• Matthew comes home from school and walks from the bus stop to his house. He goes inside and starts on his homework when he notices that his cat is meowing softly but does not know why "why are you meowing?" the boy asked "because I am hungry!" the cat said in a hiss. The boy was amazed. "How do you know how to talk?" the boy asked "Because I have been listening to you.Now would you please give me some food." The boy gave his cat some food.

    Matthew wondered if anyone else could understand his cat so he asked his mom if she could understand but all she heard was meowing. He decide to ask his brother if he could understand the cat but he couldn't understand either. Matthew decides to get back to his homework but gets stuck on a hard problem "Do you need help with that problem?" "Yes I do need help" the boy replied. So his cat start to help him with his homework.

    Matthew finishes his homework and says thank you to his cat "Anytime" said the cat and he started to eat his food and then went to sleep.The next morning the boy remembered to feed his cat and also gave him some water. He played with his cat and as usual the cat helped him with his homework. Matthew was glad to have a smart little kitten.

    The next day Matthew decide to take his cat to school for the science fair. He repeated everything his cat was saying to the judges. The judges would ask the cat a question and the boy would reply with the cats answer. The class had experiments also.

    The judges didn't know why the boy was the only one who could understand the cat but they did know that he had a gift to talk to his cat. The judges asked the boy if he could tell them how he could understand his cat. "I don't know.We were doing a science experiment with special materials that would make animals better understand humans and I used some on myself.The materials must have had the opposite effect on me.I think that is why I can understand my cat. My cat lied to me he said that he had been listening to me and that how he learned how to talk.He was talking all along I just couldn't understand him."

    The judges took the boy to do experiments on him.
    The judges tested on him all day and all night.
    Matthew decided that he wanted to go home but the judges wouldn't let him.
    The boy was sad that he couldn't go home.The boys' cat came too so he could keep him company.The cat made him feel better and also gave him an idea. He told the cat to slip under the door and go get help. The cat went with the idea and tried to get help.The cat couldn't find help so he came back to get the keys to the door. The cat had enough room to squeeze under the door and get the keys and squeeze back under the door again.The boy tried to reach the lock but couldn't.

    The next morning the judges let the boy out to experiment on him in the lab. The judges ten left the room so they could eat breakfast and handed the boy some food. The boy ate breakfast and decided to make a antidote for the materials.

    The judges let the boy go and he still got to keep the blue ribbon that he won. He was very happy to be home even if he had to lie about not being able to understand his cat. Matthews life was back to normal. Well his life wasn't completely back to normal but his life was still the same.

    Matthew is happy to be home with his family . His mother was worried about him when he was gone for the past few days. He can still still understand his cat.