• You are a criminal, wanted for the assassination of the president. Right now, it's dark and silent. You barely see what is in front of you, but you know that's what makes it the perfect time to move. Doesn't it?
    An alarm goes off, then there is a public announcement that tells citizens to stay indoors and close their windows and shades. Suddenly, the silence is almost deafening, but not for long. You start to hear a faint humming sound, approaching quicker and quicker. The military must know where you are. You know you need to pick up the pace. You start running through cracks and crevaces between buildings, then you suddenly don't know where you are.
    There is a dazzling bright light surrounding you. At first, you believe the military choppers finally found you. About time, you think to yourself sarcastically.
    Just then, the bright dazzling light turns into a soft green beam. You start to feel faint. You realize you're facing up, and that you're inching closer and closer to some white circular gateway that you are unfamiliar with, but you can't move. You're paralyzed completely.
    You start to panic. One minute, you were running away from the government, the next you're being abducted by extra-terrestials. What are the odds? Then you remember the public announcement. Anyone would be frightened by this. The government didn't want the suspicion of it's citizen's. So this is what happens to those criminals the government says they never found. Like Joe Profaci. Heh. The aliens and the government are working together. They both benefit...
    You can't think now. You're too stunned by the white raven claw reaching out to grab you. Then, it touches you.