• Running. That’s all I have been doing is running. I feel my legs ache and my chest burn. My body can’t anymore of this and I myself want to stop but if I do, I’ll surly die.

    I hear the splash of puddles as they come after me. ‘Run faster!’ I scream to myself as I turn the corner. I hear the sound of their gurgling screams as others join the chase. The sound of running feet increasing as I slip turning another corner.

    ‘Get up! GET UP!’ I yell at myself. I stand and start sprinting, until I come to a sudden stop. Dead End. “Son of a-!” I curse to myself as I stare at large brick wall.

    I hear the sound of running feet come to a halt. I turn around and look at the massive group and see they are blocking my only exit. They stood there staring intently at me. I stared back, looking at their deformed faces.

    I then looked at my right hand, which in it held a gun. I felt my index finger twitch as it wanted to pull the trigger. ‘No, not yet.’ I thought. Then the group started advancing towards me, slowly almost mockingly. Out of nowhere one of them lunges at me, out reflex I raise my right hand and shoot.

    They stop and begin to slowly fall down. Aged old blood starts to come out of its head where his new wound resides. I look back at my gun, ‘Two bullets left.’ I tell myself.

    The others don’t even stop and look at their fallen and continue coming towards me. I take a step back almost forgetting the wall behind me.

    Once again another comes at me and I shoot. ‘One bullet left’ I think as squeezed the gun. I take another look at the large mass of infected in front of me.

    Blood coming out of their mouths and wounds. Cloud filled eyes that show no pain or any kind of emotion. Once people like you or me, now turned into cannibalized monsters.

    I squeeze the gun once more, ‘One Bullet’ I repeat to myself. I lift the gun and point it at my own head. I close my eyes and look back at my life up till now. “Well, it was kind of while it lasted.”


    The cry of gun echoed as the last man in the city took his life. Around the whole untied states there are many like him who could not survive the out brake of the latest virus taking over mankind.