• I loved him you know. Sure we may not have always met eye to eye but we had a connection that I couldn’t explain. I know he feels...or felt the same way, for he gave me the greatest gift in the form of an opportunity anyone could give.

    Suit, check. Black tie, check. Ridiculous-looking-elf-like-shoes, check. Getting ready for the funeral was rather awkward let alone being there, once I got there I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing, I don’t think anyone did. As I approached the open coffin I could see a pale shimmer of where the other people before me had cried onto his stone cold cheeks. Slowly I wipe his face with my hanky and I was very cautious as I did, it was almost like some part of me was expecting him to leap out of the coffin and yell “GOT YOU” and he would jest about how we all seemed so sad to see him sleeping alive and well. He’d do that y’know. I lay my hand on his, closed my eyes and held it there for a few minutes, and suddenly I felt something land on my hand, it was a tear. I opened up my eyes to see a girl leaning on my shoulder with her head close to mine. She was pale, so very pale that I doubted the fact she wasn’t a ghost. Her hair was crimson red, straight yet slightly wavy. She was wearing a black leather trench coat and grey jeans. I didn’t get a good look at her, her head was tilted down and her hair was concealing her face. All I could see was a single, lone tear run down her face. I turned to her and held her, I don’t know nor remember why, it was almost like she asked me without physically saying it.

    I walked her outside to the graveyard to see if the change in the atmosphere would do her good. We sat down beside a grave and I asked if she was alright. She didn’t seem all too keen on talking for some reason but after a few minutes of silence she says “the name’s Diana, Diana Elizabeth-Anne Drewit, and why do you care how I feel?” “I just want you to stop crying”. “Why, shouldn’t people cry at a funeral?” At this point I go to move her hair out of her eyes, but she grabs my hand and it startles me how cold her skin is. “What are you doing?” “Brushing your hair out of your face”. “Shouldn’t it be in my face?” “Usually it’s more comfortable if it isn’t”. It was rather odd talking to Diana, it was almost as if she doesn’t understand what a person is or does. It was at this point she moved her hair out of her eyes and looked at me. She is beautiful. Her eyes were a very deep blue that just seemed to drag you in, she was wearing jet black eye shadow that just seemed to add to the effect of her eyes, she was also wearing scarlet red lipstick. She was smiling at me and I couldn’t help but smile back. “Better?” “Definitely”.

    We talked for some time Diana and I, it wasn’t long before I could tell I had fallen in love. We were so similar as well, it was the perfect match.

    It had been almost three hours we spent chatting until my mother came to fetch me to tell us we had to leave. By this point we literally knew everything about each other, favourite band, favourite film, people we hate, the lot. “Sorry, but I’ve got to go home”. “That’s ok, want to meet up tomorrow? I’ll be right here.” “Sounds good, what time?” “Anytime, I don’t go anywhere”. My heart was practically on fire due to the prospect of seeing Diana again, let alone spending leisure time with her. All the way home I spent thinking about Diana and how am I going to prepare for a.............date?

    Once I arrived I went straight to my room, I was planning to see if I have anything ‘Cooler’ to prepare for tomorrow, but upon entering my room I found a black tabby cat curled up on my bed. I knew for a fact that we don’t have any pets because mum’s allergic to cats and can’t handle the responsibility of a dog. So I went up to the cat to see if I could convince it to leave. But then as soon as I got next to the cat I saw it had a collar, what’s the hurt in looking? ‘Name: Diana Elizabeth-Anne Drewit’. As I’m overcome with thought my mum enters the room, sees the cat and walked right passed as if it didn’t register to her that she had just seen a cat. This was remarkable because if you were to look up paranoid in the dictionary to would see a picture of my mum, full annotated and everything.

    I spent all day with ‘Cat Diana’ and even when I went to sleep she would curl up beside me and purr. She was so friendly. It was almost like we had met me before.

    Come the next day and my furry friend has disappeared. But to be perfectly honest something else was on my mind. ‘Human Diana’. I ran to my wardrobe grabbed the coolest shirt I could find, put on some grey jeans and I’m ready to go. Just got to go tell mum I’m off. “Mum, I’m going out with some friends”. “No you’re not, you’re going out to see that girl”. Even described as ‘that girl’ makes my heart skip beats. “Just watch out for her, I can tell you she isn’t like any other girl, be careful.” Of course I just casually threw this comment aside, because I could tell that she wasn’t like any other girl. I don’t see anyone coming close to her in personality, let alone beauty.

    I’m at the entrance of the graveyard. I notice a glint of crimson and I’m suddenly into ‘Mr cool mode’, but this facade only lasts the distance between us. “Hi, how are you?” I’m back to normal ‘Mr cool’ just simply disappeared into mist. It’s odd, it’s like when I’m around Diana I can be myself because she doesn’t care if I like the Spice Girls (I don’t) or My Little Ponies (.......maybe I very secretly do) because to her I’m human nothing more nothing less. “Good thanks, how are you?” We spent all day talking, we didn’t even leave the graveyard. “I’m sorry, I’ve got to go now, tea’s bound to be ready.” Suddenly but slowly she leans close to me and says “......bye, and don’t worry, my little cats paws aren’t leaving you now”. Then her left eye suddenly changed into what can only be described as........a cat’s eye. I didn’t know how to react, last time I checked people couldn’t turn into cats, or could they? “Want to meet up tomorrow? Same time and place?”

    This pretty much became a daily routine. Wake up go see Diana, then spend evening with ‘Cat Diana’ as odd as this sounds it came to be my norm. I never really declared my love for her, she just knew and returned the love. Soon we were going out shopping together, see films together and giving each other pet names. Mine is ‘Cass’ or ‘Casanova’ because I’m a hopeless romantic and Diana’s is ‘kitty’ due to her unusual ability. I wished it would go on forever, it didn’t.

    We had just been out shopping when we passed a church, there was a funeral was just taking place. Diana turns to me..... “Cass, I’ve got something to tell you, but I’m afraid of how you’ll react.” “I won’t be angry, I promise” “I.......I’m death” “sorry?” “I’m death in living form.....my name......Diana Elizabeth-Anne Drewit, what are my initials?” “D-E-A......” “I’m so sorry, I can’t be with you it just can’t be.”She ran. My calls after her weren't enough, she just kept running. All I could do was watch her run. This became difficult to do, it’s hard to see with tears streaming down your face.

    I never saw her again, occasionally I would see a black cat sat outside my window almost as if it was about to burst into tears. She was all I could think about, My grades dropped, I ever so slowly stopped leaving the house and now she has starting invading my dreams. Last night I dreamt that I (quite literally) collapsed into her arms and told her “I love you, please come back, I miss you” but she would never respond. I will do anything to see her again and I’ve found a way I can.

    She is sat with me now, we’re holding hands, but I have a knife beside me. As I pick up the knife she gets closer. I put the blade up to my neck and as I cut she kisses me, this was our first kiss and our last. A kiss from death. Like I said I’d do anything to see her once more and now I’m with her forever. Hey, I never knew much about Casanova, but I did know someone else much better................Romeo.