we change into our complete fox form. When you can control your power you can change as you please. Only in our human states can the pathetic humans see us.” The fox's voice sounded as though it were God speaking in an animal form.
    “But, how is it me!? My mother is Emily Woodstile...” My voice held a lot of question and anger, fear was long gone now. This creature in front of me was telling me of what was and what is, but how could it know, was I simply dreaming?
    “What about your father?”
    “He died....”
    “Emily is lying to you.” The creature pressed, it's eyes betraying its cool nature.
    “No! No! She isn't!” I screamed and ran quickly away from the beast, but in two bounds it caught up. The fox scooped me up and flung my onto its back. It didn't speak.
    I protested, but it ran too fast, I thought if I fell it would kill me in an instant,” Let me go!”
    The creature was no longer speaking with its mouth, but with its mind, “I am your mother, Terra.”
    “You aren't!”
    “I am! You were left with, Emily, to grow up normal.”
    The fox stopped, my hands clinging to its fur; afraid to fall off of its monstrous back. It laid down and allowed me to climb down to the floor beneath us, however, before I could run it wrapped its massive tail around me and pulled me against me.
    “Why won't you let me go?” I plea to it, my white and blue streaked hair falling over my eyes. Of course it ignored my plea and spoke with a gentle and soothing voice.
    “Have you ever wondered how you were born with white hair? Or nails that resemble claws and sharper canines then normal humans.” The fox demon asked, sounding almost sad.
    I was silent, for it was true, I have always wondered.
    “That's due to you being a caipora. Your human name may be Terra, but your fox name is Neva, meaning snow. You are a rare white and black caipora. Those streaks are suppose to be black, but you dyed them.
    “My name is Gracie.” The fox said changing into a woman with tanned skin. Her hair was long and as fiery red as her glowing eyes. She wore a slimming corset gown, but she was not human. She also had the ears and tail of a fox still remaining,” Gracie, is my human name of course.”
    I looked at her, mouth a gap; waiting for some words to form,” What is your caipora name?”
    “In due time, my dear. For now just refer to me as, Gracie. I came to take you far away from here. Your birthday is approaching and you will destroy things in your path, people who anger you and Emily.”
    “That isn't true!” I half choked, half screamed, and bit Gracie's tail; causing her to yelp in pain. I made it free and looked back; the woman had disappeared. I believed it to be my imagination and only that.

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    “My story is upsetting you, isn't it, Emily?” I sneered with a smile and laugh at the frightened woman. Emily looked at me horrified and too scared to speak. The sharp white canines jetting from my mouth, gleamed in the dimly lit room.
    “Continue!” Demanded the police officer harshly as he held the now sobbing Emily.

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    The red-eyed sunset caught me as I looked out the window of my room. My mind was swarmed with thoughts of the fox encounter and its echoing words. My birthday was coming up and in time I would see what I became, if I would become anything at all. My teeth became sharper and my nails longer, my eyes changed from hazel to a light red before turning blood crimson. Everything was strange and I didn't understand why, but I knew I must find Gracie again. Though, first wanted to know where I really came from and what really happened to my father.
    I walked into the kitchen two nights before my birthday and saw Emily cooking dinner. She was wearing her old worn out jeans and a top that was too large for her body. Her brown hair was tied up in a thick bun and she adorned her usual cooking apron. I approached her cautiously.
    “Yes, Terra?”
    “Am I adopted?” I asked cutting straight to the point.
    Hurt had stung her face, but she sighed and stopped stirring the noodles in the pot setting the spoon to the side,” I knew this day would come.”
    “So, I am?” My face was twisted with pain.
    “Well, yes. You are. James and I couldn't conceive, due to a trauma that happened when I was younger; leaving me to have surgery done and unable to have children.” She began, sitting me down at the table,” We were going to go to an orphanage and adopt a little girl, but before we could even leave the house, we found a basket on our doorstep. In it was a beautiful baby with white hair streaked with black and pale skin. It was you, Terra. A note was attached to your blanket that asked us to take care of you. Though, soon after, James went out and unfortunately was in a car accident. I promised him I would take care of you and give you the love for both of us.”
    I was as quiet as a door mouse. She could see the pain and hurt, because I realized, maybe the fox was right. Then I definitely knew I had to find Gracie again. I left and went to bed without eating a bite. Early the next morning I left to find Gracie. I started t the park where I first met her, but she wasn't there. Then I began to wonder around calling her name. The longer I walked, the more I could feel something inside of me; laughing and giggling with power...

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    Emily ran from the room crying her eyes out; horror struck, the police officer soon followed after the crying woman. All that could be herd was my cackling laugh and echoing voice.
    “I told you, you couldn't handle it!”
    Anyway reader, I will continue on with how I became this monster.

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    I was beginning to lose myself and hear Gracie's words echo through my head. I was on the brink of giving up, but didn't know my way back; lost in the woods with no knowledge of what direction I had ventured in. That's when she appeared again...
    “Have you come back wishing for forgiveness?” Gracie spoke in such a harsh voice.
    “No, I will not ask forgiveness. I came to say you were right, not that I am a caipora, but that I am adopted.”
    “You still do not understand. Well, now my daughter, you will see tomorrow... Nothing will be safe from you; you shall kill everything that has a heart beat.” Gracie's eyes narrowed.
    I looked at it and growled, one that I have never heard come from my throat; that of an echoing demon,” I will not!”
    “But you will...”
    “I...” I began to speak, but she had gone already and I was back at the park. It seemed as if all that happened had been an illusion. The walk home was almost the longest I had experienced in my life. Emily waited up for me and hugged me tight as I walked through the door. I growled and pushed her away, the lanky woman crashing into the wall as I tore through the house up to my room. I made it to the blackened room, falling on the bed without a word.
    “Neva....” A faint whisper called my fox name quietly.
    I growled protectively to the empty blackness,” Who's there?”
    “...Your mother.”
    “What do you want, Gracie?” I spat with bitter venom hanging on my words.
    The blackness laughed out at me,” I thought you might want to know my fox name, after all you'll be joining me soon.”
    “Fine! What is it?”
    “Yes... It means fire.”
    My nose twitched as I began to smell smoke and scrambled to my feet; glancing around unable to see a thing. My eyes had not adjusted well since being in the dark; then a scream and a flicker of light. There was fire. I rushed downstairs and found Emily trapped in a circle of flames.
    “Pyralis!” I growled under my breath and looked at the flames intensely, the flames suddenly went out, being replaced by black snow. The look on Emily's face twisted with wonder and curiosity; mine matching her's. I was going to speak, but Emily hushed me and pushed me to my room as she continued to look back at the snow astonished.
    “Pyralis!” I called into the blackness of my room.
    “Yes, Hun?”
    “Don't you give me any of that Hun crap! How did the fire turn to snow?”
    “That was all you, you have the power to make and control snow. That is why you are called, Neva. As I control fire, that is why my name is Pyralis. Now, go to sleep, sweetie..”
    Before I could say anymore, she vanished without a trace. I laid in bed a while and thought of what had happened; thoughts about the past and near future racing restlessly through my mind.
    “If I can make things into snow, then why is it black,” I thought as my eyes slowly closed and my body drifted to sleep. The strong scent of bacon, eggs and pancakes made me rise early the next morning, taking a quick, cold shower and hurrying downstairs. Emily made a plate for me, I simply smiled and ate quietly. She acted as if nothing had happened the night before; though I could see it in her eyes that she was still wondering. I shoveled every bite of food into my mouth, washing it down with some orange juice; it tasting sharper than usual.
    I do not remember what happened after, but I found myself in the street; running. I was running faster than I ever had, the streets and people zooming by at an alarming rate. I felt like a dog, dashing down the street effortlessly, the feeling of my nails and canines growing sharper. My eyes changed into a deep crimson, like thick blood. Before I could even think again I was attacking an old man, no older than forty-five. I ripped his throat with my claws, being splattered with the deep liquid. Iron scent filling my sensitive nose, my tongue licking at my lips; lusting more blood shed. A woman who witnessed the act quickly dialed the police, but they were not there in time to save her; as I sank my teeth into her stomach and ripped out her heart with my bare hands.
    I was stained with the crimson liquid as the cops struggled to restrain me. They put me in chains, much too dangerous for regular hand cuffs. I looked at the body pieces left behind with an intense gaze, their bodies and blood turning to snow; the bodies white and the blood into rose petals.

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    “That is how I ended up here.” I spoke, finishing my story. The police officer walking back in with Emily; her now calm and tear-dried. She looked at me like the monster I was, no longer with that motherly gaze like when I was a child. Only an evil look crossed my face, as I flashed her my canines again, brown orbs filling with more horror than ever. The clock was close to striking midnight and it would soon be my birthday.
    “You will kill tonight, Neva.” A smiling Pyralis appeared,” Do not worry, they cannot hear nor see me.”
    “Why will I kill?” I asked.
    Emily looked at me stunned,” What are you talking about, Terra?”
    I ignored her and listened for a reply from the fox demon before me. She wasn't going to answer me, I could tell from the blood colored eyes. She had warned me before what would happen and I did not listen. The clock ticked away and soon the striking of midnight echoed through town from the giant clock tower. The moon shining in from the window, my bones snapped and cracked as they began to form a beast. Fur began to jet from by skin and burned as my hand formed into paws with razor sharp talons. Emily backed away as the officer reached for his gun shakily, holding it toward me as I transformed, but focusing on it I changed the metal to crystal ice.
    I broke from the chains and tackled the police officer, clawing and ripping his body to mangled pieces with a simple swipe of the paw. My white fur becoming stained with the blood I so long lusted for. I looked at my beloved Emily, who was huddled in a corner crying and pleading.
    “Please, don't kill me...Please.” Emily whimpered, shaking with horror. I did not care for this plea and stood in front of the small woman. Towering over her; I looked up and held her in my jaws, snapping her bones. Her blood dripping onto the floor as I stood there, in that already blood stained cell. New blood now joined old blood, but all turned to snow.