• Silence befell the room hours after Storm and Mimie left the hospital. Raine, however, remained inclined in a chair across the room from Leo’s bed asleep with an intravenous that the nurse had provided him. Leo slept soundly, barely affected by the slow process of being weaned off the ventilator and now breathing from an apparatus. Shadows crept along the wall in a motion that would make one’s skin crawl. It looked at though a thousand of tiny mosquitoes had landed on the skin of the wall. The door to the room opened and Leo’s eyes opened slightly when he picked up the clicking of the door. His vision was still blurry, instinctively he closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep. Men clad in black entered the room on their toes against the shadows. Five of them came into the room and they all approached Raine as if he were the only one in the room.
    “Grab him.” the tallest one of the bunch hissed at the others.
    Two of the men grabbed Raine who jerked forward and began to panic.
    What’s happening, Raine thought as his body hit the floor with a dangerous thud. He could feel his heart stop on impulse and his breathing become oddly difficult.
    “Keep him alive, it’s the only way our transactions will work..”
    Leo’s eyes opened and he stared straight ahead. His heart began to race when he saw the shadows moving and heard the sound of struggling breaths being taken. His own breathing began to collapse and his chest grew warm and his wounds reopened. Iron spread through the air, his rough smell of blood alerted the intruders who immediately grabbed Raine and disappeared at the moment the nurses rushed in. The lights in the room came on and Leo looked into the caring eyes of the red haired nurse who was about to intubate him.
    “Relax.” she mouthed the words as he faded in and out of consciousness.
    He watched as a brunette brought in a thick roll of clean cotton bandages accompanied with a basin. Another nurse came in with a syringe full of a coagulant serum.
    Warm fluid ran down his chest making him freak out even more. As the lubed tube slipped down into his trachea, he felt something pinch at his brain. A vision of Raine’s body ran through him like a fresh jolt of electricity into his heart. He stared at the weakened twin wondering exactly what had just happened. Leo caught himself within the moment and looked at the new bag of fresh blood hanging up along with the other few medicines that were entering his body. He closed his eyes realizing that there was nothing he could do at the moment but pray that this moment were just a dream.

    Raine rested against the cold damp floor of the truck that had been moving the moment his body hit the hard, cramped space. He stared about into the darkness, tasting the dirty rag that he had been gagged with and struggling to move but it was useless. His kidnappers hadn’t even bothered to tie him up. Instead a needle of some sort of toxin had pricked him moments after they grabbed him from the hospital chair. Now he understood what they had done. Paralysis, to the point where he couldn’t even summon his powers. Damn, he thought when the truck hit a speed bump. His body jerked and landed with a thud back on the floor when the speed bump had been passed. His heart began to slow, every breath he took seemed to grow heavier by the minuet. His hands tingled. A jet a blue bolt shot from his finger tips and evaporated into thin air. Raine stared in shock as he tried to do it again but it was no use, he couldn’t do it. Warmth spread through his lower regions. His body shook tensely. Where am I, his mind began to drag him away from the situation. His lungs soon became a burden. After a moment he drifted and another jet blue bolt shot from his finger tips, evaporating into thin air. Rescue me, the bolt had engraved in it’s spine as it disintegrated into the darkness, off to find Storm.

    The sun shined warmly through the curtains of Storm’s room as he slept. He rolled over in bed, avoiding the sun’s contact and embracing the shadows that still covered the room partially. A jet blue lightning bolt drifted into the room and struck the pillow that lay beneath Storm’s head. Storm jumped up in response to the ravaging heat and slammed his body against the wall in panic. He stared at the harmless blue flame spreading around his pillow and radiating different letters with each flame. Storm moved back onto the bed, reaching out to touch the flame. Raine, he thought realizing the oddity of the flame itself and how it flickered. When his hand swept over the flame, it flashed from blue to white and gold. He snatched his hand back as the words “rescue me” was formed by the flames as they when up into thin air. The flames of white and gold soon faded into nothingness and the only light in the room illuminated off of the sun.
    Storm got out of bed and rushed out of the room, not even realizing that he was only wearing socks and boxers. “Mimie!” he called out as he ran downstairs cautiously, avoiding the danger of falling so early in the day. He looked toward kitchen which surprisingly was empty. His heart raced, what if the flames were from Mimie, he turned and went toward the living room. Mimie lay spread out on the couch asleep with an empty coffee cup sitting by the remote on the floor. As he approached her, she rolled over. Her eyes were red with tears and her hair was matted against her face.
    “Storm,” Mimie cried as she sat up, “something bad has happened…it’s Raine.”
    “I know, he sent me a distress signal with one of his lightning bolts…”
    “Storm, we need to leave now!!”
    Storm looked at his sister and nodded. They did need to leave but first, they needed to straighten up. At the moment, anyone could walk in there and take them both down. Storm took a deep breath and thought about Leo. Leo couldn’t have prevented anything from happening even if he were awake. Either way, Leo could’ve also been harmed by whoever had hurt Raine. He looked at Mimie, “Get dressed, I’ll drive.”

    Leo’s room was quiet when he opened his eyes again. He stared up at the ceiling, breathing lightly from the mask on his face. Did it really happen, he thought to himself looking over at the chair out of the corner of his eye. It was empty. There wasn’t any sign that Raine had occupied it over night or if he had ever came back. He couldn’t come back anger heated Leo’s chest which allowed him to push himself up. A wave of weakness hit him out of nowhere, looking up at the bag of blood still hanging along side of antibiotics and other healing agents, he saw that he was still low on blood.
    “Morning dear,” a nurse spoke as she walked in with a tray of breakfast,” you shouldn’t be sitting up by yourself.” she set the tray of food down on the tray table and hit a little red button on the side of the bed. The bed moved into a perfect ninety degree position and Leo sat back against it. The nurse’s tiny hands pressed against Leo’s forehead, measuring his temperature with the precision of a mother. “The antibiotics must’ve stopped working, you’re awfully feverish.”
    “Is that why my head is spinning?” Leo asked looking at the brunette curls bouncing off the nurse’s head.
    She nodded and moved the tray off food up to his lap. “Yes, I will have to give you something stronger, it could also be your blood pressure which is low.” she said taking the top off of the tray.
    In front of him , a glass of orange juice, a bowl of fruit, and French toast awaited for him touch. Reaching for the French toast, he pushed it away despite how good it looked, though he knew that he wouldn’t be able to stomach something so sweet in his bitter condition. “I can’t eat the toast.”
    The nurse looked at him and nodded. “I can send for some more fruit if you’d like but promise me that you will drink all of your orange juice.”
    He nodded and reached to scratch at the IV resting at the crease of his arm.
    “Hey, take a deep breath for me?”
    He looked at her and noticed that she had managed to slip the cold metal of the stethoscope onto his heated skin. He took the deepest breath and stopped when the room started to grow dark. “I can’t take it in too deeply.” he looked at the nurse, his stormy blue eyes flickering in the sunlight.
    She nodded and smiled. Her hands gently propped the oxygen mask off of his face and brushed back the strands of hair falling in his face. “Your lungs are still a bit cloudy but other than that you’re doing better…”
    “Do you know that happened to my friend…” Leo asked looking up at the nurse.
    “He wasn’t in here last night when we came to your aide. Maybe he left.”
    On that note the nurse left with the plate of French toast and Leo relaxed against the pillow behind him. His stomach growled for food but he felt too sick to eat. The door to his room clicked again and in came Storm and Mimie. They both looked shaken up, especially Mimie who looked as though she had seen a ghost.
    “Leo how are you feeling?” Storm asked as he closed the door behind them.
    “Not all that good…something happened to Raine last night….” Leo spoke quietly leaning back, wishing that someone would turn the AC up, or if one of the nurse’s would come in and remove the bandages from his heating body.
    Storm approached Leo with ease, noticing the many beads of sweat trickling down his face. “Do you know exactly what happened Leo?” Storm asked.
    “I woke up to Raine being dragged from his chair. He was panicking and I soon panicked which sent me into shock. My wounds reopened…’’
    “Why didn’t we bring him home last night!” Mimie cried as she sat down in the chair that once held her brother.
    Leo looked at Mimie, a few tears escaped his eyes as he leaned back. “Storm, please go get a nurse.” he pleaded but before Storm could move, the brunette nurse entered the room with a large basin full of ice pads and a fresh bag of antibiotics.
    “Good morning everyone.” she spoke to Storm and Mimie who nodded their heads. She casually wiped the sweat from Leo’s brow. She could practically feel the heat from his body burn her slightly.
    Storm looked at Mimie. “Sis, please calm down. We will figure this out but for now, we need to focus on Leo. Leo may know something we know because so far Raine’s own distress signal wasn’t much to come by.

    Raine opened his eyes and stared into the darkness that surrounded him. His strength was gone and his mind was blank and bloodied by the various drugs that had been forced into his system. Tubes and cords were wrapped around his body with nearly hundreds of fluids circulating in and out of him. He stared at his hands which where now tied tightly together with bandaging tape. The only thing keeping me alive right now is my will to live, Raine thought as his eyes closed up again. There his body floated inside an incubator that was slowly killing off his organs one by one, forcing his body into a prolonged state of sleep to regenerate any dying tissue.
    The lights cut on, revealing the many tools of torture and mechanisms for the impossible. No matter how dirty the entire place looked, it was cleaner than any clean room that someone would find at a hospital. A tall, blonde Lycan demon stepped into the light and circled around the incubator that held his prize: Raine. His lips curled into a smile as he ran his crudely manicured fingernails against the glass. He wondered how long it would take to harvest the power of one fate twin, especially if his elemental prowess was incapacitated. A laugh escaped his lips but soon disappeared amongst the room. I will have you soon…I will… .

    Mimie and Storm stood looking out of the window of Leo’s hospital room. Leo was no longer in an condition to be bothered or talked to since his body was burning off heat like a wood stove. His fever left him unconscious and Mimie and Storm confused about the entire situation. They needed help because so far, everything was going to hell. Mimie leaned against the glass and turned to look at Storm who continued looking out of the window.
    “We have to do something.” Mimie whispered not taking her eyes off of her brother.
    Storm nodded and kept his stare at the horizon. “We need to confront the elders. They are bound to know what has happened or at least be able to send out a search team to help Raine.”
    “Are you sure they will even think of doing something so time consuming?” Mimie asked resting her head against the window pane.
    Storm sucked in a deep breath. He knew that just going to elders wouldn’t be enough but at the moment they were looking pretty good to him. “I know, but it’s a card we haven’t played since this whole mess has started. If they have knowledge that Raine is missing, they will immediately have no choice but to help. They’d place us under protection, knowing that if they have Raine then they will need me to complete the puzzle.”
    Mimie smacked her hand against the glass. “What makes you think they haven’t already killed him?” she spat at him in anger.
    Storm backed off from his sister, knowing that the strength she displayed at the moment was nothing compared to what she was holding back. If she ever let go of her control, she could very much have take out every window in the building with one smack of her hand. “Mimie, calm down. I know he’s alive because his life force is very much still attached to mine. He’s been drugged, severely. I don’t even know if his body will be able to sustain itself with all of those drugs in his body.” Storm held his head and looked at Mimie who looked back at him.
    She stared into his green eyes and wondered exactly how much of Raine’s pain Storm could feel. The thought drove her insane but she calmed herself from freaking out into another horrendous fit of anger. “So what are we going to do now?”
    Storm looked pass Mimie and at Leo. “You stay here with Leo. I wouldn’t feel right leaving him alone by himself. I will go to the mountains and confront the elders about this situation.”
    “No, you’re not going out there alone, I’m the oldest!”
    “And I’m not going to risk Leo’s life anymore than we already have. Mimie, please stay here, if I am kidnapped, you can chew my butt out when you find me. Other than that, I’m leaving.” Storm took one last look at Mimie and peeled away from the window pane.
    Mimie stared at her brother as he made his way toward the door. She wanted to knock him flat on the floor but she knew that he was right. Leo had a better chance of an undisturbed recovery if Storm wasn’t with him. She took a deep breath and strolled over the chair beside Leo. What am I going to do if something happens to him? She leaned back and looked up at the ceiling, pondering the impossible possible and trying not to face the horror of reality.

    That voice… Raine opened his eyes to the warm sunlight of a place that could’ve been. The sun kissed his skin as the smell of the earth and grass blanketed him. His strength was completely gone and his mind felt as though the toxins were torching everyone of his senses to oblivion. He could feel his breathing falling below normal at a slow and cruel pace that made him wonder when he would literally approach death’s arms. The tension was starving him but slowly sending pains up and down his entire being.
    “Raine…you’re dying…”
    “Tell me something I don’t know.” Raine whispered in a cough. Even though he couldn’t move his body he could feel some part of him twitching, literally on fire with the screaming of his nerves for mercy.
    “You’re only dying because of the many toxins being pumped into your blood stream. In less than seventy hours you will experience pain worse that anyone can imagine. You will bleed profusely and your insides will liquefy . Though you can be saved…“the voice seemed to purr.
    “My powers…”
    “Your powers…your body could only send out a few distress signals. You can save yourself. You have the power…”
    “I don’t have the strength…whatever those monsters have given me, its eating away at my body, my mind, and possibly even my soul. I can’t move and soon I wont be able to breathe…and the toxins…my body cant fight them off…”
    “Just keep breathing. I will help you.”
    “How can you help me? You’re just a voice.” Raine felt his heart slow dramatically causing the sunlight to dim like it would as if it drifted behind a cloud. Then he realized where he was. His realm.
    “Because I am you. I behold a strength that you possess the key to unlock when you’re in critical danger. You need to release the seal… it will save us…”
    “How do I unlock it…what will happen me?”
    “You will either release a power like no other if someone attacks you, wiping out the population within a ten mile radius, or you will be able to consume the last of your strength to teleport to the safest place imaginable. At that point, you will not be able to heal yourself. I will not be able to heal and therefore someone or even something will have to be able to find you and nurse you back to your healthiest state. We are fragile right now, both you and I. I am your will power. The thing keeping you alive right now despite the slow effect of every organ in your body shutting down.
    Raine stared blankly into space. He wanted to live, he wanted to breathe, he wanted to see his siblings again and to conquer what was killing him. “Release me..” he whispered as he watched a strand of his hair turn white.
    “Bagaku Anuramei, Senko Seal Release!!!”
    Everything went dark, everything went up into white, blue, and gold flames. It brought back the moment he blacked out in the forest and release so much energy when his body over heated. What now, he gasped as he felt the tug of his life force jerk and throb with the worse of pains imaginable. After a moment, will power had completely taken over.

    The sun was on it’s last twinkle when Storm rounded his way pass the entrance of the mountains. His entire body felt as though it could melt at any second, he was literally experiencing everything that was going on with Raine. His foot rested heavily on the gas peddle as he rode along on the zigzagging pathway. There has to be a way to track him, he thought remembering the many tracking methods that his mother had used to find them on days where they would get lost in the woods. He sighed at the faded memories and stared at the darkening road ahead. He knew he would be entering demon territory and right now, despite his strength, he wasn’t very much fit for any sort of battle. The car slowed gradually before Storm realized he had eased his foot off the gas peddle. Pressing down gently, the car sped up, picking up the pace he once had. After a moment, he slammed on breaks.
    An iron gate awoke him from his trance as his body jerked forward in response to the hard hit on the break. His seatbelt tightened around him and he sat back calmly staring at the heavily guarded gate. Turning off the car, he unbuckled himself and got out. Iron gates, something isn’t right. Storm’s feet his the ground and so did the feet of other demons who stood heavily armed at the gate. He looked at them, taking in their faces as the sun faded behind the horizon and fanned darkness into the early night sky.

    “Halt, state your name and class.” the demon with the blue, spiked hair barked as Storm approached them.
    “Storm, demon fate twin…”
    “You’re one of the fate twins?”
    Storm nodded as the guards stared back at him in awe. He didn’t realize how important his class was.
    “Where is your brother?”
    “That’s the thing,” Storm began, leaning against the front of the car, “my brother was kidnapped last night and I need to consult with the elders about finding him. Our life forces are connected and I have a feeling that whoever kidnapped him is….” Storm stopped short of his words as pain spread over his heart. He dragged in a deep breath, trying desperately to escape the pain.
    “Is what?” One of the guards called out to Storm.
    Storm looked at them. He couldn’t speak there was too much pain to even talk. Raine, what is happening to you, he thought feeling his strength rapidly decrease. The little amount of light that surrounded them faded from Storm’s vision.
    The blue, spike haired guard sprang forward and caught Storm before his body could touch the ground. He stared at Storm with curiosity as the words “life force” trailed through his thoughts. He looked at his subordinates who were attentive. “We need take him to the elders. His twin has been kidnapped. The fate twin’s life forces could both be in danger.”
    “Yes sir!”
    Blue-hair nodded and placed Storm on his back. They set off into the safety of the gates without much knowledge of what would happen next but they knew that the fate twins meant extreme business and one missing could mean the fall of two worlds and war.

    Raine awoke to the strong smells of chemicals and pain surging in and out of his body like a strong pulse. His adjusted to the light allowing him to see what was going on. Unfamiliar people stood outside of the incubator, staring and laughing as though the situation he were in was an entire joke. Raine watched, wondering if they laughed because he were weak, or if it was because he was dying. Pain struck him again and he winced. He still was unable to move his body. His breathing was gradually slowing in a cruel and agonizing way, making him wish that death would come faster. With every breath he took, it felt as though the world were passing him by. His eyes rested on the largest of the group which was a man clad in black with abnormal body hair. Him, Raine thought as an image of the werewolf like body popped back into his mind. His stomach churned, he wanted to puke. After a moment, pain shot through his spine and his body began to seize up. Immediately, he lost consciousness as thick foam filled his throat. The laughter of the small group grew as they watched Raine’s body suffer a seizure for the next fifteen minuets. As it did, parts of his brain began to deteriorate under the stress of the drugs and reactions. Raine didn’t have long before his brain would shut down, so would his heart.

    He stared into the clouds at the sunshine that slowly faded into a dark and gloomy setting. His heart slowly calming until it’s beat was undetectable.
    “Live Raine, I am your will.”
    Raine stared blankly into space. He was unresponsive. He couldn’t move, think or speak. His pupils were dilated. He didn’t have long before it was finally over.
    “I am your will power, your power of will which commands you to live for the sake of your undying life. Breathe of the air that is you and come back to me, Raine…”

    Storm woke up with his head pounding harder than it would if he had a hangover. He sat up, seeing that he was surrounded by cloaked individuals who stared at him curiously. He didn’t remember much of what had happened outside but he could only assume that he didn’t fight because his clothing was still in tact. Pushing himself up from where he lay, he turned to face the tallest of the individuals who looked down on him as though he were a god.
    “Sir,” Storm spoke as he bowed in respect to the elder before him and the rest who stood around him, “I’ve come to ask for your help…”
    “Save your breath and stand up from your knees.” the tall one barked.
    He shuffled back up into an upright position and made eye contact with what seemed to be the elder’s eyes.
    “I, Thaddeus call this meeting to order. Storm,” he spoke as he removed his clock, revealing a man of long graying brown hair and a face as young as a human in their late twenties, “I know what had happened. Satchel has told me of your situation and I acknowledge it well. You and your brother are the twins of fate. If anything were to happen to you, there would be a war of hells between the three worlds that we seem to tread on. Your life force is tied to your brothers, vise versa, and I assume you passed out over something he felt.” Thaddeus spoke, as the rest of the elders removed their cloaks.
    “Yes,” Storm nodded when he felt his chest grow heavy, “Something terrible is happening. My body feels as though it’s been drugged severely enough to send me into shock…”
    “Yes indeed. That could only mean that Raine must have been drugged severely. We have agreed to help you, but you must help us. With your life forces practically tied together, we will be able to track Raine’s condition and possibly pinpoint his location. After we are able to find him, he will be immediately transferred to a special hospital up north for treatment.”
    “Why so?” Storm asked.
    “Because we do not know what Raine’s kidnappers have drugged him with. For all we know, his bodily functions could be shutting down one by one.” Thaddeus took out a scroll and handed it to the girl standing next to him who looked no younger than a fourteen year old human. “Don’t let her looks fool you, she’s older than you think. Go with Violet. She is in charge of most search and rescue missions and will be able to coordinate locations that your brother may have been taken. Go now and get started. Time waits for no one especially your twin.”
    Storm nodded to Thaddeus and before he could say his thanks, Violet grabbed him by his risk and dragged him away from the circle of elders. He stared at her, noticing exactly why her name was Violet. Her hair was an unusual purple color which radiated her periwinkle eyes and small, rosy red cheeks. Storm didn’t make any inferences he didn’t need because right about now he only knew that she was capable or organizing an entire mission of search and rescue. All he had to do was play along and do his part.
    Violet stopped short of the rush and turned and faced Storm. “Relax, I’m going to probe your mind and see if I can get a trace on your brother.”
    Storm nodded as Violet’s hands went up against the temples of his head. He felt her cool palms gently rocking against his head. His breathing slowed and he could soon see a tall grey slate colored building with an iron gate wrapping around it. “I can see it…”
    “See what?” Violet asked staring at Storm.
    “The building where he is being held captive. I can’t see an address…”
    “It’s in the Alkaline Mountains, west of here and maybe an hours worth of trouble just to get there.” Violet removed her hands from Storm’s head and looked at her. “Time is of the essence. We need to assemble a team in thirty minuets or less and leave the fortress immediately. You are to stay with me at all times until we are able to locate your brother. Do you have any other information that may help us to find him?”
    “His body sent me a distress signal many hours ago. I don’t exactly know if that will help or not.”
    “It does, now lets move out. We don’t have much time.”

    Leo awoke to a dark, dim lit room. He stared around, wondering how long he had been out but knew it was longer than expected. He turned his head to face Mimie who was asleep in the chair next to his bed, still holding onto his hand so though they would separate at any moment. He stared at her, wondering where Storm was and what was going on. His hand found the nurse button on the railing and pressed it. Nothing feels right he thought, wishing that someone would give him a sign.
    He looked away at the nurse who stood in the doorway. He stared at her as she walked into the room and over to his bedside.
    “Well, let me just removed that pesky breathing tube and we can get you sitting up in an upright position. How does that sound?” she asked, her dark brown curls tickling her ears.
    Leo nodded, wishing that he could smile but realized that he still had the breathing tube down his throat.
    The nurse propped his neck up gently and began to glove her small and delicate hands. Leo relaxed and waited, feeling the painful rumbling of his stomach and wishing he could devour a steak.
    “Alright, I need you to relax. Just cough when its out.”
    Leo looked at the nurse as he hands gripped the protruding tube from his mouth. In and instant it came out and he coughed into his hand. The nurse bent down and pressed her stethoscope against his chest.
    “You sound incredible, I’m happy to say that you will no longer need to be introduced to oxygen, your lungs are doing better.”
    “When will I be able to leave?” Leo spoke, his throat sore from having the tube so far down in his throat.
    “In two days the most, you’re still recovering from extensive injuries but you will require rehabilitation of some sort. “
    “When can I eat?”
    The nurse looked at him and smiled. “I will have an orderly bring you something to fill you. Any particular food that you would like to eat.”
    “Anything that goes good with a well done steak and a nice tall glass of apple juice.”
    She nodded left the room.
    Leo looked ahead of him and thought about Raine. He could feel the tug of Raine’s presence still hovering around the room and yet there was a sudden sadness spreading through the air. Something isn’t right…

    Raine was no longer inside of the incubator. He lay in terror looking up at the ceiling as he silently screamed to himself. Blood littered the walls ands the laughs and noise of tools crowed the room. A tall blonde female stood over Raine running a bone saw down the middle of his chest. Two male demons stood opposite slicing into the flesh of his abdomen, arms, and legs. Raine could no longer hear. His heart was on the verge of loosing it’s pulse. Air, Raine thought dragging in another ragged breath. Another large dose of drugs ravaged through his veins. His organs were frying from fever…in less than a few hours, he wouldn’t make it.

    “Get a medic in here, we’re going to need one for the trip!” Violet called out as she boarded one of the copters with Storm and a few other combatant specialists. She stared at Storm who was too weak to even move. A medic soon boarded, looking at Violet for her next orders.
    “Captain?” she called out, setting down her overly-large medical pack.
    Violet looked at Storm and then at the medic. “Manage his vitals, every single vital. I want status updates on his condition at every twenty minuet interval.”
    “Yes sir.”
    Violet nodded and looked at the pilot who waited for her signal. “We’re ready. We’ve got six hours at the most to find Raine. If anyone lags behind they will be put on combatant duty during this mission. Alright, take us into the Alkaline Mountains.”

    Almost an hour later the rescue team had arrived in the Alkaline mountains. Violet watched as the copters landed gracefully on the ground. Combatants, medics, and search demons assembled in groups and began to hand out maps and artillery.
    “Spread out and search for the fate twin. Be on your toes, everyone. Move out!”
    Within seconds, everyone scattered. Violet turned around to face Moagi, the medic watching over Storm. “How are his vitals?”
    Moagi looked up from Storm who was asleep in his chair, still strapped in and being monitored on a portable EKG. “He’s growing cold, his brain activity has dropped enormously, his breathing is fine, he has developed brady-cardia, and that’s it.”
    “Life force?”
    “Weak, his twin’s life force is fairly weaker than Storm’s but if we don’t get to his brother soon they may not make it.”
    “Alright, I’m going out on my own. Radio me if something happens.”
    “Yes ma’am!”

    The woods were succumbing to the darkness of night, making it hard for some of the demon combatants to see. Everyone was teaming up in groups of ten with nocturnal entities, making the search easier and cleaner. Though, so far no one had come across the building except for Violet and her group who were trying to get everyone near it incase of sudden ambush. She waited around with her small group, mainly composed of six medics and four combatants including herself. They were all armed heavily with guns, bombs, and bullets in order to insure a victory like no other.
    “Violet,” Logan, the expert medic spoke softly as they rounded the corner of the building, “we need to infiltrate as soon as possible. There is no telling what will happen to the twins of fate if one of them dies right here right now. “
    Violet stared at Logan with the aid of her lantern. “You’re right, radio team alpha and beta and see if they are at the gate. Then we can take the building.”
    “They’re already there.”
    “Alright, let’s move in.”
    Violet snatched a grenade from her belt and threw it inside of the fort like wall. The sound of fuses ran through the air and hissed frantically. “Hit the deck!!” Violet yelled as everyone dropped to the ground. The wall cam down in an instant, revealing how poorly built it was from the inside. Violet and her troop began to storm in after the dust cleared, not far from them the alpha and beta teams were on their way inside as well. Some combatants stayed behind to fight off the guards surrounding the building. Violet chucked one guard in the kidneys just before running inside of the building.
    “Yes Ma’am?”
    “Summon a blood deshu.”
    Ramus, the red-haired combatant, began rolling up his sleeves revealing the many pentagrams trailing up his muscle bound arms. He clasped his hands together and began to chant a summoning spell.
    “Ekaku, Awaken!”
    A blue blood deshu with the appearance of a small grizzly bear showed up in the middle of the hallway. Ramus stared at his work and watched as it began to trace the hidden smell of blood. Violet looked ahead at the beast that was now crawling along the ceiling. She signaled everyone to move in. They were getting closer to Raine, but where exactly was he.

    “He’s dead. Let’s just leave his body for the carrion to take of.”
    “We lost his pulse minuets ago, you’d think his power would’ve left his body…”
    “As if…maybe he is just some decoy..”
    “Let’s go. Our barrier has been infiltrated.”

    Raine was still alive. Brady-cardia had saved his life but with his blood pressure dangerously low from the heavy blood loss, there were only hours left on his life. His eyes stared blankly up at the ceiling. They were dark and without the fire that once burned within them. A curtain of pain had spread through his entire mind. He was weak. He was helpless. He feared death itself even though its arm’s seemed comforting at the moment. Raine could no longer feel or think. He could no longer see or even breathe. His will power wasn’t enough to keep him going.

    Moagi watched as the monitors began to flat line. She stared at Storm who was still and still breathing. She leaned down toward his chest and listened to his breathing. His heart rate has slowed significantly, this isn’t good. Moagi moved Storm onto his side and took hold of his cold hand. He opened his eyes slightly, focusing on Moagi who was doing her best to monitor his vitals.
    “Storm, can you hear me?” she asked looking into his eyes?”
    He nodded and stared at her. He felt as though there were a great weight crushing down on his body.
    “Storm, please stay with me. I’m not sure if they’ve found your brother yet but they need to hurry.”
    Storm only stared at her sleepily and nodded. I’m too tired to even respond to anything she says, he though feeling his need to sleep growing stronger.

    Violet finally rounded the corners of the last corridor of the building with her team. They were tired and worn out from the constant amount of ambush attacks going around the building. Violet remained calm allowing her team to take charge of the mission. The blood deshu soon came to a sudden stop at the room up ahead. Everyone paused and looked at Violet who stared cautiously at the beast before her. This could be it, she thought wondering just how long it had taken them to plow the entire building. Her heart seemed to slow as the anxiety built up within her.
    “Medics, are you ready. This may be it. You have to be quick and on your toes because all we know is that Raine has been severely drugged. His vitals have fallen greatly and we need to move him out of hear as quickly as possible. Are you ready?” Violet asked looking over her shoulder at the medics who stood at full attention to her authority.
    “Ma’am we’re ready.”
    “Combatants, be on your toes as well. There is no telling whether we are being tailed with any enemy within this building and there isn’t way we know that there is anyone in there besides him. Are you ready Combatants?”
    “Yes Ma’am.”
    Violet nodded and pushed opened the door angrily. She stormed in with her weapons ready for immediate use. Her eyes caught the horror of Raine’s body lying on the tables with blood pouring off him like a waterfall. The medics moved in without hesitation and surrounded Raine without warning. Violet stared around the room, noticing that everything within five yards of Raine was covered in his blood while the rest of the room was clean. The IV ‘s that had been inserted into Raine’s blood vessels hit the floor with a soft thud. Allen, the youngest of the medics walked away from the small crowd and back over to Violet. His eyes were filled with both concern and terror with what he had seen so far.
    “What is it Allen?” Violet asked calmly as she stared pass him and at the crowd.
    “It will be a while before we can move the fate twin to a safe facility to medical treatment. His injuries are trivial and his blood loss is as well. From what we can tell, he suffered a seizure a couple of hours ago, rendering his brain activity low. We need to set up immediate blood transfusion though, could you contact Moagi and ask her to get the pilot to fly the other twin and herself over here so we can start the transfusion?” Allen asked.
    Violet took her eyes off the team and nodded at Allen. “How soon will we be able to leave?”
    “I’m not exactly sure, but once we stabilize him we can.”
    Nodding, Violet watched as Allen headed back to the group. It was going to be a while before they left, so now there was time to make calls to alert the elders of the situation.

    Storm propped himself up when his strength finally returned to him. He gasped and held himself, hoping that the air he was struggling to keep in hadn’t been knocked out of his chest. He looked around only to find Moagi cowering and staring at him as though she had seen a ghost.
    “Did I startle you?” Storm asked
    “No it’s just that you got up so suddenly. How are you feeling?”
    “Still weak,” Storm rubbed his aching chest, “ But stronger than ever. Have they found my brother yet?”
    Moagi nodded. “Yes, we’ve located your brother. You and I are headed over there right now to see whats going on. Don’t scratch at the IV in your arm. I’m taking blood from you to help your brother. I talked to Violet on the radio about a while ago and Raine is in need of a blood transfusion.”
    Storm nodded and relaxed against his seat. “When will they transport him?”
    “As soon as we can get the blood to him.”
    “Ok” Storm looked out of the window wondering what would happen after they got his brother to safety. He wondered what Mimie and Leo would say when they saw him. Everything at the moment seemed like a complete nightmare.
    “Hey, Storm are you alright?”
    He hadn’t even noticed Moagi staring at him. He looked at her and felt his strength leaving his body. He took one last breath and reached out to Moagi who reached for him. His heart stopped and his eyes closed. Death was upon him.
    “Storm!” Moagi screamed rushing toward the unconscious demon. She palmed his neck for a pulse but it was already too late to find one. She stopped the intravenous in his arm and laid him down on the seat. Reaching for the defibrillator, she ripped open his shirt and cleared him c-spine before moving him completely onto the floor.
    “Moagi, is everything okay?”
    Moagi looked up toward the pilot who was still facing forward. He’s down, are we anywhere near the building?”
    “Yes, we’re landing now!”
    Without responding to the pilots words, she shocked Storm. She palmed for a pulse again. Still, his heart was faint and without life. She shocked him again. Storm’s eyes flew open and he was coughing and struggling to breathe. Moagi reached for an oxygen mask and placed it over his face. “Storm are you with me?”
    He nodded and stared blankly into space. His entire complexion had faded into a deep pale color. Moagi began to put everything back in its place as the copter took its place on the ground. She looked out of the window at the building that had had it’s walls blown up by Violet’s many bomb assault tactics. Her eyes caught sight of the medics rushing Raine out of the building onto the medical unit’s chopper that would be headed over to a treatment facility up north. Allen rushed over from the small crowd toward the copter housing them. She looked up at him and readied herself for orders as he approached them.
    “Give me the blood, I have to take it over to Raine’s chopper before they leave but I’m coming along with you. How’s Storm holding up?”
    “He nearly died,” Moagi spoke swiftly as she reached for the two pints of blood sitting in a cooler for transport, “He’s breathing again but his strength is gone.”
    “Alright, I’ll stay with you two, just let me go drop this blood off and we can leave. We have to go back to the temple. Contact his sister if you can.”

    “Leo they’ve found Raine!”
    Leo looked up at Mimie who ran into the room with tears streaming down her face. He wanted to cry as well but his own strength wouldn’t permit him to do so. He smiled but it soon turned into a frown. “How is he?”
    “He’d being transported to a special treatment facility. His body is so polluted with drugs and steroids that they are worried he may not survive. He’s into multi-organ failure, and they had to take blood from Storm to make up from the serious blood loss he’s suffered. Unfortunately, the doctors at the place have to put him in a medically induced coma so its going to be a while.”
    Leo stared at Mimie and shook his head. He was angered by Raine’s near death encounter but he was more angered by the fact that Raine was facing death just from having too many drugs introduced into his system. “What else did they say?” he asked softly.
    “There’s evidence that he suffered a seizure,” Mimie sat down and laid her head against Leo’s arm, “his brain activity has dwindled greatly. They think the drugs have gotten into his nervous system. That’s why they induced a coma.”
    There was silence between them. Leo could feel Mimie’s heart fluttering wildly inside her chest. She was afraid, nervous, and scared. She grasped Leo’s hand, nearly squeezing the IV fluid out of his arm. He reached over and stroked her head. “Go talk to the nurse Mimie, I think I’m ready to be discharged.”
    Mimie looked a up at Leo as though he were crazy. “You’re not doing this Leo!” she sobbed.
    “Relax,” Leo looked away from her and at his reflection in the mirror across the room, “I’ve been incapacitated for over a week now and I’m ready to leave. Plus, we need to be where your brothers are. It doesn’t make sense to have both of them out there by themselves. Go talk to the nurse, tell her I’m ready to leave so that she may send a doctor to evaluate me.”
    “Leo are you sure about this?” Mimie looked at him. She looked at the strong smile upon his face.
    “Yes, I will be unable to fight for a few more days but I’m sure I will be fine.”
    “Why wont you be able to fight?”
    Leo looked at Mimie and met her fiery eyes with his soft flickering ones. “If my illness ever gets the best of me, my powers can be suppressed into energy needed to stay alive. I’m alive now, but it takes time for my powers to return.” Leo looked Mimie in the eyes and reached to stroke her cheek.
    “Alright, I will go talk to the nurse. What if they say no?”
    “They wont, trust me.”
    Mimie nodded and stood up. As she walked toward the door she began to wonder what would happen from that day forward. Raine wasn’t fit for anything and she and Storm had a lot to do.

    Storm awoke in the eyes of an elder who stood over him with their cloaked pulled over their head. He looked around, wondering how he had even made it back to the temple. Then he remembered Moagi slamming a defibrillator down onto his chest knocking the air back into his lungs.
    “What happened?” Storm asked as he forced his body up from the semi-soft mattress underneath him. His strength was returning gradually but overall he was glad that Moagi had done what she had done.
    “That, I do not know of. Moagi and her medical team dropped you off in here to rest. I was only left to watch over you. They wanted me to tell you to return to your sister and then make the journey to be with your brother. Apparently the majority of us elders have left to guard his room.”
    Storm looked at the elder, still confused and bummed out over the entire situation. “I don’t think I have the strength to drive sir…” Storm spoke.
    The elder only shook his head. “Just be careful. Go straight to your sister then go to your brother.”
    Storm sighed and stood up. He didn’t have the strength to even be driving but he knew he had to leave to meet up with his sister and to see how Leo was doing. Before he left he took one last look at the elder who stared at him. “Do you know exactly where my brother is?”
    “Far north, he’s been transferred to the Hospital of Aur. The elders there have everything on lock down. You and your sister will be permitted to enter the building. Please, be careful.”
    After that was said, Storm left. His body brushed up against the stone wall of the corridor as he walked down it gradually. He stared out of the darkened window looking for a sign that everything that was going to be alright.

    Leo stared at the doctor who handled him gently. He laughed in his head, knowing that the only bit of his powers that he had in play was his ability to manipulate feelings and emotions. He looked at Mimie who stood by watching, calculating what would happen next with Leo and the doctor.
    “Well, I can honestly say that you’re doing better than ever. It wouldn’t be right for me to keep you here any longer. “
    “Thankyou doctor.”
    “I will have the nurse bring you some clothes, hang tight and you will be out of here in no time.”
    Leo smiled at the doctor who shook his hand. A smile appeared on the doctor’s face