• Merged Team - Day 20

    *Leland is carving another tile on the tree.*

    Leland: 20 days down...7 to go! ^^

    *Clip of the Sun.*

    *Clip of hermit crabs crawling along the beach.*

    *Snow and Willow are in the water.*

    Willow: God, in one more week we'll be done.

    Snow: Ikr? ;D

    Willow: (camera) Knowing i'm in the final 6 is a REALLY good thing. AND i'm guranteed to be in the final 4 is amazing.

    *Snow is putting her hair in the water.*

    *Kiah and Ririsu are at the fire pit. Alex and Leland are in the shelter.*

    *Alex and Leland are talking.*

    Alex: Isn't it the best feeling knowing that we're on top of the game?

    Leland: ohh yea 8D

    Alex: So anyone who should go next...? Ririsu or Kiah?

    Ririsu: >____>

    Ririsu: (camera) Hello?? Me and Kiah DO have ears -____-;

    Kiah: (to Ririsu) I LOVE how they're acting like we can't hear anything.

    Ririsu: (quietly) Right? >-<

    Kiah: (camera) I feel so uncomfortable right now in the weirdest way...UGH! I hope a miracle happens. Snow NEEDS to switch >w<

    Ririsu: I wanna so samething sooo bad! Dx

    Kiah: Nuuu it won't do anything but cause drama >w<;

    Ririsu: (camera) Lately, Willow, Alex and Leland have been getting on my nerves >__> I like Snow though....but if she doesnt switch then i gotta think twice about it D;



    *Camera zooms into an obstacle in an open space.*

    Statik: Come on in, everyone! 8D

    *Willow, Kiah, Ririsu, Snow, Leland and Alex walks in and step on the mat.*

    Statik: Welcome! You guys ready for zee challengeee? 8D

    Statik: Okiie, i'll take back immunity from Kiah! 8D

    *Kiah takes off the necklace.*

    Kiah: Do I have too? ;___;

    *Statik snatches it from her.*

    Kiah: o:<

    Statik: Okiee immunity is back up for grabs! For today's challenge, you each will have chur own station! On my go, you will all run out to the trees
    and collect stuff that make fire. Then you will got to one bucket, and make a fire. Then once u have a fire, you will grab another bucket, go out to the shore
    and collect water. Then you will put it in the other bucket, filling it with water, which will raise the other bucket with fire, to light a torch.
    First person to successfully do that, wins immunity, guranteed a 1/5 shot at winning this thing! Losers, tribal council someone will be going home! D:

    Everyone: O.o

    Statik: Everyone take ur spots! Wait for me goo! (>^.^)>

    *Clip of the buckets.*

    *Clip of the water.*

    *Clip of the immunity necklace.*

    Statik: Okayy here we go...survivors ready....GOOO!!!

    *All 6 of them run out near the trees.*

    *Clip of Alex picking up sticks, twigs and grass.*

    *Clip of Leland carrying almost alot of things in his arms.*

    *Snow is picking up the right twigs.*

    *Kiah picks up some twigs and grass and runs back.*

    *Leland follows right behind.*

    *Willow picks up some leaves and nice twigs for the fire to stay alive.*

    *Alex then runs to his station.*

    *Snow follows.*

    Statik: Kiah, Alex, Leland and Snow at their stationnss!

    *Ririsu picks up the last bit of grass and runs to her station.*

    *Willow picks up one last stick and runs to her station.*

    Statik: Everyone is working hard!

    *Alex is trying to place them right.*

    *Leland is trying to light the fire with the flint.*

    *Snow is trying to light the fire with the flint.*

    *Ririsu is putting everything in place.*

    *Willow is trying to start a fire.*

    *Alex gets up and runs back to get more things.*

    *Kiah and Snow run up and run back.*

    *Clip of Leland with the flint.*

    Willow: Staartt! >___<

    *Ririsu is putting everything in place.*

    *Alex and Snow come back with more things.*

    *Leland gets up and runs back toward the trees.*

    Statik: so far no one made fire yet .____.

    *Kiah comes back as Leland picks up more grass.*

    *She runs back and Ririsu and Willow run back toward the trees.*

    *Clip of Alex trying to start the fire.*

    *Clip of Snow trying to start the fire.*

    *Willow and Ririsu run back to their stations.*

    *Clip of Kiah trying to get a spark. She does.*

    Statik: Kiah has a spark!

    *Alex then gets a flame.*

    Statik: ALEX! Gets a flame! 8D

    *Snow then gets a fire going.*

    *Leland runs back to his station.*

    *Alex and Snow grab their buckets and start heading to the water.*

    *Kiah grabs her bucket and goes to the water.*

    Statik: Alex, Snow and Kiah all going out for waterr! Oh, and i forgot to tell you, there's a hole at the bottom of your water bucket. So be carefuul! 8D

    Leland: -_-

    Ririsu: -3-

    *Alex and Kiah run to their buckets and dump water in.*

    *Snow is right behind.*

    *Willow runs back to the trees to get more grass.*

    *Clip of Leland trying to start the fire.*

    *Clip of Ririsu putting the sticks together.*

    *Clip of Kiah, Alex and Snow running to the water and filling their buckets.*

    *Willow comes back to her station.*

    *Leland then starts getting a few sparks.*

    Leland: come ooonn! >-<

    *Clip of Kiah dumping her water in the bucket.*

    *Willow then starts a fire.*

    Statik: Willow has her fire!!

    *Willow grabs her bucket and runs to the shore*

    Leland: I hate this challenge -.-

    Ririsu: Me too D:

    *Alex and Snow pour more water in the bucket.*

    *Willow fills her bucket with water and runs back.*

    *Clip of Alex running back to shore.*

    Ririsu: I suck at this =/

    Leland: Dx

    *Clip of Kiah and Snow dumping water in their buckets.*

    *Clip of Willow running back to her water bucket.*

    *Clip of Alex.*

    *Clip of Kiah.*

    *Clip of Ririsu trying to get a spark.*

    *Clip of Leland.*

    *Clip of Willow, Snow, Kiah and Alex dumping water in their buckets.*

    Kiah: Im getting tireedd >w<

    Snow: Sameee

    *Leland and Ririsu then get fire.*

    Statik: Leland and Ririsu have firee!

    Leland: Bout damn time! Dx

    *Ririsu and Leland grab their buckets and run to the shore.*

    *Clip of Alex dumping water in his bucket.*

    *Clip of Willow dumping water in her bucket.*

    *Clip of Kiah and Snow dumping their water at the same time.*

    *Snow's bucket starts going down.*

    Statik: Snow has alot of waterr!

    Snow: D:!!

    *Ririsu and Alex dump water in their buckets.*

    *Alex's bucket starts moving.*

    Statik: Alex's bucket starts moving!!

    Alex: >=D

    *Clip of Leland, Kiah and Snow dumping water in their buckets.*

    *Kiah's bucket starts to go down too.*

    Statik: Kiah's bucket moving!

    Kiah: >w<

    *Clip of Ririsu, Willow and Alex dumping water in their buckets.*

    *Clip of Alex's bucket moving.*

    *Snow and Leland dump water in their buckets.*

    *Snow's bucket then reaches the top and lights the torch.*

    Statik: SNOW!!! WINS IMMUNITY!!!


    Kiah: Ugh...

    Ririsu: :/

    Alex: Good job, Snow!

    *Snow walks over to Statik and Statik puts the necklace around Snow's neck.*

    Leland: nice job Snow

    Willow: =D

    Snow: Thankyouuuu! I feel like i just won the beauty pagent! ;D

    Alex: XDD

    Statik: Snow! Is safe from tribal. As for the rest of you, this LONG journey is about to come to an end. Tribal council where ONE of you will be voted off D: Head on back! >->;

    *Clip of Kiah.*

    *Clip of Alex.*

    *Clip of Snow smiling and jumping up and down.*

    END OF PART 2 OF 3!!!