• It walked along a road long lost. Grass grew through the road, weeds breaking the pavement as if it were paper. The buildings along the road looked broken and sad. Many of them are still as the owners left them. It walked, no more like stumbled along the road. It was tall and lanky, its skin so tight that one could see It's bone. It's tattered black slacks got caught on a branch, it fell to the ground with a loud thump. All was still except a crow cawing in the air above. Slowly It used It's arms to lift It off of the ground. With out even noticing the fall, It continued to walk. All of a sudden It's eye spied something. It walked to a car, its windshield broken from the inside out, it's hood smashed in by a guard rail. It gazed at it, with one eye the other long missing, along with the right side of It's face. It's exposed jaw opened and let out a soft moan. It remembered, It's brain slowly kicked in, using the last of It's electrical energy. It remembered, long ago it was once what he now hungers for. It was once a man.
    In the darkness a radio clicked on, "This is J-102, bringing you the best of Jazz from around the world now here is the hit What a Wonderful World." A man looked up from his bed, at his radio alarm clock. With a click he turned off the radio. Opening the blinds from his apartment, the light flooded in, the man thought to himself, This will be a wonderful day. He got up and got dressed, getting ready to work at marketing job. The man did not particularly like his job, but nothing can ruin today for him. Tonight he was going to ask his girlfriend of four years to marry him. He Popped the ring and its case into his dark red dress shirt as he went outside to his car, he noticed that the world seemed dead. No one else was up, no one was getting ready for work. He decided to drop it, maybe there was a holiday he did not remember. Either way he had to work still, products don't sell themselves.
    He drove his normal route, he found it strange, no one was on the road. Yet again he paid no mind to this fact. He simply clicked on his CD player, it played some Jazz tunes. He had always liked Jazz, the emotion, the feeling behind it amazed him. He unbuckled his seat belt to readjust it. He was so caught up in the music and fixing his seat belt that he did not noticed her. She stood in the middle of the street with black nighty. Her black hair matted down with blood, her arm nearly ripped off. She stood there like a deer in headlights. The man looked up from trying to fiddle around with his seat belt and saw her at the last second. He quickly swerved to the left. As the car went to the left it hit a cement guardrail. The man was flung through the windshield. The man flew through the air, it all seemed slow. He seemed to be casing he ring as it flew in front of him and landed on the road. Then all of a sudden he hit the ground. His face was grated like cheese as the man slid on the pavement.
    The woman followed the trail of blood towards the man. His breathing was heavy, his eye rolled back. As she approached him, the man started to gain conciseness. Standing over him now the man looked up at the woman with his left eye. His vision was blurred, her features seemed like shadows against the sun. Silently the man pleaded with the girl. "P-please help m-" He cut off his sentence as his vision became clear. He saw her, her arm, the blood, and the one thing that scared him the most, her eyes, dead with out life, cold. She bent over and bit his shoulder, as her teeth tore through flesh the man let out a final scream.
    It moved from the car, and stumbled over the guardrail. It walked towards It's place of death. It saw a ring on the road, still as it was when It died. Turning back it inched It's way towards the car with awkward footsteps. As he did so, a wild animal jumped out from the car, clicking the CD player on as it rain from the horror. The CD played What a Wonderful World. It seemed interested by this sound. Then It remembered the hunger. As the sun set on the dead world, It walked again, searching for food or possibly it hungered for his long lost love.