• as the Horizon crept over the surrounding mountains of the tiny village. The young girl stirred, rubbing her eyes as she rolled onto her side with a soft moan. "n-nnh..morning already?" she murmured, a tiny yawn escaping through her lips. She slowly scooted over to the edge, swinging her feet down onto the hard wood floor, rising stiffly. "i hate getting up so early" she muttered dryly to herself as she shuffled to the front door, going into the hallway bathroom to get ready for school; As she got into the bathroom her morning routine began, with brushing her teeth, quite dully, soon washing her face clean for the morning ahead, and stumbled out again to change into her middle school uniform. Once completely changed and checked over her bag to made sure she had everything for the day, she quickly scurried downstairs to grab her breakfast. Toast, quick, simple. It didn't really matter when she's always lazy and on the run to barely make it in time for school, waving goodbye to her mother as she ran out the door, she hurried along the familiar streets. Careless as ever, never knowing or remembering any different, but yet that indifference bothered her greatly, she always felt something missing from her life but, at the same time didn't. It was odd, but every morning as she would arrive in her classroom she would forget about it and simply go about her once again very vague and daily routine called life. Sitting down at her desk with a heavy sigh. Getting her favorite mechanical pencil out as one of her friends reached over to whisper into her ear. "Hey..Hey Suoh! watch out! Kaito has his eyes on you again!" she giggled, and moved back over as souh flipped out, face bright red "Kyoko! That isn't funny! Shut up!" she swung her arm at her, pretending to push her playfully. Eyes glancing over to the spot were the boy she knew had a crush on her for sometime now. "don't' say such silly things.." she bit her lip, closing her eyes as she crossed her arms, pulling back, and looked out the window, at the sky,the clouds floating by. She wondered what life was like outside that tiny village, she thought about that deep dark thought that she could never remember.."who am i..?" she thought to herself in her lonely world.