• The god of all that is; Of life and death. Of every element and every being. A sexless, formless entity, raw energy and pure magic. This is with who the story of Rylencia starts. This being as no name, seemingly no origin of creation and no destination. Omnipotent , it holds the power to kill gods with a single thought, and also to create them. From this creature the great God Ryl was created. On the surface of a beautiful green and blue word, Ryl lived a peaceful though lonely life.

    With his creators help Ryl made life in the form of Seven other Gods. Clisterra, the Goddess of the earth. Balathar, the God of fire. Kalarni The God(dess) of air. Kumorkell the Goddess of water. Alemanta the goddess of arcane. Fa'targen the god or order. and Alferthala the Goddess of Chaos. together these great beings lived on Rylencia and brought the world to a seemingly perfect balance.

    The god of all that is one day decided he would create a race of creatures to live in the beautiful world. These people would not be as strong or powerful as the gods and goddess, but would be more intelligent then the feral beasts on Rylencia. He felt no need to name his new creation and simply spread them across Rylencia. They were tall creatures with long legs and gray skin, they appeared skinny and they had a set of long slender horns growing out the sides of their head.

    Years passed and these people seemed happy enough, though The God noticed one day that they had split them selves. half of his people lived on one side of the world. while the other half lived on the opposite.

    These people who were created as pure as the balance of nature not only parted in ways, but beliefs, one group decided to worship all that is life. While the other thought death was where true power lie. This separation of faith forced the balance that had created them to shatter and The god of all that is became scattered remnants of energy.

    Ryl and the other seven gods had taken up residence in different parts of Rylencia they were preoccupied with themselves and ignored the other inhabitants. they were becoming obsessed with power and proving superiority over one other. One day, in the middle of the the month of Breath, Four of the gods decided to meet on Zaladria.

    There had never been an intention of this being a peaceful meeting. Tension had grown thick between all the Gods and Goddesses and this day it was going to be broken. The struggle of power was to be settled, what ever the cost.

    Balathar was the first to arrive, his hair was nothing more then flames that fall gloriously across his back licking furiously at his skin. His eyes glinted with a lust for battle and he stood with the stance of a man ready to kill... or die.
    Shortly after Kumorkell showed up, she was naked, though her body was covered in rippling aqua. Waterfalls cascaded from her shoulders, breasts, and hips. Her lips Parted into a Sly smile as she looked on the god of fire.
    However no time was giving for an exchange of words as Kalarni nearly immediately drifted onto the scene. The androgynous god was wearing a flowing dress made of many layers that swirled around he/r body caught in the whirlwind that encased he/r delicate frame. S/he dances onto the scene Poking teasingly at Balathar and then flitting away before he could retaliate.
    Clisterra was the last to arrive, slowly crossing the land to their meeting place. Hey body was thick and curvy with wide hips and large breasts. Small natural stones covered her neck and upper chest, as well as her lower arms and legs. She Nodded to each of the others as they stood, waiting, watching her soon to be opponents.

    Kalarni was the first one to twitch, though it was nothing more then one mere movement before Balathar streaked across the land Ready to bring his heavy fists down on the Air God. Clisterra Gave a gentle shake of her head almost sad to see The two going at each other so irrationally. While Kumorkell sat and watched, examining the battle, planning out her strategy of attack. Her eyes flickered across the battle scene taking in ever detail. She waited till the timing was just right Before she too joined the weaponless brawl that was ensuing. The earth mother was the last to join. Slowly stepping between Balathar and Kalarni to engage an opponent.

    The battle was nothing more then a tangle of limbs as the Gods fought for power over one another. The battle raged on for Days, and made its way across much of the worlds surface. The fours blood, tears, and sweat fell across the land. Causing everything they passed to resonate with elemental magic. Finally after after the suns and moons had risen and fallen across the sky many times, the Deities lay bloodied and Broken. No one had won. They all simply could not go on fighting any longer. The injured gods parted ways with no words Crawling off to their Favorite parts of Rylencia. Balathar to the Depth of a Volcano in sthe south. Kumorkell deep into the oceans off the coast. Kalarni climbed the highest mountain, where the wind blew the strongest. and Clisterra made her way far into the caverns of the earth. Here they lay and rest, recovering from there battle, completely unaware of what was happening on Rylencia.

    The night after the Battle Rylencia was alive with Magic. Elemental energy infused its self with the plants and animals across the world and the sky lit up with dancing colors of pure energy. How ever there was too much raw magic for the world to consume. The different Elemental energies started to attract. Large pockets of power began to form and much like the gods them selves were created the energy manipulated its self into life. Creatures resembling to gods own images. Long limbs and Pointed features, and the elements showing proudly across there bodies. The Alkerii had been born. A Humanoid, Intelligent, long lived race that quickly spread across Rylencia making its self a home.