• The Walking Dead

    Chapter One, Part One: A New Day.

    Atlanta was looking as big as ever. Probably the biggest city in the state. The police cruiser drove around it, instead of going through the busy traffic in the city. There were rumors anyway, a sickness, a disease, something, going on their. It was just going to be best to bypass it.

    The man sitting in the back of the cruiser looked down as his handcuffs. There was so much on his mind right now. Why did he let himself act out of blind rage? He looked up towards the driver. He was an elderly police officer. A large bald spot on his head, and signs that he has been aging for awhile. He glanced at the man in the back seat in his rear view mirror then looked back at the road. He adjusted his mirror to look at the handcuffed man more carefully.

    He squinted at the man and said, "Well, I reckon you didn't do it then." and looked back at the road. The man looked at the handcuffs again. His name was Lee Everett. He was arrest for murder. "Well...you know what they say about reckoning" Lee said. The officer shook his head and locked at the shotgun sitting in the seat next to him. "Now I don't, but I would assume it's a lot like assumin'?" He asked, and Lee responded, "Yeah, something like that."

    "Y'know. I've driven a buncha' of fellas down to this prison. Lord knows how many. Usually is 'bout now I get the 'I didn't do it.'" Lee shook his head and said, "Nope. Not from me." The officer eyes him again. "Cause guys in your position already said it enough?"

    The officer looked back at the road, and Lee looked into the rear view mirror at himself. He was a mess. The radio clicked on, saying, "We've got what looks like a 10-91E near Peachtree Exit of 285. All cars asked to on the lookout for a 91V in the..." The voice trailed off as the officer spoke again. "I followed your case a little bit, you being a Macon boy and all" "You're from Macon then?" Lee asked. The officer nodded, "Yep, came up to Atlanta to be a city cop in the seventies. Always wanted to work a murder case, like that senatorial mess you got yourself mixed up in, with all due respect." Sirens caught Lee's attention, as on the other side of the road, a Cruiser flew by on its way to Atlanta. "A real shame that is." He mumbled. He continued to mumble, "Hell, the whole family used to be regulars at your folks' drugstore right in down town. Still there?" Lee nodded. "Good." the officer said.

    The radio clicked on again. "Be advised of medical personal on route to Hartsfield, various 10's and 20's coming in." The officer spoke up again. "I have a nephew up at UGA. You teach there long?" "Coming up on my sixth year." Lee told him. "You meet your wife in Athens?" Lee looked at his hands in silence then out the window. His wife was a sore subject with him. The officer looked at him. "You wanna know how I see it?" A few more police cars and what looked like a swat van flew past heading towards Atlanta. What was going on? "Sure" Lee said. "Regardless, could be you just married the wrong women." Lee eyed the shotgun in the seat. He glared at the cop for a moment and sighed.

    The radio clicked again. "Riot in progress. All officers are available for incoming 217's. Rolling calls and dispatches to all locations." It turned off. Lee looked out the window to see a police helicopter fly back, followed by more police and swat vehicles. Lee looked at the radio. "Any of that seem important too you?" The officer nodded. "All of it, but that box never shuts up. Sit in this seat and pay too much attention to it and you'll drive yourself crazy. I'm driving this man once, h-he was the worst one. He wouldn't stop going on about how he didn't do it. He was an older fella. Big, soft eyes behind a pair of smart folk glasses, and he's just wailing back there, says it wasn't him. Crying and snotting all over, right where you're sitting."

    The radio started up again but the officer clicked it off. It was obvious nothing at all was going to stop him from his story. "Then before long, he starts kicking the back of the seat, li-like a fussy baby on an airplane. And I tell him he's gotta stop, that's government property, and I'll be forced to zap him otherwise." The whole time he was telling the story, he was looking over his shoulder at Lee to explain it. He looks back at the road for a minute. "So he stops, and having exhausted all his options, he starts crying out for his mama. 'Mama, it's all a big mistake! It wasn't me!'" Lee stared out the window again."Maybe he was innocent." He suggested. "Innocent?" He scoffed. "They got the f**ker red handed! Stabbin' his wife, cutting her up as the boys came through the door! He sits in my car, screaming bloody murder that it wasn't him! I think he actually believed it himself." He paused. "It goes to show, people will up and go mad when they believe their life is over."

    He looked over his shoulder again at Lee. "Oh I got another good one for ya. This one's a little bit less depressing and a bit more hilarious, if I do say so myself." He laughed a little as a man stumbled unto the highway. He stumbled right in front of the cruiser, as the cruiser hit him, and he slammed into the windshield cracking it. Lee put his arms up to cover his head and screamed, "Oh sh*t!". The officer smashed his head on the barrel of the shotgun knocking him out cold as the cruiser spun out of control. The cruiser broke through one of the guard railings and tumbled down into the woods below. Lee hit his head on the window and blacked out himself.

    To be continued...