• It's not like I even knew you that long.

    You'd think if I was apparently the "love of your life" you would at least have the kindness to introduce yourself first, but boys will be boys. Sitting along in math was the norm, I wasn't a cheerleader, or a diva, or a flirt, or had a life that made me popular in school, my thing was cars.

    And if your expecting some Megan Fox from Transformers, find another story. I'm thin, at least, being a badminton player did something for me. Long brown-golden hair and hazel eyes looked good with my olive skin tone. But when I work on cars I'm usually covered in grease and oil and working with some old Ford Charger that refuses to run.

    So high school had been going pretty good, average, well no, i hadn't. I crave adventure. I'm one of those people that if nothing is happening on a friday night, I'll watch Lara Croft movies or Indiana Jones then investigate what to have for supper. I need some thrill! And when it's just beginning of second semester, nothing is going on.

    I totally wasn't expecting you. I do have to give you credit, for you do know how to make an entrance. Running into the room carrying a goose wasn't exactly what you brought for math. Our teacher, Mrs. Vernon , continued to write notes on the board despite the fact that a good looking 17 year old holding a squawking goose was standing in the door way. I was lost for a second studying the fact I hadn't seen him before, and I knew I would have remember somebody with such beautiful blue eyes. And a gorgeous bod.

    Apparently I was studying too hard, because i didn't hear all the people calling my name just until Mrs. Vernon slapped a book on my desk did I brake the concentration.

    "Robin! I've called you at least 10 times. Go deal with the duck." She demanded, and returned to writing notes.

    "I'm-I'm sorry? How would I know what to do with a, I think that's a goose." I replied looking past the goose to see our new comer must have a six pack under his grey v-neck shirt.

    "You know about bird's right? Go deal with what ever it is." Not even a slight turn in her head.

    "Just because my name is Robin doesn't actually mean I know anything-."

    "Deal with it! Don't make me ask again." She added with a greedy smirk.

    I slowly got up from my chair and grabbed my bag. Truthfully I think I just stood there for a second before Mrs. Vernon made an exaggerated sigh and stated, "It would be best to take him to the Home Ec. teacher, don't you agree, Robin?"

    "Oh- yes, I will, okay." I hustled over to the door which was now unoccupied. Slowly closing the door behind me, I looked around for our new friends. The guy was holding the goose very delicately and stroked it's neck while looking at it's beady, small black eyes. He looked up for a brief moment before introducing himself.

    "I'm Dean, Fletcher. You're Robin, I heard." He said, adding a small smile.

    "Hello, so should I ask or are you just going to tell me about the goose?" He glanced up, almost surprised. We started walking down the isolated math hallway.

    "Oh yes, his name is Benny. I found Benny outside I wasn't sure what to do with him."

    "So you brought him to a math teacher?"

    "Well, It was on Mrs. Vernon's car- I wasn't sure if it was hers." We passed the cafeteria as the light entered the large windowed wall and I inspected his face. He had a perfect nose and soft-looking lips. Deep blue eyes and a bit a of stubble that lined his narrow face, leading up to his small ears and chestnut coloured hair, which was sort of messy and long, but he brushed it back with his fingers which the curls fell onto his forehead. Very, very cute and rugged, with I thought was so sexy. Why hadn't I seen him before?

    "Why haven't I seen you before? Our school isn't the biggest and I'm good at remembering faces," Our school was really tiny. Maybe 500 kids, which compared to the other schools in River Heights, was a laughing joke. Our school, FC High, bordered the large community of River Heights, BC. The coast of Canada got a lot of sun, and a lot of rain. Usually I would drive my 1969 Camaro to school. You'd think with such a classic car you would be a cool kid, but turns out the driver has to be. That was my down point, I wasn't popular. Maybe it was because I had muscle instead of skin and bones and wore clothes that covered all my swimsuit parts, but if that was what being popular was-no thanks.

    "I just moved here from Toronto. Dad's work. We are going to live in River Heights for a bit because we have family here. I don't know a lot of people here so it's nice to make a friend." He smiled again and glanced into my eyes. He held them for a moment before adding, "Where's the Home Ec. room?"

    I glanced at where we had ended up. We were now to the exit by the parking lot, and the Home Ec. room was exactly the other way across the school. I thought for a moment of what might happen to Benny.

    "It's this way." I replied, walking straight out the exit doors and headed towards the parking lot.

    He glanced around and followed. "Are you sure?"

    "I know where I'm going," I assured him, and grabbed my keys from the pock of my shorts. I unlocked the trunk and grabbed my cats old water dish and my sandwich and opened the side door. I layed out some newspaper on the seat and took the lettuce out of the sandwich.

    "What are you doing? Do you have to make your own Home Ec. lab? I didn't think the school was that poor." He chuckled.

    "Oh funny. If we take him to the Home Ec. lab they will serve him for lunch and I'm not having that! I think he's cute." I looked at the bird, but then I might have been referring to Dean too.

    I put the window shade on and slowly put the goose inside.

    "He'll be okay till lunch then I'll run him home." I shut the door and Dean starred at me, dumbfounded.

    "What? You're looking at me weird."

    "Oh it's just- I love your car." It was a great looking car. I just finished the green on the hood this morning and pimped some black stripes on the sides. Not that any of my friends would notice. I have a group of three people that I call my best friends. There's Ashley, my oldest friend in the world. She's known me since birth, our mom's we hospital room buddies. Long time and we still have been friends. She's fantastic, but the only thing is that she is almost a guy. She loves horror films, meat and football. She calls people 'bro' and she would do anything for bacon. She is also beautiful, muscular and lean but she fails to see it. She would be a man's dream except she would beat them at Call of Duty, which puts some guys off. And there's Dana, my friend through badminton and Junior High. She loves loves loves being complimented, by guys. If she gets a compliment she will chase a guy for hours. She also loves shopping and being a normal teenaged girl. She is also a vegetarian and loves learning languages. She knows more useless facts then anyone I know. Then there is Jamie, the sweetest guy in the world. He sings. He plays guitar. He has amazing style. He has a great body. He has loaded. And he is the only openly gay guy at our school. Come on!