• Ying and Yang

    All I see is white. White walls, white ceiling, white floors, White everything. What Am I to this white world well I do not know. I don’t even know who I am in this place. I walk out and I see more white. White animals, White people, White plants, White everything but when I look up I see Black. Why do I see Black I do not know but I do not care. Its not like this White world will get any of that Black. The Black sky is what are world should be darkness. I look to myself and I see black, but why am I in this white world when I should be in the black sky where I belong, thats what I wish to know. I go back in the white house, with white windows and white front porch and everything. I think and wonder why I am here, but i just do not know. After awhile I walk out of my white house and looked to the sky and see a white me just staring at me from the black sky. When I walk I look at it and it follows me. But I do not care, because I guess I meant to be here, while the white me is suppose to be there. We are yin and yang after all……...