• The rain came down in a light drizzle. The street lights from above were dim, shining against the pitch black sky. The air had that damp smell well the dirt road under my feet crunched. A faint noise from the east came from the large city where the cars honked and people scrambled like ants. My breath came out in clouds; the chilly fall breeze touched my skin sending chills down my back. My jeans were ripped, my sweater soaked, my hair clinging to my face.
    On my mind were the boys hanging around the fire place nice and warm. Doing what they do; playing cards and listening to their music, volume all the way up. I was on my way to their usual hangout spot, the clubhouse of Mayland Estates. Walking there from my home, which was out of power and currently preoccupied by my dunk screaming parents.
    “Hey, Kenna, Is that you?” A voice from behind me called. I stopped and looked over my shoulder. Walking behind me was a friend of mine, Emily. She hung out with me all the time. She was one of the wealthier one of us. Her black hair was pushed behind her ears and she held up an umbrella stopping any of the rain from hitting her.
    “Yea it’s me.” I called back. She jogged towards me until she was close enough to see her face come out from m the shadows.
    “You going to the clubhouse?” she asked. Her coat was tight around her skinny body. Her light skin was coated with makeup which she wore everyday and fixed ever few hours. She was the prettiest in the group for sure. She had a part time modeling job, where she got her snooty, over protective, cocky personality. I wouldn’t call her my best friend, but she was a friend. I usually would never hang out with someone like her, but she was currently dating my best friend, Jeffery. So I put up with her.
    I nodded and walked forward again. She quickly started after me again.
    “Oh, well that’s where I’m going too, to hang out with Jeffery. Should we walk together?” She asked, her eyes staring me down. I shrugged my shoulders. I didn’t really care. “Oh well, how’s it going?”
    “Fine” I sighed. Shut up.
    “That’s good. I heard that your parents are−" she kept talking. I drowned out her voice and kept walking forward. My sweater was now having rain seep into my shirt and I was getting colder.
    Ten minutes later we arrived at the club house. The ambers from the fire cracked as I walked in. the boys and a few of the girls that I hang out with were sitting around a table with cards in their hands. They were extremely focused on the cards. Nick was the card dealer. He was smiling at the serious faces. Silence engulfed the room and I was stuck standing in the corner after hanging up my sweater watching. Then the silence was broken when J.O placed her cards on the table and sighed “I fold”. Then one by one, the seven others decided whether to fold or stay in and gamble more.
    “Well lads. Show your cards.” Nick said and only three sets of cards were placed on the table, the four others watched to see who would win the twenty dollar pot. I walked closer to the table to see the cards then, Emily pushed past me and swung her arms around Jeff’s neck and kissed his cheek slowly. He just read the other cards determining who won.
    “Ok, Jeff gets the pot.” Nick said at last. Jessica stood up and raised her hands in the air.
    “I’m out.” She smiled. I took her seat and gave Nick thirty bucks and he pushed over a couple chips.
    “And I’m in.” I smirked at Jeff.
    “Oh boy, here’s the champ. She came to take my winning streak.” Jeff laughed and Smiled at me. Hit black long hair fell in front of his light blue eyes. Jeff was by far my best friend. He and I have been friends since 8th grade, three years ago. He’s not Normal, well none of us are but he is definitely one of a kind. He can be mean and he can be the nicest person on earth. He’s like my big brother. He naturally has blonde hair, but he dyes it black. It goes better with “scary” Jeff. He loves weapons and death. But, that’s just him.
    Nick was like Jeff’s twin but shorter. Jeff is a giant, and Nick is regular size.