• They dropped Eva off at home around 7 o’clock that night. She could tell that her mother wasn’t home yet. She made her self a sandwich she was too tired to make anything else. After she finished her sandwich she went to bed.

    She hadn’t been a sleep for long when she heard the front door slam shut. She listened and then she got out of bed. She walked out and stopped at the top of the stairs. She looked over the banister and saw her mother. She was obviously drunk she was swaying on her feet. Eva walked down the steps. “Mother? Let me help you up stairs.” She took her mother gently by the arm.

    When she touched her arm she shoved Eva aside, “don’t youuuuuuuu touch me! It’zzzzzzzz all yourrrrrrrrr fault! That this happened!” Her mother was screaming.

    Eva picked her self up and looked at her mother. “What did I do mother? What is my fault?” she asked her mother. “

    “He isn’t here because of yoooooou! You killlllllled him! It’zzzzzzz all yourrrrrrrrr fault!” Eva’s mother’s words where slurred.

    He mother was getting angry and Eva didn’t know what to do. Her mother had never been this bad before. “I don’t know what you are talking about. I…” she wasn’t able to finish because her mother slapped her across the face. Eva fell back against the wall in total shock. Her mother had never hit her.

    “Dooooon’tttttt youuuuuuu dare talk back toooooo meeeeeeeeee!” Her mother yelled as she slapped Eva again. Then she turned and walked up stairs to her room.

    Eva pulled her self up and walked quietly to her room. When she got in she locked her door. She then threw her self onto her bed. She curled up into a ball and started to weep. She cried herself to sleep.

    That night she dreamed. She dreamed about the little girl. But this night it was but this night it was a little different.

    Eva saw the little girl with the flame red hair walking toward her. The little girl got close and reached a hand out to touch Eva’s face. Eva pulled back not wanting to be touched. The little girl started to cry and pointed at something behind Eva. This time Eva didn’t try comfort the child. She just turned and looked behind her. As she turned she saw shadowed figures standing there. She couldn’t tell who they where. Then darkness wrapped around Eva and she felt her self falling.

    The next morning she woke up in a cold sweat.


    Over the next three weeks Eva’s life steadily feel apart.

    Her mother started to drink more and more. And ether she didn’t come home for days or she never left home. And when she was home she was abusive toward Eva mostly verbal but every now and then she would hit Eva across the face.

    At school she was picked on. Every morning when she would open her locker it was stuffed with more of the hate notes. Her gym locker was broken into and her gym clothes had been cut to ribbons. In art class the clay house she had been working on had been destroyed. And she was being made into an even bigger outsider by Lila and her friends.

    The school faulty was of no use to her. They where cold to her and wouldn’t believe that she wasn’t doing these things herself. Her grades started to drop in all her class.

    She had visited Adem in the hospital a few more times. Usually only because she was tricked or pestered into it. She was happy to see he was recovering. But each time she saw him there was this tension between them. She felt guilty for what had happened to Adem. And to top it off Adem never looked her in the eye.

    Every night she was still having the dreams. The one with the little flame red haired little girl who tries to show her some thing, the one with the full length mirror that shatters into a million pieces and finally the one that was more like a memory then a dream

    And if all this wasn’t bad enough she was seeing the little girl with the flame red hair everyday now.

    Every night Eva cried herself to sleep. She was breaking up inside. But she couldn’t tell her friend what was happening to her. She felt her mind slipping away into a cloud of uncertainties and her heart falling into a pit of loneliness. And all this was happening behind her mask.