• Gunners #3 I’m the one holding the trigger
    Hands of Guns

    Saya reloads her pistols and cleans her blade, she puts on her leather boots, with black and red skirt on, her red and black jacket, as she fixes her side fringe on her right eye. Her beautiful red and blue eyes resembles her sister, her clone sister as she walks outside to visit Hakuru
    Saya: hm… what the ********?
    Saya sees that the clouds has changed for some reason, and also one of the alley ways were badly damaged
    Saya: oh I know who did this, damn does she always over do it?
    Saya reaches Hakuru’s home and knocks on her door
    Who is it?
    Saya: Hakuru, it’s me Saya!
    Hakuru: oh hey Saya
    Saya hits Hakuru in the head
    Hakuru: ow! What you do that for?!
    Saya: you always overdo it don’t you?!
    Hakuru: what?!
    Saya: oh don’t play s**t dumb with me! There are broken buildings, roads and alley ways! The ******** man?!
    Hakuru: ah crap I forgot to fix them!
    Saya: fix them?
    Hakuru: Evil Energy can actually fix things u-
    Saya: wait hold up, did you just say Evil Energy?
    Hakuru: yeah why?
    Saya: I thought you lost them during The Ten Evil Blades
    Hakuru: no actually I’ve got them back
    Saya: and how?
    Hakuru: you just have to act evil
    Saya: evil huh? Well you and I do act evil anyway, say where’s the rest?
    Hakuru: all taking a nap
    Saya: is that so?
    Hakuru: what brings you here?
    Saya: I thought I’d come over and have another match with you but seeing broken buildings on my way, I’d say I wanna chat with you
    Hakuru: heh, really now?
    Saya: yeah
    Hakuru: well, some snake chick came and attacked me, she didn’t say what Organization she came from, but she did release some crucial attacks. It even affected me a lot actually
    Saya: so I’m guessing we have a new foe
    Hakuru: yeah
    Saya: excellent, if one comes by and attack we keep that one alive
    Hakuru: I don’t play mercy on my enemies
    Saya: neither do I, but we don’t have a choice, we gotta know who these ******** are
    Hakuru: agreed, wanna investigate with me?
    Saya: sure thing partner
    They packs some weapons up and began walking outside
    Saya: so they have snake powers you say?
    Hakuru: yeah, y’know I really don’t know why I’m the main target in this world, am I really that have a threat?
    Saya: well you are the strongest being in the world, after all it’s not only you, people have been targeting me as well after all you and I are equals, we have wings, we have unimaginable power
    I almost lost half of Kasumi my angel
    Hakuru: yeah, you named yourself Sakumi, and then you changed back to Saya when you gain her back
    Saya: yeah, I wonder what will happen if you actually lost half of Hinkyo?
    Hakuru: then I’ll probably name myself The Death
    Saya: that’s your nickname stupid
    Hakuru: then I’ll use it haha
    Saya: heh, well you sure do laugh like one
    Hakuru: hey that’s pretty mean
    Saya: well back in the old days I killed more people than you did
    Hakuru: now you’re talking like an old lady
    Saya: heh, I have lived longer than you anyway, besides me and your mother go way back
    Hakruu: huh? Wait Rukina?!
    Saya: yep, she was the first bio weapon, the first human bio weapon, and I was the first clone engineered by human man technology and so was my cloned sister
    Hakuru: hey your cloned sister, she was like a mother to you right?
    Saya: yeah, of course she was
    Hakuru: then we both have similarities, even with Rukina was human and I was a clone she still treated me as I was her very own daughter, she was like a mother to me too
    Saya: well, look at this world now; separated from them by death, well we can’t let the past be in the present, for now we investigate, we can’t let the past slow us down
    Hakuru: yeah you’re right Saya-san, you’re a good friend
    Saya: heh, I always wanted to kill you when I first met you, but ever since you freed me, I always say to myself “nah I should kill her later”
    Hakuru: wow, you must be a very nice person
    Saya: haha!
    Here want a smoke?
    Hakuru: sure
    Well well! Look at you both! Having a good time together!
    Hakuru: ah! Kurai?!
    Saya: you!
    Kurai: haha, I don’t go by that name anymore, you may call me The Dark Side Chronicles
    (Okay you notice that there’s like two Kurai’s in the story right? Okay let me go at this. I have this other series way back known as Gunners The Dark Side Chronicles, Kurai means dark or black and s**t I don’t know but yeah. This Kurai is The Dark Side Chronicles, a Dark Side which is pretty damn evil, and a total b***h. There’s also another Kurai which was on Saya’s Dark Gunners Side, she is a clone of “Saya” unfortunately the Hurisha Company managed to make clones out of Saya since she too is a clone herself. And also there’s “another” Kurai. This Kurai is a clone too same as Hakuru. Same engineering but more hyped up as usual and with poor memory. She has memories of Hakuru. And she also has the same fighting abilities as Hakuru so yeah sorry to confuse you all)
    Hakuru: I’ll just call you Dark
    Saya: so “Dark” what are you doing here? Came to fight us?
    Dark: well no, and Dark sounds a good name I like it. I came here to help you
    Hakuru: Do our foes always come here to help us?
    Dark: *chuckles* at times like these, people are still hunting you both. You Saya The Blood Shed Angel, every Gunner hated you and always want to get rid of you
    Saya: well they never try
    Dark: and you Hakuru The Death, the ultimate Gunner, I hear the Light Gunners has cancelled their execution on you, so they began to ally with you
    Saya: holy s**t they did?
    Hakuru: yeah I talked with the Goddess
    Saya: wow you son of a b-
    Hakuru: don’t say the b the word
    Saya: whatever, so I’m guessing the Gunners won’t try and kill us?
    Hakuru: yeah probably, but I don’t think the devil will
    Saya: well that figures, I use to work with that guy, so how’s the “other” Mistress in hell doing?
    Dark: doing fine as always, so you guys are investigating who attacked you?
    Hakuru: yeah that’s right
    Dark: well, since I lived for a very long time I’ll tell you since you two are both my favourite people
    Their known as The Snake Gunners
    Hakuru/Saya: The Snake Gunners?
    Dark: yes, they’re a bunch of well… “Species” that have lived The Black Death
    Hakuru: The Black Death?
    Dark: yes, it’s a disease that spread out across Europe, a very dangerous disease that wiped out half of Europe
    Saya: so, these guys survive from the disease?
    Dark: yes, they were supposed to be dead from the disease, but instead the disease transformed them
    Even snakes
    Hakuru: you know your history
    Dark: heh, well as long as this crystal of The Dark Side Chronicles I hold in my heart, I will always live
    Hakuru: ******** I only put a dent to it
    Dark: yeah, it did sound like you actually destroyed it, but it can actually heal itself, this is way cooler than human technology
    Hakuru: also when I first defeated you I can’t believe that I actually believed what you said about how I was actually human not a clone
    Dark: awww baby, I was just having fun
    Hakuru: fun?! It made me turned into a ******** kid! I had to go look for Saya’s body for ******** sake! I had to fight some Guardian in Greece! And also I had to fight a bunch of B.W.F’s with bazookas! and also not to mention I had to go round and round fighting and fighting to save the whole ******** planet from destruction! Good thing I had my body back as usual
    Saya: yeah not to mention I had a child’s body too, it looked so ******** weird but I felt weak inside
    Hakuru: yeah no kidding I couldn’t even fire a gun properly
    Dark: haha, you too humor me
    Hakuru: well anyways cut to the chase, where can we find those bastards?
    Dark: well hang on now; I don’t know where to find them
    Saya: oh that’s just great so much for help, somebody shoot me now!
    Hakuru: you have guns, do it yourself
    Dark: well like I said, most Organizations are hidden in dimensions, and the two of you don’t know even know this but mostly in dimensions they shield themselves which is known as Barrier Coding
    Hakuru: Barrier Coding?
    Dark: it’s a barrier that locks out signals from other Gunners.
    Saya: meaning we can’t or know where they are right?
    Dark: correct
    Hakuru: so that’s why…. The Dark Gothic Judgment Order did the same thing
    Saya: yeah you have a point
    Dark: hm…. Well the only way to get them is to wait
    Hakuru: wait?
    Dark: yes, best to wait in the dark, they usually appear, and I heard that their leader is quite handsome
    Hakuru: I’m not interested in men, all I’m interested is to beat him to a bloody pulp
    Dark: you’re definitely a feisty one
    Hakuru: well where do we wait?
    Dark: well I’d say the park
    Hakuru: nah we wreck the park too much, I’d say maybe a tower?
    Saya: yeah, after all I like fighting up mid air anyway
    Dark: alrighty then, I think I’ll assist you there, after all I want to meet them face to face
    Hakuru: then it’s decided we wait for them tonight
    Saya: it will probably just be the three of us but just in case let’s invite two of our friends
    Hakuru: two?
    Saya: Rev, The Immortal Moon and Aja The Red Wolf
    Hakuru: oh yeah them two, haven’t seen them in a couple few months, sure let’s bring them along
    Saya: I’ll call em over
    Hakuru: yeah sure
    Dark: Hakuru let’s talk privately
    Hakuru: privately?
    Dark: yeah, over here
    Hakuru: well whatever, what is it anyway?
    Dark: do you ever wonder if you will ever be corrupted?
    Hakuru: corrupted?
    Dark: with all this power you have, with all this burden you must carry, do you ever feel corrupted inside you. Where you will turn into a whole new different being
    Hakuru: *sigh* to be honest, I’ve been corrupted for the whole entire time ever since I was created, you can’t tell because most people don’t look at my eyes that much
    Dark: I see what about power?
    Hakuru: with power, I don’t hunger for power, I hunger for death, I use all that power to get rid of my hatred. And once I do I give them a pure taste of my hatred. It’s as simple as that besides it’s not just who’s corrupted, you even way more corrupted than me Dark
    Dark: heh true
    Saya: hey it’s done
    Hakuru: let’s go then
    So I see you three are going to the tower is that right?
    Hakuru: wha-
    Oh sorry to be rude, my name is Gina, leader of the Snake Gunners
    Saya: so you’re the leader huh?
    Hakuru: we want to talk
    Gina: yes I know tonight right?
    Hakuru: yes
    Gina: well then tonight it is, you know Hakuru, you’re quite interesting really
    You’re the types I like, strong, confidence, evil…..
    Filled with dark and depression with such agony and such hate
    I really like that
    Hakuru: ******** off, tonight all we want is to talk, that’s it.
    Gina: well talk is talk, I’m just hoping if it’s a date
    Hakuru: not in a hundred years
    Gina: hahaha….
    Well then I’ll be waiting
    He disappears in the shadows
    Saya: ********! Who the hell does he think he is?!
    Hakuru: don’t worry, if he tries any funny moves I’ll let you handle him
    Saya: my pleasure
    My lord are you alright?
    Gina: yes I am, Hakuru this girl… is so beautiful someday she will be mine; I will make her feel fragile by my own hands….. just like Shion….
    Shion: ah…..
    Gina: the Ten Evil Blades, finally weak, with no more power left….
    Shion: what do you…. Want?
    Gina: I just want all of your power from your group, after all, your “Alice” is giving me all the power I want
    Shion: stop your killing her….
    Gina: maybe you should stop talking
    Gina kicks her at the side of her head
    Shion: ah!
    Gina: do what you want with her, I have plans for tonight
    Yes, as you wish
    Shion: damn you Gina, once I’m free I’ll break your limbs out! Every goddamn single one of them!
    Gina: heh…
    Rev: yo!
    Hakuru: hey Rev
    Rev: s**t its ******** cold! Why out here in the middle of the night?!
    Hakuru: we’ll tell you later
    Rev: what?! Later?! Yo come on girl, I didn’t come out here for nothing!
    Aja: hush Rev, thiz iz not the time to act noisy
    Rev: oh shut it you Nazi
    Aja points her gun at Rev
    Aja: I am not a Nazi anymore, nor will I take vat tone of yourz
    Saya: quit dicking around he should be here any minute now, ********!
    A portal opens as Gina appears right in front of them with his companions
    Gina: sorry about the wait
    Hakuru: I hate to wait now tell me, why did one of your members attacked me?
    Gina: attacked you? Well to examine you of course
    Hakuru: examine me?
    Gina: you see we must know our enemies
    Hakuru: so what did you learn?
    Gina: your mechanical wings, though one of our computers exploded before they could fully examine them, though we did had some data
    Hakuru: what are you trying to accomplish here?
    Gina: to change
    Is that what everybody wants?
    Hakuru: you know you can’t just have the world to change just for you
    It will never change
    Gina: then what are you fighting for?
    Hakuru: for the sole purpose for this world to live, I can just let you people destroy it, but I can’t
    I have to do it for someone, someone who I use to fought
    Gina: so you’re just fighting in someone’s place?
    Hakuru: yeah, I hate the job, but at least I get to enjoy killing you
    Gina: let’s try…
    Saya: Bullet Temptation!
    Rev: Immortal Bullet!
    Aja: Wolf Bullet!
    Hakuru: Skull Bullet!
    The bullets went through the venom snakes but the mouth of the snakes consumed the bullet and attacked them with it
    Hakuru: Skull Barrier!
    Saya: s**t they turned out bullets against us?!
    Hakuru: pfft, fighting on this tower is getting kinda boring, Gina!
    Let’s settle this score in a game!
    Gina: game?
    Hakuru: since there’s around five of us, I say we all split up around in Tokyo
    Gina: are you saying you want to challenge me in a Gunners fight?
    Hakuru: yeah, we’re gonna settle this our way, our own way of rules in a Gunners fight, forget about fighting a barrier, we fight in environments now, you may use any weapon of choice
    The team with the most victories wins.
    If a team forfeits, the other takes the victory, if it involves death then so be it
    Rev: the fight will be under one hour, make it count
    Aja: when the time runs out, if one team has sustained incredible damage, then the other team wins
    Saya: is that understood?
    Gina: your challenge is accepted
    Hakuru: alrighty then, let’s break
    Rev: Gunners fight, on my mark
    They all disappeared and began to split up
    Saya: Dark Blade!
    They clashed each other’s blades
    Saya: what’s your name?!
    The names Renka!
    Saya: well then, you better not disappoint me!
    Rev: ******** stop moving around!
    The man was moving really fast, and began to move like a snake. His body began to twist and bend as it made Rev very angry to aim
    Rev: ******** it!
    You’re not the only ******** that’s fast!
    Rev disappears and uppercuts the man in the chin
    Rev: gotcha…
    She began to shoot her P90 into the man’s face as she flips back
    Rev: how’d you like that huh?!
    He was still standing as the bullets came out of his face
    Rev: what?!
    Rev: damn you should of died there…. Who are you?
    Rev: Twenty? I’m guessing your master named you didn’t he?
    Twenty: I will keep that name as a memory…..
    Rev: man…. Just ******** great
    Rev: well it looks’ like I’ll have to go all out
    Come on then Twenty! Let’s get serious!
    Aja: !
    Aja dodges the woman’s attack as she fired her two gun’s and began kicking her in the neck
    Aja: no affect?!
    Take this!
    Aja: WOLF SPLIT!
    Aja: !
    She appeared behind her and tried to kick her but Aja turns around and blocks the kick with her own feet
    Aja: tch!
    Heh! You’re pretty damn good!
    That tattoo, I’m guessing you use to be a soldier
    Aja: yes…. And you?
    Nah, I always hated soldiers like you, the names Pitruno
    Pitruno V Vike
    Vike: but call me Vike, Pitruno is a hard name to pronounce sometimes
    Aja: then I shall
    Vike: let’s go!!!!
    Aja reflects Vike with her kicks as she spins around with her hand’s up side down and began to make a direct hit to Vike’s body
    Vike: GAH!
    So you’re strong with you’re kicks huh?
    Aja: I am strong with my fist as well
    geh zum Teufel
    (go to the devil)
    She took out her AK47 and began rapid fire at Vike as she flips and blocks the bullets, she then throws a grenade at her and takes out her pistol as she fires it
    Vike: yes! Keep on attacking me! It makes me stronger and stronger!!!!
    Aja: you are mad….
    Very well then…. I’ll take you on very seriously
    Hakuru: Dark! Cover me!
    Dark: got it!
    Gina: you think you will beat us like that?
    Hakuru: shut your mouth!
    You’re very annoying!
    Gina: my you’re very angry
    Gina: Vishion, take care of Kurai, I will take care of Hakuru
    Vishion: yes my master
    Hakuru: SWIFT KICK!!!!
    She spins and fires out a cannon wind from her swift kick as she releases a powerful force of speed from her spin
    Gina: Venom Shield
    A pile of snakes came up and blocked the attack, the attack did nothing to him
    Hakuru: take this!
    Dark: Dark Claw!
    Vishion: Chain’s of Recreation
    Dark: recreation?
    I haven’t seen that move for a while
    Dark: Hakuru!
    Hakuru: yeah?
    Dark: change tactics!
    Hakuru: why?!
    Dark: you’re no match for Gina! His up to something!
    Hakuru: *spits* fine!
    Gina: what’s this?
    Dark: I want to fight you Gina, let’s see if you truly are the leader of the Snake Gunners!
    Gina: heh.
    Evil Venom!
    Dark: *evil energy huh?*
    Black Sage!!!!!
    Her whole hand turns into a black bowl of armor as she reflected the attack back at him
    Dark: time to get serious
    Hakuru: s**t! Stay still!
    Vishion: you’re a bit too slow
    Hakuru: *damn I’m losing focus here! Gotta calm down*
    Alright let’s use it!
    Lucky Long Shot!
    She takes out and transforms it to a machine gun and begins to fire
    Vishion: Cannon Slice!
    Hakuru: take this!
    Skull Bullet!
    Saya: RAAAHH!!!!!
    She releases a huge darkness from her wings as Renka dodges them all but using a light force of energy out of his hand
    Renka: destroy this evil of darkness! Light of Crusaders!!!!!
    Saya: damn!
    Take this then!
    Renka grabs her face and throws her to the ground
    Saya: AH!
    Saya: damn….
    I’m losing my cool here…. Gotta focus….
    I just need to predict his next move
    Saya: ….
    Kasumi! Switch!
    Kasumi: understood!
    They switched bodies as Kasumi has weapons all over her, such as the machine gun, two pistol guns, one katana, a sniper rifle, a few grenades strap to her legs, and one shotgun
    Her wings spread out as she lifts up her blade
    Kasumi: Blade Crusader!
    She strikes down upon Renka with her blade with an enormous amount of energy then she shoots out a huge blue beam from her blue eyes
    Kasumi flies down and swings her blade at Renka. Renka began dodging and blocking the attacks as he lands a hit to Kasumi’s face, he then lands a body blow then a knee to her face. Kasumi flew straight into Renka and began to punch him in the face and stabs him into the rib, she then uses her left hand to grab her pistol as she began to fire Renka. Renka clenched his right fist and blew out a heat of flame
    Kasumi: tsk!
    Renka: Number 12! Heat of Venom!
    Kasumi flips and twists her whole body as she swings her blade against the Heart of Venom and unleashed a full scale blow against Renka
    Renka: !
    Renka unleashed a snake blade and held it against Kasumi’s katana
    Kasumi: Angel Crusader!
    Rev: “huff” “huff” “huff”
    Twenty: give up, or else you will die
    Rev was bleeding rapidly from her right side arm and her lower hip. She begins to stand right back up with her two bleeding legs, her forehead began to bleed as well as the blood blocks her left eye
    Rev: ah damn, gotta stop the bleeding…..
    My Immortal powers will probably have to take time to heal, ******** who are these guys?
    It looks like I’ve really underestimated them
    Rev: ********!
    She spit’s on the ground as she threw away her two empty P90’s away
    Rev she slams both of her fist together and looks up in the moon
    Rev: well it looks like I’ll have to use it, either way I don’t think I can ever come back to my original self, oh well, they don’t call me The Immortal Moon for nothing y’know
    Her eyes turned deep purple as her whole hair began to glow, her whole body began to flow with energy as she flies up in the air and grabs Twenty, she throws him to a wall and slashed threw him with her claws. She then jumped up and twist her whole body and uses her right foot as a spinning drill
    Rev: !!!!!
    Her eyes were deeply amazing as they were evil but yet mere innocent. As if they had darkness inside of them with sadness crying out to be free. Twenty was being drilled against the wall then flew off against another wall
    Rev: Hells Chains of Bonds!
    She unleashed chains from her hands as they grabbed Twenty
    Twenty: what… is this?
    Rev: I am The Immortal Moon, you see I was born in a tribe known as The Immortal Moon
    My parents had an ancient blood that allows them to live forever, now much people has that, but we’re actually more special, no… you could say I’m the last one
    Since the moon isn’t exactly full yet, I can only use half of my powers as I see fit, this is known as The Half Moon mode, and this chain which is coming out from my hand, is known as The Hells Bond of Chains, that is my right hand, and now with my left hand is known as The Bringer of Death
    This hand is gonna send ya straight to hell
    Don’t underestimate an immortal, since I’m only in Half Moon Mode I can only use these two powers, but they will be enough to kill any opponent, so you’re lucky it isn’t a full moon yet!
    Rev: though I pity you Twenty….
    What does your master do for you?
    Twenty: what…?
    Rev: before you die, I want to listen to your last words, what has he done for you?
    Twenty: he has saved me from hatred!
    Rev: and?
    Twenty: that is all…
    Rev: even so he has saved you from hatred, he has now led you to his hatred
    Twenty: if I am fighting for him then-
    Rev: you don’t get it do you
    Twenty: ?!
    Rev: all that guy is doing is just using you, trying to destroy this world into his own
    His merely using you as a toy
    Twenty: no! He would never be like that!
    Rev: open your eyes once Twenty, when I first saw him with my own eyes by that tower, I know what kind of person he is
    If you don’t want to believe it then fine, you can just die by my hand
    Twenty: ……
    A long time ago, I was known as The Demon’s Child, everybody hated me, threw rocks at me, even my parents thrown me away like trash, hatred has surrounded me…..
    I intend to walk to the ends of the Earth until I die, my heart was empty with no food, no home, no love, no happiness neither no dreams
    Until he came, Gina my master
    Gina: take my hand
    Who… are you?
    Gina: I am Gina, I’ve come here to save you from this hatred world, would you like to come with me?
    Gina: do you have a name?
    Gina: then I’ll give you one, I shall name you “Twenty”
    The 20th Snake Gunners…..
    And my loyal henchman
    He unleashed dark venoms from his hands as he rushes against Rev
    Rev: *his rushing through?*
    Rev: stop! Don’t be an idiot!
    Twenty: DIE!!!!!
    Rev: you idiot!
    She pulls the chain and brings forward her left hand of death, she grabs his forehead and begins to suck his life force away
    Twenty: no…. I cannot….. ah…
    Rev: sorry, but it’s for your own good, damn why couldn’t you just surrender already?! I would of ******** let you go!
    Well it’s your goddamn fault anyway
    She let’s go of Twenty as he falls down without a soul, dead on the ground
    Rev: well, looks like I won, one point to the HellsBound Crisis Gang, now, I wonder how the rest of the guys are doing?
    Pitruno: oi oi oi oi oi! What you doing b***h?!
    Stop moving around so I can pound ya!
    It freezes one of Aja’s arm as Pitruno lands a huge punch onto her
    Aja: ah!
    She was smashed into a wall but the ice wore off Aja’s arm
    Aja takes out her Luger P08 and fired out a few bullets
    Aja: *she is strong, but she should have some vulnerable points, I wonder…..*
    Aja runs in and kicks Pitruno again, this time she blocks it, Aja take’s the upper hand, she jumps up and knees her in the head then elbowed her, she then turns around and fired her pistol straight into Pitruno’s face. She grabs it then throws her onto the ground and slams her two fist and splatters her brains out
    Ptruno: heh.e… haha.h.. haha….
    Aja: ?!
    Pitruno: I can regenerate y’know?
    Aja pulls out a grenade and place it to her head and flips back
    Aja: try and regenerate that
    Pitruno came out of the smoke as she turned into a venom monster
    Pitruno: you’ll pay for that you b***h….!
    Aja: I take it back…..
    Aja: *gotta hold her off, unless I can burn her down somehow*
    Pitruno whips her tail, Aja does a barrel roll as she dodges it
    Aja: !
    Pitruno grabs her and began to crack one of her bones in the inside
    Aja: AHH!!!!
    She then throws her to the ground and began to stomp her
    Aja: AH! AH! GAH!
    Not like this….
    No. no . no no no no no!!!
    Must focus….
    I can’t lose, like last time…
    I will… win, win…
    Must…. Win!
    Not for…. Honor, but for….
    My friends and comrades
    Pitruno: what?
    A glimmering red light appeared in front of Pitruno as a massive explosion suddenly occurred. Aja switched to her ultimate demon form named Sorza as she flies up and punches Pitruno straight into her face
    Pitruno: GAHH!!!!
    Sorza: you’ll pay for what you did!
    Sorza takes out the Lugar P08 pistols and began firing sharp demon bullets into Pitruno’s face
    Pitruno: wha…. What are you?! This isn’t happening!
    Sorza: face it, your master has used you
    1st Portal unleash
    She unleashed a portal above her and began firing a huge explosion upon her
    Pitrnuo: GAH!!!!!
    2nd Portal unleash
    3rd 4th 5th
    The portals were being fired onto Pitruno as they were summoned on each corner, wall air everywhere
    Pitrnuo: GAH! NOOO!!!!!
    Aja/Sorza: this is the end!
    She unleashed her right hand and fired out a portal beam gun
    Kasumi: it looks like Rev and Aja won looks like it’s my turn
    Renka: well, it looks like Twenty and Pitruno are dead, pity *sigh* I knew they would lose anyway
    Kasumi: you don’t care about your team mates?
    Renka: team mates? They weren’t even team mates to begin with
    Kasumi: so you would just let them die?
    Renka: they were weak, they were useless to Gina anyway
    Kasumi: you cold hearted b*****d, how could you not care about your own team mates?!
    Renka: why should I care for some weakling, if they die, they die
    Kasumi: y’know sometimes the weak can have a strong heart than a strong man
    You probably have a weak heart
    Renka: don’t compare me to “them!”
    Kasumi: see, that’s what I mean, you know what, you’re a very cruel guy, you don’t even care, I bet you don’t even care about your own goddamn master
    You just care about your own ******** life
    Renka: somebody utter shut your ******** mouth b***h!
    After I defeat you I’ll have some free time with your mouth!
    Kasumi: try it a*****e…
    Ultimate Move: Dark Chain Blade
    A chain wraps around her katana with black energy coming out of the katana
    Renka: what is that?!
    Kasumi: it’s called a ******** dark sword, b***h
    Now take this to your master!!!!
    She flies straight into Renka and slashes him
    Renka: you think that will- gah!
    Kasumi: the blade’s ability is to make your whole body suffer, and also inflicting your energy. Turning your own energy against you
    Renka: nah…. What….?!
    Kasumi: still don’t get it? Let me do it again….
    She slashes his body again
    Renka: GUUAAHHH!!!!
    Kasumi: this is the end!
    Final Move: The Blood Shed
    Her blood came out of her eyes as she looks at him with her black empty eyes
    Welcome to my darkness….
    To be continued
    Next Chapter: #4 Next Approach