Kreed sighed aloud, he made it almost 300 feet from his home when his phone rang, he knew who it was before he reached into his pocket and placed it to his ear. "Yes maam?"
"There seems to be a commotion on the main grounds, near the flag pole in the inner meeting area. Seems a family argument has turned violent. Interrupt them and maintain order. If someone starts swinging fists, do the same. Have fun." There was a giggle on the other end of the line, the same giggle he heard in the kitchen just moments before.
"Of course." He placed the phone back in his pocket before strolling down to the inner meeting area where as promised, there was a crowd gathering to watch as a man was yelling at a woman.
"Your going home now!" The man screamed at the girl who he had grabbed by the wrist, trying to pull her away in an effort to drag her home.
"Leave me alone!" The girl fought back, whisking her free hand over his wrist the sleeve froze into a solid block of ice. The man pulled away in anger.
"Enough." Kreed spoke up, making his way through the crowd he stood between the two conflicting individuals.
"I'm taking my daughter home. I am her father-"
"You are not my dad! Now leave me alone! I worked hard to get my scholarship here!"
"You ungrateful brat!" The man raised his hand to strike the girl.
"I am going to count to three..." Kreed grabbed the mans hand, pressing the flat end of his thumb against the mans index finger.
"One." CRACK. The man screamed.
"Two." Kreed shifted to the middle finger. CRACK. Again, the man screamed.
"I'll go!" The man began to whimper from the pain of his now broken fingers. "I'll be talking to the dean about this you damn punk!"
"She sent me."
Kreed turned to the girl. Who was now dusting herself off from the ordeal, she reached down and straightened out her shirt. "I'm sorry. He's a drunk b*****d. I got the scholarship to get away from home."
"Go to your room." Kreed turned away again, shoving his hands back into his pockets he strolled down the walkway.
"Wha...but...you a**!" The girl ran up to him, not missing a beat. She seemed to have found the energy to scold him for being so abrupt and rude.
"Go to your room." He spoke again, stopping in his path as he glanced at her from the corner of his eyes. "Student introduction is tomorrow and you'll want to learn the layout of the grounds before then. Now get settled in....IN your room." Kreed sighed aloud, he hated to talk. *Everyone always wants to sit down and chat. Who the hell cares?* He thought to himself as he proceeded walking once again, the girl stayed behind.
"I'm sorry! I'll get settled in right away! Thank you!" Lifting her arm into the air she waved to him before pulling out a small map from her orientation pamphlet and walking away.
Reaching into his pocket he could almost feel the heat coming from his phone. "Yeah?"
He spoke, short sweet and to the point.
"You broke his fingers? REALLY!? Apologize to the man right now!"
He heard the phone being placed onto speaker phone mode.
"Well? You little punk? Apologize!" For once in a long while Kreed began to smile.
"For what? Anyone who was within ten feet of you can tell that your were inebriated, in your drunken state you decided that you would lay a harmful hand on your wife's daughter. I simply intervened." He grinned, he had a feeling on what was coming next.
"Intervened!?! You broke my hand! I could sue you out the a** for this! This whole damn place will be mine!" He cried out in a fit of rage.
Naomi sat down in her office, across from the booze filled drunkard.
"Yes, but here is how it's going to play out. You are not to have alcohol on the premises and judging from the stink of you, your drunk already and you most likely carry alcohol in your vehicle which is parked on campus grounds. You raised a hand against a young woman in a public place and you grabbed her by the wrist against her will which counts as physical harassment and mind you, there was a crowd and I am sure our students will testify against you if this was ever to go to court."
Naomi grinned devilishly, once again placing her chin atop her intertwined fingers whilst narrowing her eyes in an icy glare at the drunk. "Anything else Kreed?"
"No ma'am. Have a great day." He loved it, he knew that after living with Naomi for so long that some of her evil ambitions and underhanded ways rubbed off on him. It was fulfilling to him.
The man stormed out of Naomi's office, almost running. Perhaps he was scared that the police would be called since he now knew the offenses at which he would be charged with if the legal system were to get involved.
"And to you as well my pupil."

- Title: Warlords Chrysalis *Kreed*
- Artist: Yikiru
This is a small peek at the rp I have up, since I placed it in a specific part of the forums, not many people have signed up. Maybe I made it hard to look for. ~_^
Here's a touch of what I have so far based on the character I thought up. Please let me know what you think and how he "Kreed" may come off to other people based on his limited character interactions. :)
I'm sure that if you look for this RP you will find it.
If not I will be happy to send you the link upon request. :) - Date: 08/12/2011
- Tags: warlords chrysalis kreed
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