• I closed my eyes as my ears began to open…
    I was trapped in a certain darkness where you feel presence. You feel like someone is coming… Like someone is there. The loud ambience of silence drew a ring in my ear, and as well my senses became extremely understandable.
    It was 1:06 A.M. and I was inside an old Mustang car. I was tensed so much inside my car seat it almost felt like I was chain locked to it. I dare not look at the window, for I fear a face to appear sudden and creepily. Paranoid and feeling in a sketchy situation, I began to close my eyes, and pretend as if I was somewhere else.
    I saw a sky with big, fluffy, beautiful clouds. I looked down and looked all around. I was laying in a bed of daisies, in the middle of a wide, flat meadow, full of tall grass. I smiled and quickly rose to both of my feet, ready to frolic and listen to the birds chirp. SQREEEEK!
    All of my breath disappeared as I heard the car rolling backwards, down a hill. A strong pull and feeling went straight into my guts as I held on for my life. My eyes widened and I froze.
    My head smacked to reality as I had flew down forwards at a lightning speed velocity.
    And here I was again inside my bed, early in the morning, knowing this all had to have been a dream. I took a deep breath in and out from relief. Smelling smoke, I assumed my mother had been making breakfast for me. I walked casually into the kitchen, but there was no one making any kind of food.
    I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet, and poured my favorite cereal. I opened the fridge and smoke rolled into my face. While I was coughing hard, I grabbed the milk and quickly shut the refrigerator door. I opened the silverware drawer and grabbed a spoon. It was burning hot and I quickly dropped it. As my hand burned, I ran to the sink and washed my hand with cold water.
    I got a plastic spoon instead and then proceeded to pour the milk into the bowl. I sat down, stuck the spoon into the bowl, and began eating. I had tasted the taste of pure blood and immediately spit out the cereal. On the table where I spat it out, I had only seen my own guts.
    Blood drooled down from my nose and face, and my body started melting fast. I felt like a lit wax candle with a broken string and lots of striking pain.
    I had opened my eyes weakly and saw fire flare into my eyes and a siren flash repeatedly. I couldn’t move or hear. I was only there to see.
    Again I had opened my eyes, and I was inside the Mustang car again, back at the exact way it was. I was tensed in my seat, and felt a presence. I didn’t want to see anything again so I kept my eyes open. I could not look anywhere, because I didn’t want to see a ghost or be freaked out. I couldn’t leave because I did not want to be touched by anything. So I tried to relax myself.

    I closed my eyes as my ears began to open…